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With the series finally finishing, I finally started watching Castlevania a week or two ago and have finished it this evening. As someone who grew up playing the NES/GameBoy games, I found the whole series to be fantastic. The characters, callbacks to the games, weapons used and settings visited were all perfect. I think the series managed to balance the action set pieces, which are absolutely spectacular, very nicely with telling a decent story. 

One thing that puzzles me is why in the hell didn’t Konami capitalise on the popularity of this series and release a Castlevania game around the same time? They let someone borrow the IP to create the show and should have done the same for a game. I’m sure they are many developers, both big and small, that would have loved to have a crack at making a new entry.

If you’re a fan of the games I highly recommend giving the series a watch. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Helmsly said:


Wow! Looks amazing. 
As someone who grew up hooked on the original He-Man animated series (and He-Man and She-Ra Secret of the Sword film), this couldn’t have made me happier! 

Especially after what they did to She-Ra. :cry:

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13 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

Wow! Looks amazing. 
As someone who grew up hooked on the original He-Man animated series (and He-Man and She-Ra Secret of the Sword film), this couldn’t have made me happier! 

Especially after what they did to She-Ra. :cry:


I also have fond memories of the Christmas special crossover. 

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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:


I also have fond memories of the Christmas special crossover. 

The signs were there early when my cousin who was also my age was obsessed with He-Man, whereas I was obsessed with She-Ra… :blush:

I honestly don’t know how many times we watched Secret of the Sword. 

This remains the greatest transformation ever. 


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Sat down and watched Bo Burnham: Inside last night as I've been seeing it getting banded about all over the place and thought I'd finally give it a look to see what everyone was going on about. And by god was it good. God damn is that man talented in being able to set up those shots and do that all himself. The songs were great throughout, some of which definitely struck a chord with me (30 in particular definitely rings true from my turning 30) and I just thought the whole look and sound of the show was fantastic.

I'd never given his stuff a watch previously (though he apparently directed Eighth Grade which I really enjoyed when I watched it) but very interested to see more of his work after that.

Didn't know what to expect going in but was genuinely wowed by it throughout. And White Woman's Instagram will be stuck in my head forever now, both for its comedic setup of all of those shots which ring true to what you'll see every day on there, for how catchy it was but also how heartfelt and real it got in the interlude there and explaining why someone might go about posting these cliques on Instagram.

So good. Going to watch again with the missus (she was working when I watched) to see what she thinks but also because its well worth another watch.

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Bo Burnham is ridiculously talented. Makes me mad :p 
You should watch all his specials, starting with Words Words Words, then what. and afterwards Make Happy. They are all brilliant.

His performance of Art is Dead on Green Room will always be one of my favourites:

Him getting annoyed/angry at the audience laughing, him ripping the other comedians a new one and some of them don't even realize...it's brilliantly sad, especially when you know what exactly he thinks of his craft.

Edited by drahkon
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And we've just started season 3 of Cobra Kai. It was supposed to be a show we watched in parallel to a show with longer episodes and a deeper story but this is just fine. It's a good show. However


I'm two episodes into season 3 and it has taken quite the turn with how Kreese has taken over Cobra Kai. It's a bit too much. I appreciate that Lawrence and LaRusso need to stand up together to fight a common enemy and that it will finally make them able to understand each other a bit but I feel that they have taken Kreese a bit too far out.

Also. God damnit, sit down and talk more, people!

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10 hours ago, MindFreak said:

And we've just started season 3 of Cobra Kai. It was supposed to be a show we watched in parallel to a show with longer episodes and a deeper story but this is just fine. It's a good show. However

  Season 3 beginning (Hide contents)

I'm two episodes into season 3 and it has taken quite the turn with how Kreese has taken over Cobra Kai. It's a bit too much. I appreciate that Lawrence and LaRusso need to stand up together to fight a common enemy and that it will finally make them able to understand each other a bit but I feel that they have taken Kreese a bit too far out.

Also. God damnit, sit down and talk more, people!

Season 3 is certainly the weakest of the lot, IMO. It’s still a good watch but I don’t think it matches the first and second seasons. Still, can’t wait for the next season to start. :bouncy:

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The new Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness series is up. Watched 3 out of the 4 episodes yesterday, and it is pretty enjoyable. It takes place around 2 years after Resident Evil 4, and follows Leon and Claire. It looks to be a pretty standalone story, although there are some callbacks to the events in Raccoon City and Resident Evil 4. Don't expect a deep story, just 2 hours of popcorn fun.

Also watched The Serpent, a series about a jewel smuggler who took advantage of, drugged and murdered travellers in the East in the 70s. Pretty dark, it makes you uneasy knowing these kind of people exist. The story does jump around in time a lot so you have to keep a bit of attention to follow the timeline, but it was definitely worth watching. Only comment is that the Dutch guy in the series is played by an English actor with a bad accent, might as well just casted a Dutchie for it.

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Oh, didn't know there was a Monster Hunter animated series on the way! The kid is annoying, but the rest looks entertaining enough.

I finished Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness this week, and the last episode was the weakest. Without spoiling anything, it was a bit of an anticlimax.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/06/2021 at 5:32 PM, Helmsly said:


Finished Masters of the Universe: Revelation, having watched an episode these past evenings with food. Just made the mistake of checking online to see how it's been received. Turns out not well.

Doesn't matter one jot to me because I enjoyed it, liked what they went for and will watch more when it comes. :cool: 

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43 minutes ago, darksnowman said:

Finished Masters of the Universe: Revelation, having watched an episode these past evenings with food. Just made the mistake of checking online to see how it's been received. Turns out not well.

Doesn't matter one jot to me because I enjoyed it, liked what they went for and will watch more when it comes. :cool: 

I also started this tonight! 

Only two in... I watched the first one and enjoyed it. The second was boring... I was distracted by just about everything (my phone, the dog, being hungry lol), and found myself not following along. 

What I liked is that it felt quite faithful to the original series. The characters were all easily identifiable and while the voices lack a certain something compared to the original, they were still quite good. It's already a step up to what they did to She-Ra, anyway. 

I will stick with it! 

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Been watching a few things on Netflix:

The Dragon Prince

Was told that this was similar to Avatar, and so I thought I would give it a go. It starts off with a few very generic fantasy tropes, but seems to be getting better. The guy voicing Callum did Sokka from Avatar, and the character appears to be very similar too. The voice actress for the elf does an excruciatingly bad Scottish accent, which is very off-putting. I thought that maybe she was actually Scottish and just trying to speak clearly for the US audience, but apparently she is Canadian. Not sure why they felt the character needed a Scottish accent, or why they went with this actress when she clearly can't do one, but there you go.


This show is so, so good. I think someone recommended it here, and so added it to my list to watch, and only just got around to starting it recently. Now we can't get enough of it. Possibly one of the best things about it, and it keeps surprising me again and again, is the casting. The fact they got these actors that look SO much like their younger and older counterparts is astonishing. The casting is so good, that when a new character shows up on screen, you can instantly recognise who it is supposed to be the younger (or older) version of before they even tell you. It's incredible! I'm convinced they used some sort of facial recognition AI to sift through casting headshots or something, because they are just so dead-on.

Anyway, we're nearing the end of S2, and I can't wait to see how it turns out. I'm a bit wary of it going a bit Lost with the plotline, so i hope they know what they're doing with it.

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