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Nintendo Direct Conference 2: December 27th


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So in summary, the 'important' bits from what I've read...


Nintendo 3DS demos today? (probably for Japan)

Release dates for 3DS games mentioned

Kid Icarus definitely features online play

A new game for Wii named 'Kiki Trick' created by the Wario Ware team


I didn't really get my hopes up for this so I'm not really let down but still... I can't help but feel that announcing a couple more things wouldn't have a gone a miss but I suppose Nintendo don't want to 'blow their load' before E3 2012...





... which is half a year away. :blank:



Still, gotta love Nintendo. ;)

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So in summary, the 'important' bits from what I've read...


Nintendo 3DS demos today? (probably for Japan)

Release dates for 3DS games mentioned

Kid Icarus definitely features online play

A new game for Wii named 'Kiki Trick' created by the Wario Ware team


I didn't really get my hopes up for this so I'm not really let down but still... I can't help but feel that announcing a couple more things wouldn't have a gone a miss but I suppose Nintendo don't want to 'blow their load' before E3 2012...





... which is half a year away. :blank:



Still, gotta love Nintendo. ;)

This "conference" was really just for stuff coming in the next three months, just as the last one was...wouldn't really be any megatons in it

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I didn't really get my hopes up for this so I'm not really let down but still... I can't help but feel that announcing a couple more things wouldn't have a gone a miss


These Nintendo Direct video casts don't seem to be a method for announcing new things, so I don't think its fair to expect much more from them. With the big games shows like E3, TGS falling within a couple of months of eachother and used as a platform to announce games months - even years - in advance, Nintendo Direct seems a great way to focus on the next few weeks, and give impending releases a moment to shine.

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Looking forward to GDC, personally. That's usually good for handheld games. I'm hoping to see a new Zelda.


As much as I'm not a big fan of Zelda, I'm really interested by the recent comments that it's the end of Zelda as we know it.


...Nintendo entrusts the series to Zynga perhaps? Haha

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I share your pain @RedShell :(


You see this is one of the things that annoys me, while it's true that I wasn't expecting them to announce much at all one of the things that they do announce which actually seems interesting isn't even going to get released over here...



...then again I suppose realistically it wouldn't really sell that well over here.




RedShell and I would buy it though. :p

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As much as I'm not a big fan of Zelda, I'm really interested by the recent comments that it's the end of Zelda as we know it.


...Nintendo entrusts the series to Zynga perhaps? Haha


I reckon they should keep Zelda on handhelds very traditional, myself. Skyward Sword was massively far from the formula, and I know some people really liked it, but if that's the way the console series is going (motion control et al) I'd like to see the handheld Zeldas keep the full A, B, X, Y, L, R + twin analogue setup ("traditional controls" undersells it, I think), as well as overworlds, dungeons, structure etc... Preferably with full-on cel-shading too, continue the Wind Waker series.


The other thing I'd like to see at GDC is Metroid Dread, with sprites like Zero Mission and Fusion. You just can't beat sprites for crispness, in both visuals and gameplay.

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I reckon they should keep Zelda on handhelds very traditional, myself. Skyward Sword was massively far from the formula, and I know some people really liked it, but if that's the way the console series is going (motion control et al) I'd like to see the handheld Zeldas keep the full A, B, X, Y, L, R + twin analogue setup ("traditional controls" undersells it, I think). as well as overworlds, dungeons, structure etc...

Nintendo is seeing Zelda on the decline sadly with sales, and handhelds seem to be the way too go in Japan, and truth is Handheld is BIG in Japan. The one thing which is a vast popular aspect of handhelds is connection with other players. Do I see the next Zelda being much like OOT? Yes and No, I see connection with other players to be a big part of Zelda on portable systems, it's been said that the Zelda team are very into the idea of what makes Monster Hunter such a successful series. I can only see the series being something of being big but short, if that makes sense, play in short bursts, but playing for a year.


Preferably with full-on cel-shading too, continue the Wind Waker series.


They did 250px-Zelda_ph.jpg:laughing:

And it's the 2nd best sold Zelda game as well :laughing:

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Let me propose this to you then, @Grazza


Metroid Dread in the style of Muramasa: The Demon Blade.


I'd love to endorse that notion, but Muramasa isn't sprite-y enough for me. It's more like hand-drawn. I appreciate the thought though. :)


Nintendo is seeing Zelda on the decline sadly with sales, and handhelds seem to be the way too go in Japan, and truth is Handheld is BIG in Japan. The one thing which is a vast popular aspect of handhelds is connection with other players. Do I see the next Zelda being much like OOT? Yes and No, I see connection with other players to be a big part of Zelda on portable systems, it's been said that the Zelda team are very into the idea of what makes Monster Hunter such a successful series. I can only see the series being something of being big but short, if that makes sense, play in short bursts, but playing for a year.


Well, if it's anything like Dragon Quest IX, there won't be grumbles from me. :) If there's one thing I love about handhelds it's how it feels like you're entering a different world - I've felt this since Link's Awakening. The touchscreen technology makes it even more personal, as you can have collections of items, with the potential to swap them with other players.


They did 250px-Zelda_ph.jpg:laughing:

And it's the 2nd best sold Zelda game as well :laughing:


But now they have the technology to actually make it look like Wind Waker. ;)

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When I heard of Nintendo having a mystery Wii game that had been announced I was like :heart:

When I read it was made by the Wario Ware people I was like :yay:

When I heard the name was Kiki Trick I was like :wtf:

When I read the description I was like :cry:

When I saw the trailer I was :mad:


So there you have it: Nintendo are masters at wasting some of the best tallent in the industry. Kinda like GM deciding to shut Saab down.

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When I heard of Nintendo having a mystery Wii game that had been announced I was like :heart:

When I read it was made by the Wario Ware people I was like :yay:

When I heard the name was Kiki Trick I was like :wtf:

When I read the description I was like :cry:

When I saw the trailer I was :mad:


So there you have it: Nintendo are masters at wasting some of the best tallent in the industry. Kinda like GM deciding to shut Saab down.


You think Sakamoto was 'put onto' this game by the 'top brass' rather than it being a game he decided to make himself?

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Looking forward to GDC, personally. That's usually good for handheld games. I'm hoping to see a new Zelda.


If the rumours are true, then I hope it's by Retro. I think they would make a good handheld Zelda.


Don't think they had any handheld experience though? Apart from Mario Kart 7, but that was mostly Nintendo.

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If the rumours are true, then I hope it's by Retro. I think they would make a good handheld Zelda.


It's odd, though. I always think Retro Studios = realistic graphics, although I am basing that on Metroid Prime, not their latest projects. To me, a Retro Studios Zelda would naturally be in the style of the Zelda Wii U demo (which I thought was fantastic).


Handheld Zeldas, on the other hand, have been done in the Wind Waker style ever since they started to use polygons, and so I always imagined Zelda 3DS as very cartoony and probably done by Nintendo themselves. It'd also be great to see the full-on cel-shading again, with graphics more comparable to WW.


Both styles are very agreeable, in my opinion.

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I don't think there's a rumour of Retro making Zelda, it's just a possibility for the future... and I'd think it would more likely be a main console version, because that's what Retro's skills can really be showcased, and also because it would free up ALOT of time for Nintendo to do other things.

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You think Sakamoto was 'put onto' this game by the 'top brass' rather than it being a game he decided to make himself?


Although you have a point, the thing is that Sakamoto didn't make it alone. Nintendo probably let at least... ten people work on this full time for several months.

Nintendo gave permission to waste valuable and probably tallented manpower to make this.


I'm a game dev too, and like many others, I have zaney, quirky, unique and amazing ideas. But before my ideas are selected, I have to prove that:

1) The idea has potential to transform in to a good and lasting gaming experience

2) Can be done with our manpower

3) Takes a reasonable quantity of time to develop

4) Has the potential to make a profit

5) Will have a positive impact on the companies reputation

6) The idea must be scalable (make sequels, spinoffs, port to different formats etc)


When my company looks in to our game ideas, all these criteria must be fulfilled for an idea to be even considered. I can only see this game fulfilling two, perhaps three criteria.

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Although you have a point, the thing is that Sakamoto didn't make it alone. Nintendo probably let at least... ten people work on this full time for several months.

Nintendo gave permission to waste valuable and probably tallented manpower to make this.


I'm a game dev too, and like many others, I have zaney, quirky, unique and amazing ideas. But before my ideas are selected, I have to prove that:

1) The idea has potential to transform in to a good and lasting gaming experience

2) Can be done with our manpower

3) Takes a reasonable quantity of time to develop

4) Has the potential to make a profit

5) Will have a positive impact on the companies reputation

6) The idea must be scalable (make sequels, spinoffs, port to different formats etc)


When my company looks in to our game ideas, all these criteria must be fulfilled for an idea to be even considered. I can only see this game fulfilling two, perhaps three criteria.


But there's one MASSIVE difference: Nintendo, unlike 99% of game devs aren't in the delicate position of having one game's performance making or breaking them. They have enough big-sellers to fund the development of smaller, quirky titles like these and if they turn a profit or birth a franchise, all the better.


If this is a pet-project from Sakamoto, and one that helps refresh his lust for game development then I don't see the problem.

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