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The Legend of Zelda 3DS


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I think Nintendo should make a small game team, or find a small dev team of 10 and give them the rights to make a couple of top down Zelda games for 3DSWare or WiiWare. If Nintendo are going to continue with full 3D like OOT on the 3DS now, I think they should let another Zelda game be made in top down view.

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Eiji Aonuma's word's:


"The long sailing time of creating Skyward Sword, a game to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Zelda series, has just come to an end. The voices of those who've played it from around the world reach us. We hear their admiration, comments and their criticism too. All those voices become energy for the next voyage. Well, to tell the truth, we've already set sail in a new voyage."


source: ONM


Personally I still want to see the next Zelda iteration on the 3DS. but what matters most is that development is underway!

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What matters even more is that Link is back in a boat again, doing some proper King-of-Red-Lions sailing :D




We now had Boat, train, bird, and horse, but I'd like the team to throw a curve ball at us and create something that is like the Majora's Mask to Ocarina of Time.




(So help me god if it's AlttP in 3D, so help me kami!)

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"Sailing", "set sail", "voyage"? :) :) :)


As I said in the News thread, Wind Waker is my favourite Zelda and the 3DS is my favourite handheld ever. A direct sequel to WW would feel so right. I like original ideas, but I just have a feeling now is the right time for the proper Wind Waker 2. :)

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Agreed about focusing on gameplay. As much as I enjoyed Spirit Tracks, I hope they go with a new engine. Let's not have a third installment of dumbed down DS Zeldas.


Also back to transport, less steam-powered boat lazyness, more proper low-tech sailing like in Wind Waker please.

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TP just felt like it was so different, midna made the game awesome for me, thinking about it now, I guess I want a bit more darkness, eeriness from TP and MM. but right at the beginning of these zelda 3DS stories & rumours I wanted a WW sequel or WW esque game, it would look stunning in 3D IMO.

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Darksnowman's post reminds me of an old interview that said TP was going to have an "animal" theme. The remains of that idea are clearly there, but it really feels like they forgot about that cohesive element, somewhere along the way.

If they hadn't strayed away from that, I'm guessing TP would've been much better received.


Let's not have a third installment of dumbed down DS Zeldas.




Also back to transport, less steam-powered boat lazyness, more proper low-tech sailing like in Wind Waker please.



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At the same time it's such a shame though, because there's such huge potential for a HD Zelda that looks like a fully animated film.


Though having said that I loved the Zelda tech demo... something that we could only get from the Wii U, where as 'celda' could do just fine on 3DS.



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@Retro_Link makes a great point. I mean, have you seen Ni No Kuni on the PS3? Wind Waker may look brilliant, but given more power that style could just keep getting better and better. Here's what I think should happen:


Handheld Zeldas = Celda

Console Zeldas from Nintendo = Celda

Console Zeldas from Retro Studios = realistic (maybe call this series "Link")


After all, why not have two teams always working on a new Zelda? It's not like they wouldn't sell.


I was going to make a long, rambling post... ah, what the heck, I'll make it anyway (mild Skyward Sword spoilers ahead):


I've been thinking a lot about Wind Waker - how it was rather unappreciated at the time, and how appreciation for it has thankfully grown over the years. I'm convinced that, when Nintendo were making it, they were utterly confident. As well they should have been, because not only were they making the best Zelda ever, they were laying what should have been the foundations of the series' future.


I mean, it was utterly brilliant. The visual style captured all the magic of previous games, but cranked it up ever further. Exploration was put at the forefront. The Great Sea stretched into the distance, littered with island after island to discover. This could have been the start of a "continent" system, where large land masses sit happily alongside the small ones.


But then it was released. Though quite successful, there was enough backlash to totally knock Nintendo's confidence. They became self-conscious, and who could blame them? They had poured their heart and soul into something, and yet many people just didn't "get" it.


Nonetheless, I can't help but think back to Wind Waker every game. The most fun I had in Skyward Sword was skydiving onto the tiny islands, so I could size them up and work out how to fully explore them. Or perhaps it was the one moment that mimicked WW's method of using the Darknuts' swords.


I truly believe Wind Waker is now being recognised as a masterpiece, and this isn't because of nostalgia. Though people are becoming more fond of Twilight Princess (which is a very decent game), I do not believe it will ever widely be considered a masterpiece. So, it is back to Wind Waker I think Nintendo should look, and these latest hints give me great hope that they are doing so.


End of ramble. :heh:

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couldn't have said it better myself


The thing i found with Celda is that that style best captured the quirky and often humerous nature of zelda games. It had a feel that took me back to my childhood and gave me this warm nostalgic feel. Not to mention the look hasn't aged, look at Oot it needed a revamp for its last rerelease, the 2D top downs are of a generally older style, yet the cel shading is a timeless cartoon style


at the very least they should do all "child link" games and Handheld games in Cel shading as it fits best,


then Adult ones can take a more TES/Dark Souls or other HD western RPG style

Personally i'd leave Adult ones as a more brushed up version of SS as that was a nice happy medium, a realistic approach taken in the two i mention above has more adult themes - blood gore etc, something we all know doesn't fit with Zelda or with Nintendo's approach to it, to change to that style would be basically a new game


all this talk makes me want to play WindWaker again

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If the next handheld Zelda is indeed a Wind Waker styled game set on the seas, there better be a return of Link's "Come on!!" yell, which I'm sure we can all agree was one of the many highlights of the game :)


The thing i found with Celda is that that style best captured the quirky and often humerous nature of zelda games.


There weren't many things quirky or humorous about Twilight Princess. I think whilst obviously the art style and cel shaded graphics helped create those feelings with Wind Waker, the actual gameplay elements/storyline/characters were what made Wind Waker quirky and fun.


Skyward Sword definitely got close to replicating that sense of magic from Wind Waker and it's a style that Nintendo seem to have decided suits the Zelda franchise the most.


Saying all that, even though I'm in love with WW, I also personally still adore the darker tone of LOZ and AOL. The latter especially.

Edited by Ronnie
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How hard do you think it would be for them to develop a Hylian language for voice acting? That way you could get over several issues with voice acting -

  • Translating it into other languages.
    Having characters calling you "Link" could just be Hylian for whatever name you've entered, be it Link or Hamish or Ruplistiltskin or whatever.
    Americans complaining the voices are British, British people complaining the voices are American, EVERYONE complaining the Japanese voices are better.
    It'd be the best of both worlds... it'd add drama to the scenes, but also keep your imagination of their voices in tact, as you'd still be reading the subtitles.
    Link's silence might not come across as strange if everyone else is already just speaking jibberish.
    You'd get an even sadder group of Zelda fans, learning the language and- oh ok. Not this part.


The already kind of do it with Midna, just expanding it, making it consistent. Words already seem to exist, like Stalfos, Lizalfos, Wolfos... "Fos" seems to be Hylian for knight. And Stalfos, Stalkid, Stalmaster... Stal means skeleton? Keese isn't the name of the species, its just the Hylian word for Bat. Cucco just means chicken.


Anyone? Anyone? No... fine...

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