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Bravely Default: Flying Fairy


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So, to those who bought it, how are you finding it so far?


I'm loving the new increased speed and Nemesis feature, but aside from that, nothing much new apart from playing through the story with English text enabled so I can see if I got some stuff mixed up. Just a few minor details wrong thus far and I'm in chapter 3, so I'm pretty happy!


Are they distributing the Nemesis's through the European copies yet? I've got 2 so far on For The Sequel, just defeated the one recommend for level 70's. For some reason they've sent me two on them, so I've protected the other and have it currently set to send through streetpass. Easily the hardest boss so far, but then again, I'm only scratching the surface of the main story and I'm on hard mode heh (But with all characters maxed).


Just seen a few posts on random boards over the internet, seems people are reaching the point of the game that I got very excited about back in January if any one remembers my posts heh. If any one wants my friend code for the ability link, let me know, it should automatically do it via wifi but because I'm technically playing a Japanese copy I have no idea whether or not it'll work (Streetpass is fine though).

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I've been recieving Nemesis' since the beginning (kinda, wouldn't connect to the internet for a short time) albeit they're Japanese one. Since I've been Lv. 10 there's been a Nemesis which has a recommended level of 52 before taking him on (got until end of the month). So I'm almost ready. Also got Asmodeus which has a recommended level of 76! (only available to battle between 10-12 Dec, so I doubt I'll make it) Both from SQEX, which I assume is their official thing.


My team is level 42 at the moment. Tiz and Angés are both Red Mages, originally Black and White respectively. Ringabel and Edea change jobs on a whim. Ringabel is a Swordsman at the moment after I beat the Swordmaster. Edea changes less but normally stays a Valkyrie.


I recommend training them to a Lv. 8 White Mage, because then they get the Angelic Ward ability which can cancel out some damage occasionally.

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I'm loving the game, it really is everything i expected and more, its like final fantasy 5 and final fantasy 9 had a love child!

I'm enjoying the simcity like elements which give a great time management twist on things.


So far i think i'm way under levelled, i got to chapter 1 and began the first side quest, and those sand worms were decimating me, damn sandstorm blinding everyone all the time! i've been trying to level everyones jobs equally from start, assuming there would be a bonus job that unlocks or freelancer becomes epic when all are max level (like onion knights)


Money seems to be hard to grind at this point in the game, and my damage output isn't good enough to take on that lvl 10 nemesis yet


@Debug Mode can you add me? how do you add people anyway it seems wierd, the instructions reads odd and leads me to believe nobody on my friendlist has this game or you can only reconnect with street pass people

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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Saving for Christmas day present. Too many first party Nintendo games to play (mainly various new Mario/Zelda's that have just come out, and others of their series I'm just getting). I so wanted to play Diablo 3/Lego Marvel this month but there's just not enough time... THOUGH I am trying to get games out of the way so I can fully focus on one game, Bravely Default when it comes to the day.

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@debug_mode can you add me? how do you add people anyway it seems wierd, the instructions reads odd and leads me to believe nobody on my friendlist has this game or you can only reconnect with street pass people


This is the confusion I'm having as well. I know that none of my friends on my Japanese console have the original game, but I always got the impression you needed to become friends on Square Enix JP's Bravely Default player site for you to become friends in game for the ability link. However, Europe seems to not have access to this player site at all, despite Japan having a new one exclusively for For The Sequel players.


I'll add your friend code now, mine is 4270-0586-7869

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Money seems to be hard to grind at this point in the game, and my damage output isn't good enough to take on that lvl 10 nemesis yet

How far in are you? Somewhere near the beginning you can get the Merchant job for added monies.


I'm not sure how the friend thing works either. Occasionally when I visit an Adventurer to save I get a friend bot and when I upload data or whatever I get a few random Japanese people.

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Saving for Christmas day present. Too many first party Nintendo games to play (mainly various new Mario/Zelda's that have just come out, and others of their series I'm just getting). I so wanted to play Diablo 3/Lego Marvel this month but there's just not enough time... THOUGH I am trying to get games out of the way so I can fully focus on one game, Bravely Default when it comes to the day.


I've played an hour or so but I plan on keeping it for when i'm off work over Christmas. I can then just put my head down and really get into it.


As I mentioned last night on MH3U I too will definitely be waiting until Christmas Day to play this sure to be amazing title. :D


I stuck with the deluxe edition in the end too so it's currently sitting on display sealed, begging to be carefully unpacked and played but I must be strong...




...I must be brave! :p For December 25th is now my default day to enjoy. :cool:

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I'm not sure how the friend thing works either. Occasionally when I visit an Adventurer to save I get a friend bot and when I upload data or whatever I get a few random Japanese people.


So it's looking like the European copies of Bravely Default and Japanese copies of For The Sequel share the same server.


Tried updating my information, think I've got to wait until Friday Japan time as it wouldn't let me receive any net friends. What a pain in the ass system.

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How are people levelling up jobs? equally? favouring one job to one character?

so far i've tried levelling all jobs equally on everyone and i think its to my characters dtrement, i can have some random game overs and occassionally real trouble with bosses


I'm all level 17, with atleast level 3 for everyones jobs tiz has level 5 knight and monk, agnes has level 6 white mage

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How are people levelling up jobs? equally? favouring one job to one character?

so far i've tried levelling all jobs equally on everyone and i think its to my characters dtrement, i can have some random game overs and occassionally real trouble with bosses

I'm not levelling everyone up for every job. The most you should really do is two each so they can be on job and be able to use the abilities of one other. If you have a good mix with Summoner and Merchant there's no point in taking the time to make yourself a level 5/whatever Sword Fencer.


For my jobs, Tiz and Angés have been pretty rigid. Since I was able to get them Tiz was black mage, Agnés white mage. When I got the red mage which basically was a combination of the two, they both became red. Ringabel and Edea get jobs based on performance. I let one or the other try out a new job when it arises but they're generally the same. Ringabel is currently a Ninja and Edea still a Valkyrie. But the Ninja abilites aren't that good so I may make him a Pirate again.

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After looking through several shops I finally found a copy. Almost went home empty handed as I had forgotten that store sells Nintendo games(it's a toy shop..)


I'm actually, for the most part, buying the game because of the hype on N-E. Same as with Ninokuni and that game disappointed me greatly to the point that I couldn't bother finish it. I hope this time is different ;)

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Just hit that point in the game that I warned about getting a little dry and daunting during my play through of the original version, going to be hawking for any streamlining of the content but I am playing on Hard mode (which wasn't available in the original game), so stuff might be a little too familiar.

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Finished the true ending last night on hard mode. Loved the enhancements they made to the later chapters, though there are still continuity errors if you do certain things in certain ways for the middle chapters.


New after credits and the secret hidden in the original name still show up on the title screen, so I'm pretty happy.

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Still quire near the beginning. So I have @EEVILMERRY or someone friend me if they haven't already/do the necessary things to make them an available friend to abilink? I need one more person for linking purposes, and it sure makes a big difference.


i'll send you a friend thingy, i need more ablink players


wait your already on myfriends list.....i'll see how to add you in game....(its not as clear as it could be)

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i'll send you a friend thingy, i need more ablink players


wait your already on myfriends list.....i'll see how to add you in game....(its not as clear as it could be)


Yeah can someone explain this...not sure how to get you to appear in my list of friends in game?

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