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Monster Hunter 3G


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First details:

A few new details on Monster Hunter 3G and Nintendo's new slide pad peripheral have surfaced following our initial report from earlier in the day.


Like all the "G" titles, Monster Hunter 3G is an expanded version of its predecessor, in this case Wii's Monster Hunter 3. The 3G version will include a few changes to the world of the Wii version, but will live up to the G name of being packed with content.


The MH3 water elements that were absent from PSP's Monster Hunster Portable 3rd, also an expanded version of MH3, are in MHP3G. The game is said to have a slightly different control feel for its water segments, while still retaining the overall feel of 3's water play.


One new control feature will make use of the system's lower touch screen. By touching, you'll be able to make your character automatically turn to face larger beasts.


Other features mentioned in Famitsu include local wireless play and a new main cover monster named Blakidios (I'm not sure if this is a totally new monster of it it's from a past title -- the name doesn't come up in the Monster Hunter Wiki).


A release is planned for the end of the year, Famitsu reports. The game will be playable at Tokyo Game Show next week.


The slide pad itself is said to look identical to the system's current slide pad. The magazine lists the release date and price as both TBA.


Famitsu's report on the slide pad attachment appears to be in the form of a news story. This probably means that Nintendo will make an official announcement either today or tomorrow (when the magazine actually hits retail).

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I worry when they say "now featuring local wireless play". I'd be happier if they just straight confirm that it's online as well.


Yup, slightly worrying.


Surely there was a better way to get the game on 3DS, without having to completely deform it. :hmm:


It really needs a second stick. Check my post in the new analogue thread.


I wonder how long Capcom can reuse old assests and keep sticking the game on lower end hardware. Don't get me wrong it's great that a "new" MH game is on the way, it's just i'm still waiting for it to arrive on a console/handheld with some major graphical power.


I'm hoping that Capcom don't abandon the PSP with the MH series. With the Vita being such a beast in terms of graphics, I have to wonder whether they will continue the Portable/Freedom series on that, given that they would finally have upgrade the visuals.

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It had better be online. Saying that the PSP versions were only online using the PS3's adhoc party or by faffing on with the xlink programme.


Here's a blurry pic of the new monster.




Plessy is supposed to be back in this one aswell. All you guys who ain't fought him before, get ready to be hipchecked. :D


Looking at these scans I see Pink Rathian is back so I can assume Azure Rathlos will be there aswell.





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I'll still buy it. I never played the PSP ones online and still loved them to bits. What has annoyed me though is the whole region locking that has gone on with the 3DS. I imported a couple of the PSP MH games when they got released in Japan and now I can't do that unless I freaking import a machine aswell.



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I'll still buy it. I never played the PSP ones online and still loved them to bits. What has annoyed me though is the whole region locking that has gone on with the 3DS. I imported a couple of the PSP MH games when they got released in Japan and now I can't do that unless I freaking import a machine aswell.




I'll be buying a Japanese 3DS if it Nintendo bring out a limited edition MH 3DS oh nom nom nom :D:D:D:D:D:D



Anyway...is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO, it's a fucking Rathalos! time to kick some ASS!!!


Broadcast Yourself


Let's hunt bitches xD


And I ain't going to panic about local multiplayer for now, even if Japan has no online, we might get online. Local Multiplayer alone will make MH explode in Japan anyway, doesn't need online over there (here it does though)

Edited by killer kirby
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Monster Hunter on 3DS = icon14.gif

Than crazy second slide-pad attachment = icon13.gif


Surely there was a better way to get the game on 3DS, without having to completely deform it. :hmm:


That's how I feel as well. They could've just had camera buttons on the touchscreen ALA Super Mario 64 DS.


Mind you though, Nintendo were probably planning on doing this anyway. They did mention how they wanted Kid Icarus Uprising to have support for left handed play (now we know how they're going to do it!), so it makes perfect sense for Capcom to take advantage of it I guess.


The game itself looks fantastic. Graphics are a clear upgrade from the Wii version (proper shadows FTW!) and all the extra stuff (12 weapons?!) sounds awesome.


Just need online play to be confirmed and I'm in (despite the downer about the slide pad expansion)


Also, has anyone noticed how there's no HUD on the top screen? It looks like they're moving the map, inventory and all that HUD stuff to the bottom screen!

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It really needs a second stick. Check my post in the new analogue thread.
I totally get what you're saying, it's the same deal with MHTri and the classic controller (and I'm definitely familiar with that now, after almost 300 hours :hehe:). But my point is that the game doesn't need to have the exact same manual camera system on the 3DS, and by the looks of that vid you posted in the other thread, the PSP version should have been made differently in that regard too.


If they instead implemented a decent automatic camera system that stayed locked on the back of your character, the game would play just as well I reckon. It might even be better as you wouldn't have the constant job of having to reposition the camera yourself!


So yeah, that's basically what I'm getting at, I really think Capcom could have experimented with different solutions to having a single slide-pad and redesigned the game accordingly. They could have done different things too, not just an automatic camera. The touch screen could have been implemented, or the gyroscope, a lock on style system, etc...


This hardware "solution" is waaaaay over the top. :hmm:


Here's a blurry pic of the new monster.



Looks like a wingless Alatreon. :heh:


If it doesn't have online, I will probably skip it though.
Same here I reckon. Online is what makes MHTri so great, no way would I still be playing it now if it wasn't for that.
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This hardware "solution" is waaaaay over the top. :hmm:


I am not trying to say this to try and defend Nintendo (Shit even I know they should have had another analouge from the get go.) But anything that Japan makes and shows a screen of always looks big and clunky, I am 100 sure that it perhaps my be even a better grip with the 3DS then it was before maybe I'm wrong, we will soon find out though won't we ;)

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I totally get what you're saying, it's the same deal with MHTri and the classic controller (and I'm definitely familiar with that now, after almost 300 hours :hehe:). But my point is that the game doesn't need to have the exact same manual camera system on the 3DS, and by the looks of that vid you posted in the other thread, the PSP version should have been made differently in that regard too.


If they instead implemented a decent automatic camera system that stayed locked on the back of your character, the game would play just as well I reckon. It might even be better as you wouldn't have the constant job of having to reposition the camera yourself!


So yeah, that's basically what I'm getting at, I really think Capcom could have experimented with different solutions to having a single slide-pad and redesigned the game accordingly. They could have done different things too, not just an automatic camera. The touch screen could have been implemented, or the gyroscope, a lock on style system, etc...


This hardware "solution" is waaaaay over the top. :hmm:


A camera permanently stuck to your back would mean you couldn't see the monster when trying to circle the thing.. so maybe have a toggle button between player facing and monster facing.



Even when playing with dual anaolg sticks, I can't use the right stick and face buttons at the same time... so why not have holding L switch the face buttons from actions to camera control and then have them revert back when released. But a quick tap of the shoulder button would center the thing.


It's just how the underwter fighting is handled. I have ZL & ZR as up and down and I don't want to have to use the camera facing option.


As ugly as the the expansion slide pad looks, I do wonder if it will make the actual device easier to hold overall though. A bit of width on the thing, like you get with a normal pad, will allow for a better overall grip.


Same here I reckon. Online is what makes MHTri so great, no way would I still be playing it now if it wasn't for that.


Same here - no online, no deal. I don't have too many offline quests to do now... but that's only because the game doesn't have that many quests anyway. I just hope new monsters care more than just the new cover monster and the different coloured Rathians/Rathalos beasts.

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I just hope new monsters care more than just the new cover monster and the different coloured Rathians/Rathalos beasts.


It's a G game meaning there probably won't be that many new Monsters. Usually you get one or two and the rest are variants of the original monsters. Saying that, if Plessy is in it, there may be a chance for more of the original monsters to make a return.


*crosses fingers for Kut-Ku*

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It's a G game meaning there probably won't be that many new Monsters. Usually you get one or two and the rest are variants of the original monsters. Saying that, if Plessy is in it, there may be a chance for more of the original monsters to make a return.


*crosses fingers for Kut-Ku*


Hmm.. well would be not be better off with a port of MHP3rd then... but with online capabilities? It may drop water combat (which I'd be glad of) but it would feature more genuinely new content than this will (or is likely to) wouldn't it?


Tri was the only million selling third party game in Japan right? Surely, a good chunk of those people picked up a 3DS and would prefer a fresher experience... unless they also have a PSP and 3rd which is highly likely. But from a western perspective, it would do more for us.

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Hmm.. well would be not be better off with a port of MHP3rd then... but with online capabilities? It may drop water combat (which I'd be glad of) but it would feature more genuinely new content than this will (or is likely to) wouldn't it?


MHP3rd is online now if you use a PS3 ( with headsets aswell ) or xlink. I can see the portable series staying on Sony's machines while Nintendo gets the numbered versions, and yes MHP3 was a real sequel so most of the monsters on there are new.


The portable games of the series are fantastic, infact Monster Hunterr Freedom Unite had a MASSIVE amount of content compared to Tri.

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MHP3rd is online now if you use a PS3 ( with headsets aswell ) or xlink. I can see the portable series staying on Sony's machines while Nintendo gets the numbered versions, and yes MHP3 was a real sequel so most of the monsters on there are new.


So Monster Hunter Quad for Wii U then or do you think it will head to the 3DS in time? MHG made it to the Wii before they delivered the goods with Tri - is this them doing the same thing over again?


The portable games of the series are fantastic, infact Monster Hunterr Freedom Unite had a MASSIVE amount of content compared to Tri.


Research into the other games always made me question the amount of content in Tri and it's overall stinginess for a main in the series. Consequently, the only real way is up from there *looks on bright side for once*


MH may be the hottest property in Japan right now, but an enchanced port to a low install based console makes me doubtful of this coming anywhere close to the sales of the PSP games when people are already enjoying a full on sequel on a console they, and all their friends, own now.

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A camera permanently stuck to your back would mean you couldn't see the monster when trying to circle the thing.. so maybe have a toggle button between player facing and monster facing.
That would be a good idea, although not being able to always keep sight of the monster you're fighting could make battles even more exciting. :D


Even when playing with dual anaolg sticks, I can't use the right stick and face buttons at the same time... so why not have holding L switch the face buttons from actions to camera control and then have them revert back when released. But a quick tap of the shoulder button would center the thing.
Again, another good idea. icon14.gif

See there are just so many ways they could have gone about it, I simply can't believe they decided on shoehorning in the existing control scheme and the creation of this controller modification. ::shrug:


By the way, hearing you guys describe MHTri as lacking in content is freaking me out... :heh:

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More details, most likely translated from Famitsu.


The following commentary comes from director Kaname Fujioka...


On 3D visuals...


"The entire game has 3D support, but basically it's not a game designed to rely on 3D. You can hunt all you want without having to concern yourself about 3D, so you've got the option to play the way you like there. However, the new portside area we've made for the game was created with an eye for 3D visuals -- giving it more depth, placing objects on top of each other, and other concepts to make the 3D more prevalent. It's been a fun development cycle, but working with 3D has also given us a surprising amount of stress, so hopefully people turn on the 3D the first time they play!"


On controls...


"The bottom screen will have a panel with assorted useful functions for hunting; you'll be able to tap on things to use it. There are several types of panel, too, so you can choose which one you'd like to display and play like that."


Controls example from Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto...


"There's a target camera panel that, if you turn it on when you're in the same area as the target monster for the current quest, the camera will turn you toward the monster whenever you reset it."

On the Slide Pad Accessory...


"It feels really good holding it in your hand, and its center of gravity is toward the front, so controlling it is a breeze."


On the main monster, Blakydios...


"Brute Wyverns up to now were largely seen as charging monsters. A lot of them didn't use their front arms very much. As a result, we put a lot of that sort of thing into this monster, making its arms a lot larger and capable of punching things. It also headbutts its enemies, so it's got a pretty straightforward fighting style, but when it punches, it also releases this sticky material on the ground that gradually builds up and explodes over time. Blakydios's moves are pretty simple, but it's spewing this goo all over the place, so players have to a close eye on their positioning at all times."


On weapons...


"There will be 12 types, filling out the set of genres we've introduced up to this point. All of the weapons will be operable in the underwater areas, too. The bowgun in Tri had a lot of customization skills, but that weapon's going to be streamlined a bit and divided into 'light' and 'heavy' categories. The bowgun has a lot of new features nonetheless, though, so I'm hoping bowgun users run it up to the G level and get to check all of it out."


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