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SOme suggestions on quests you may have missed...


WHen I was trying to get Shulks 4th tree there were two people I found with quests (eventually) when I though I'd done them all.


In the day (afternoon maybe) there's two kids playing outside Dunbans house, one of them had a quest.


Also in the Residential District there was one guy hidden behind some houses that you may have missed, can't remember his name but his quests involve finding him a new job.


If you think you haven't found him go to the bridge in the Residential District that leads towards the Lookout Point. Walk towards the Heart-to-Heart in the front of the steps and up the small steps. He should be behind the houses on your right, just look for a little ally that leads behind them.


He has about a 3 chain quest I think.



Hope those are the ones your missing


Think I've managed those, I'm more than 4 star infinity I think, but apparently not enough to get this tree! The only outstanding quest I do have is

raising affinity between two female members. In fact I think I was last trying to grind it up at a monster that debuffs. i know, i r cheatar :(


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Think I've managed those, I'm more than 4 star infinity I think, but apparently not enough to get this tree! The only outstanding quest I do have is

raising affinity between two female members. In fact I think I was last trying to grind it up at a monster that debuffs. i know, i r cheatar



That could be it.



Grinding those affinities up is annoying. What I found worked best was finding a monster that induces topple or sleep when you hit it, let your AI chars attack and get the effect and you just keep running in and out picking them up. Sometimes doing the debuff way it can take time for a chars tension to drop enough to be able to encourage.


Though that said the monsters I used to raise affinities this way were like level 90... what level are you at the moment?


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That could be it.



Grinding those affinities up is annoying. What I found worked best was finding a monster that induces topple or sleep when you hit it, let your AI chars attack and get the effect and you just keep running in and out picking them up. Sometimes doing the debuff way it can take time for a chars tension to drop enough to be able to encourage.


Though that said the monsters I used to raise affinities this way were like level 90... what level are you at the moment?


Can't remember what level I'm at as I haven't played for a while as I said, maybe around 60? At the moment I'm doing this;

Using nebulas in the lava cave thingy bit to inflict debuffs but yeah as you said can be a bit slow, dont have much better option atm tho



Indeed 60 I was! I've managed to get the affinity enough to finish that quest, and now obtained what I wanted so yay!


Only problem now is whilst I've been doing all this Reyn is maxed out and Melia and Sharla are on the way too! Le sigh -.-

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Gaaah, this game just gives more and more! Just arrived in Aganarithininananannaaaaaaaaa or whatever it is, always feeling like I'm nearly there but then some more stuff appears! Still massively intrigued plotwise, and here's hoping I might get done by friday. Given up on even bothering with like...ALL the skill trees I could do with having(everyone's maxing out, I'm still rocking threes), but just kinda wanna get the story done!

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Gaaah, this game just gives more and more! Just arrived in Aganarithininananannaaaaaaaaa or whatever it is, always feeling like I'm nearly there but then some more stuff appears! Still massively intrigued plotwise, and here's hoping I might get done by friday. Given up on even bothering with like...ALL the skill trees I could do with having(everyone's maxing out, I'm still rocking threes), but just kinda wanna get the story done!


Finish by Friday? Unless you have some days off or go without sleep I think no chance.



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Gaaah, this game just gives more and more! Just arrived in Aganarithininananannaaaaaaaaa or whatever it is, always feeling like I'm nearly there but then some more stuff appears! Still massively intrigued plotwise, and here's hoping I might get done by friday. Given up on even bothering with like...ALL the skill trees I could do with having(everyone's maxing out, I'm still rocking threes), but just kinda wanna get the story done!


Agniratha is beautiful, isn't it?


You're well over two thirds, probably over three quarters of the way through if memory serves. I reckon you could do it with some dedication throughout the week - are you ready to blitz it?! I think its the kind of game you really need to complete without a long break for Zelda. It crossed my mind to have a break for Zelda, but figured I probably should get it done. Go for it!

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Dunno if I'll manage to, especially not if Zelda arrives early. I have just had like a 2 week break off of this, so maybe I could do it with a Zelda break in between(or maybe play a bit of both). Normally I'd just be able to take days off cos I'm not on contract but unfortunately I don't even have room to do that this this week cos I've got bloody meetings almost every day :(


I also find it hard not to get distracted by quests and whatnot, I think I've got almost 90 hours on my clock now? So not sure how much faith I'd have in managing to blitz to the end by friday :p

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Went back to this a few days ago to take on some of the late game stuff that I glossed over to finish the game. Pretty much done most of, if not all of, the Frontier Village and Eryth Sea quests. Finding it hard to actually find any quests at all which is both a good and a bad thing. Did manage to complete the reconstruction at Colony 6 though, after some effort in waiting for blue orb items to appear in certain places. Just need to move over the remaining people.


But, a further 18 hours on top of my 90 hour end game save and 10 lvls, to get everyone to lvl 90, and I'm still really enjoying the game. Sad that I've got very little left to actually do, other than the Super Bosses (did find Avalanche Abaasy at Three Sage Summit for the first time a few days ago and proceeded to wet myself as it ran towards me to attack :eek:), but it'll be Zelda from Friday onwards so happy it's pretty much finished but I'm still not seeing how Skyward Sword will put a dent in this game for me.

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I really need to get back to Xenoblade but I can't find the motivation at all. :blank: I played it for about 20 hours and was at the Makna Forest the last time I had it on... and haven't touched it since. ::shrug: To elaborate slightly on that: I've not touched any RPGs since (except finishing off Orcs & Elves on DS, but thats extremely "lite"). Somehow Xenoblade broke something inside me and I've zero desire to play any more RPGs ever. You'd think that will probably change sometime but its been a couple of months now...

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Hmm, finally started playing this, and I'm pretty impressed! This truly is a modern RPG, except for the graphics...I mean so many stupid annoyances of the genre have been totally cut out or modified, awesome! : ) Story is very good and compelling, and the environments are huge and detailed...Combat works nicely, although the overall difficulty is a tad too hard for just breezing through the story...


Anyway, I have a question: what's the best way to make money in this game? I mean is it worth selling any of the stuff you find in the fields, or is there a use for those later? Some of them are marked with !-signs, but what about the rest? Haven't really been doing the sidequests yet, any worth in doing them? Also, how about the unique monsters, how many levels above should you be to have any chance, and what kind of stuff do they usually drop, i.e. money or gear?

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Somehow Xenoblade broke something inside me and I've zero desire to play any more RPGs ever. You'd think that will probably change sometime but its been a couple of months now...


I've got a prescription for both of us:


Dragon Quest XI

PS3 or Wii U





Either that or Ni no Kuni!

Edited by Grazza
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I really need to get back to Xenoblade but I can't find the motivation at all. :blank: I played it for about 20 hours and was at the Makna Forest the last time I had it on... and haven't touched it since. ::shrug: To elaborate slightly on that: I've not touched any RPGs since (except finishing off Orcs & Elves on DS, but thats extremely "lite"). Somehow Xenoblade broke something inside me and I've zero desire to play any more RPGs ever. You'd think that will probably change sometime but its been a couple of months now...


Have you tried just giving it an hour of your time and seeing if you get back into it? I started to dwindle a bit at Makna Forest for some reason, but then the story pulled me back in and I never looked back(except for my lack of time to play, that is)



Hmm, finally started playing this, and I'm pretty impressed! This truly is a modern RPG, except for the graphics...I mean so many stupid annoyances of the genre have been totally cut out or modified, awesome! : ) Story is very good and compelling, and the environments are huge and detailed...Combat works nicely, although the overall difficulty is a tad too hard for just breezing through the story...


Anyway, I have a question: what's the best way to make money in this game? I mean is it worth selling any of the stuff you find in the fields, or is there a use for those later? Some of them are marked with !-signs, but what about the rest? Haven't really been doing the sidequests yet, any worth in doing them? Also, how about the unique monsters, how many levels above should you be to have any chance, and what kind of stuff do they usually drop, i.e. money or gear?



Glad to hear it!! Money....hmm. I didn't really try to make money, only avoiding spending it and over time it all accumulated I guess! I tended not to sell stuff to the shop as it can be used to trade items with people at I think...10x the gold value? You can always sell out old weapons/armour for money, I found they build up a lot as you battle through the game. Is there something in particular that you're wanting money for?


Sidequests are kinda good, builds affinity with an area and just offers little bits of insight into the NPC lives. Also gets you rewards!

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Glad to hear it!! Money....hmm. I didn't really try to make money, only avoiding spending it and over time it all accumulated I guess! I tended not to sell stuff to the shop as it can be used to trade items with people at I think...10x the gold value? You can always sell out old weapons/armour for money, I found they build up a lot as you battle through the game. Is there something in particular that you're wanting money for?


Sidequests are kinda good, builds affinity with an area and just offers little bits of insight into the NPC lives. Also gets you rewards!


What's with the area affinity btw? Does it lead to something?


Yeah, was looking for money to buy equipment and art slates, although it seems you get better gear from the monsters...Been selling the old stuff and doing quests as I go along, money's ok now. At the moment, Sharla's best chest armour is a bikini top, well that's highly convenient ; D


In the Bionis' trachea now, looking all glowy and awesome... : ) I really like this game, it plays well and the scope and design of the areas is just outstanding. Feels like you're really wandering around the body of an ancient giant, and one that is filled with awesome-looking locales...last cool place was the marsh with it's sparkly trees and rainbow-coloured swirls of energy. Wow!


Level 28 now, waiting to get my hands on those bastards at the R. Bridge, so that we can start rebuilding Colony 6...Also, have gotten better at the combat, i.e. sorted out the optimal order of using the arts...so glad we finally have a healer xD


Anyway, I think Zelda and Skyrim can wait, Xeno's where it's at right now! Really impressed : )

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It does. As Area Affinity rises, more people will offer you quests, and if I remember correctly, people will also trade different stuff (better or worse, can't tell).


Ah, ok thanks. Been doing quests as I go along, i.e. not very religiously : D Still, good to know!

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I've got a prescription for both of us:


Dragon Quest XI

PS3 or Wii U





Either that or Ni no Kuni!


I've grown towards handheld RPGs so maybe not... unless its on Wii U and can be played on the controller, emulating that handheld experience. It'll be interesting to see if DQ goes back to being offline - I'm sure it won't entirely ever revert to how it was up to and including DQ VIII.


Have you tried just giving it an hour of your time and seeing if you get back into it? I started to dwindle a bit at Makna Forest for some reason, but then the story pulled me back in and I never looked back(except for my lack of time to play, that is)


I don't hate Xenoblade, don't worry. :) I really enjoyed what I played up until that point so I will get back to it. I've been having fun playing shorter games in the meantime.

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It'll be interesting to see if DQ goes back to being offline - I'm sure it won't entirely ever revert to how it was up to and including DQ VIII.


Online features are fine by me... as long as they are just features! DQ IX was multiplayer locally (so I'm told), so something like that but online as well sounds about right.

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Area affinity is also really important to unlock quests that give your characters new skill trees.


Yeah, it seems so. However, it's quite weird how limited the wikis and faqs for this game still are, shows you how much the Americans really contribute to these things... xD


Eryth sea and going to the tomb next, I suppose. The art direction is just fantastic, can't remember the last game that had such awesome design...Every new area you go to, it's another "wow" moment, just looking at the sheer brilliance of the scenery...For example, really liked the interior of the big tree, such overwhelming artistic genius of lights and colourful trinkets...Then when I got to the Eryth sea, it was another "wow", now due to the vastness of the whole place, yet still brilliant design : o Major credit to Monolith, this game is just darn impressive to look at...Would make for some funny footage btw, constantly playing with your mouth open... xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

After finally finishing the 4th skill trees for everyone, my momentum with the story was a bit meh after all that friggin' sidequesting xS Well, eventually got back to playing, kicked Egil's ass...and the story sucked me right back in! Awesome : ) Ended up playing until 3am...just shows you how great this game really is, being able to captivate your attention just like that!

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