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Zechs's Top 25 Wii Games

Zechs Merquise

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Hey, after some thinking, I might've been wrong. Let's see:


I knew plenty of people with it. It was huge in Portugal, (our previous Nintendo publisher was shit at anything except the Game Boy). I even inherited a few games from cousins. If we count many of them as "having played them"...Let's see:


-Sonic the Hedgehog

-Sonic the Hedgehog 2

-Sonic the Hedgehog 3

-Sonic & Knuckles

-Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine

-Sonic 3D Blast

-Asterix & the Great rescue

-Lion King


-World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck

-Power Rangers: The Movie

-Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure

-Cheese Cat-Astrophe starring Speedy Gonzales

-Virtual Bart

-The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants

-Home Alone

-Dragon Ball Z: Buyū Retsuden


-Pink goes to Hollywood

-Bubba & Styx (I think it was called this)

-Mega Bomberman

-Chiki Chiki Boys

-Primal Rage

-Street Fighter II

-Aero the Acro-Bat

-Bubsy II

-MegaGames 3-in-1


Plus I also briefly played Ristar, Dynamite Headdy, Comix Zone, a random VR Troopers game, and several games whose name I don't know. At least as far as I remember.


Apparently, I did play more then 25!



And for the record, I always knew I had played more than 25 Game Boy games.


My favourite console of all time, and the most popular in school. I'm certain I played more than 25 games.



-Donkey Kong '94

-Donkey Kong Land

-Super Mario Land (1&2)

-Wario Land (1&3)

-Kirby's Dream Land (1&2)

-The five Megaman games

-Metroid II

-Oracle of Ages

-Oracle of Seasons

-Link's Awakening

-Adventures of Lolo

-Gargoyle's Quest

-Mole Mania

-Mickey Mouse: Magic Wands

-Pokémon Blue

-Pokémon Silver

-Pokémon Pinball

-Pokémon TCG


...Among many, many others I didn't own.





Used games are how I mostly buy games nowadays. Money ain't easy to get, y'know?


As for the situation in Portugal... The Wii is the first Nintendo (home) console being taken seriously by retailers. Used games are hard to come by (though used Gameboy/Advance games are easier to find).


Regardless, the price everybody charges for games is higher than in the UK. Gamecube games were 60€ at the time, and used games that were actually good were hard to come by. It's easier with the Wii, but the prices are still high, even with used games.


By contrast, 10£ were enough to net two used games (Little King's Story and Radiant Dawn) when I visited London. Nowadays, I buy most of my games from the UK.


And then there's the time/availability factor...


You forgot to mention we make 4 times less money than them. But yeah, I only import. Everything. From books to tvs to pcs to games and dvds. Our country is expert at overcharging.

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Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition could arguably deserve a place in the top 25 but other than Red Steel 2, none of the other true FPSs on the Wii (MP3 is still a first person action/adventure even though it did feel more like a shooter thanks to the controls) would make it in if the list was truly objective because they're not up to the same pedigree as MW:R or RS2 and there are far better games available than Black Ops on the Wii (even though it is still a decent effort).

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As far as FPS games go, Black Ops is above and beyond all others on Wii, without a shadow of doubt! Reflex is next on the list of FPS games but Black Ops online structure blows all others away completely.

In fact, Black Ops has the best Wii online structure bar none. As a Wii online experience it's probably second only to Monster Hunter Tri and MHT only trumps it because of the the gameplay and depth itself, even though it's online structure isn't as good.


And Red Steel 2, whereas it's pretty good, it's still lacklustre if you consider it an FPS.

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You forgot to mention we make 4 times less money than them.


That I did. For some reason I forgot to mention it.


But yeah, I only import. Everything. From books to tvs to pcs to games and dvds. Our country is expert at overcharging.


Desenrascamo-nos, não é? :heh:


Anyway, to stay on-topic, I'd rate Radiant Dawn in my Top 3, but I'm a Fire Emblem nut.


I think we should attempt to do an N-E Top 25, with everyone giving out their Top 10, and scoring games accordingly. Would be interesting to see how N-E's opinion sways.

Someone tried to do it with the DS, but that thread kinda faded away...

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Here we are with 15 through to 11!


15. Battalion Wars 2

Blend RTS game play with squad based combat and 3rd person shooting, wrap it all up with the precision of the Wii remote pointer and you’ve got a superb game. Building on the success of the Gamecube title this sequel adds more units and more playable factions. There is also online play with some really inventive modes and some wonderful co-op missions. The game is also presented with amazing attention to detail and is full of Nintendo charm – every now and then you’ll hear a soldier shout something unexpected or laugh at the mannerisms of your idle troops.


14. Goldeneye

Simply put – this contains the best single player FPS campaign since the original. Goldeneye encapsulates everything that was brilliant about the original and updates it masterfully. You choose how you take care of the mission, guns blazing or stealth? There’s no better feeling than watching several guards, assessing their patterns then planning your move. The game also looks beautiful; sneaking through the frozen wastes of Severnaya is breathtaking. The game also includes a solid online multiplayer experience which is a lot of fun, but sadly not as deep or engaging as two other games on this list.


13. New Super Mario Bros Wii

A new proper 2D Mario on a home console? We haven’t seen this since the launch of the SNES. Well it was worth the wait, especially as it saw the return of the Koopa Kids and airships! Eight worlds of platforming bliss full of the challenges that made us into gaming fanatics when we were kids. Add in a hectic and very fun four player co-op making it the first Mario title to feature simultaneous multiplayer, this game is a winner. The only slight sour taste was the lack of online, but that can be forgiven when you’re working your way through levels that remind you of the best of Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros 3!


12. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex

World at War got me into Call of Duty, but this game took things to the next level. A year after the cut down WAW was released the Wii finally got Modern Warfare, with every map, mode, level, weapon and camouflage present on other consoles. This was online FPS action at its finest and looked great for a Wii game – explosions, particle effects and great attention to detail brought the battlefield to life. The fact Treyarch got this game running so well was a miracle. Added to the groundbreaking online is the best single player COD game this generation – SAS sniper missions, oh YES!


11. Call of Duty: Black Ops

Treyarch raised the bar with COD:MWR, but they totally smashed it with Black Ops. Whilst the single player is solid but unremarkable, online is where it is at. A whole new online system, no friend codes and voice chat via headset. This is how online should be done on the Wii. The full multiplayer experience is in; combat training, wager matches and four player co-operative Zombies. This game is a must for any Wii shooter fan or for anyone that likes COD but wants to try out the perfectly balanced pointer controls. The shear amount of modes and the huge amount of content will keep you going for hundreds of hours.


Come back tommorrow for 10 through to 6!

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14. Goldeneye

Simply put – this contains the best single player FPS campaign since the original.


That should probably read: "contains the best single player FPS campaign on a Nintendo system since the original." As much as I like the new Goldeneye, I can't pretend Half Life & Co. don't exist. :p


Actually, I'd say even the original Goldeneye's campaign wasn't all that impressive, if you take Half Life into account. The remake's campaign might have some of the nicest stealth elements for a shooter though.

Edited by Burny
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Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition could arguably deserve a place in the top 25 but other than Red Steel 2, none of the other true FPSs on the Wii (MP3 is still a first person action/adventure even though it did feel more like a shooter thanks to the controls) would make it in if the list was truly objective because they're not up to the same pedigree as MW:R or RS2 and there are far better games available than Black Ops on the Wii (even though it is still a decent effort).


Yeah for real. In the FPS genre for the Wii, what I see from my guns-eye view (from experience of fully pimping such tites), I would say the rankings are as follows:


1. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - Gotta love the sci-fi'ness :geek:

2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex Edition (online was a it weak, though! :hmm: )

3. Conduit 2 - Sorry haters but HVS made an FPS that's differennt, interesting, FUN :bouncy: and just not so same ol'-same ol' with the whole 'troopeys on a battle field with boring weaponry runnin' 'n' gunnin' all somewhat gruesomely' :o

4. Red Steel 2 (a bit too short and too easy but creative and fun nonetheless :D I do hope swordplay in Skyward Sword is more... complex/strategic/immersive etc lol)

5. Call of Duty: Body Odour - Ok, ok, it IS the shizzy, but compared to the 360 version it just sucks on hard, cold wood!! Didn't even bother to fully complete the campaign and the online multiplayer was just a bit mehish. More wii games need coop though, gotta admit :grin: .. Mario Kart Wii's online setup was more creative and fun for me though. Maybe slap a few added online features (communication, easy befriending, room/player history and team-switch in battles and that'd EASILY be the best Wii game [only if SSBB was not utter perferction... which it ain't :angry: ])

6. The Conduit - Not great but actually not bad. Some parts were a bit more natural and better than the sequel. Also had some legendary echo-fest nights with NE too :love:


Edit - MKWii would easily be the est online wii game i meant bwahahahaowzzzerrrr!! :cool:

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Guest jk1997

nice list here so far zechs lets hope you dont ga and put something like doctor who top trumps at the top and suprise us all

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As Jonnas said, an N-E top 25 would be great. Have to start thinking about my choices now.


It would be fun to compile a list. I reckon Skyward Sword, Xenoblade and The Last Story will all be heavy hitters. Here's my top five Wii games so far (I think):


  1. Mario Galaxy 2
  2. Mario Galaxy
  3. Twilight Princess
  4. Wii Sports
  5. Pro Evo 2008

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That should probably read: "contains the best single player FPS campaign on a Nintendo system since the original." As much as I like the new Goldeneye, I can't pretend Half Life & Co. don't exist. :p


Actually, I'd say even the original Goldeneye's campaign wasn't all that impressive, if you take Half Life into account. The remake's campaign might have some of the nicest stealth elements for a shooter though.


Hmmm, I have played Half Life, and started Half Life Source a few months back on my PC. Whilst it's enjoyable, I have never enjoyed a shooter as much as Goldeneye on the N64. I could litterally sit there for hours trying out different approachs and setting up the levels so the guards had rocket launchers etc just to increase the challenge. I've never been as hooked by an FPS since.


I'm not saying Half Life is bad, it's great. I just personally prefer Goldeneye's style of play. The Wii version is not quite as wonderful as the original, but it's the closest thing out there!


Aw, Zechs...three shooters (if you include BWii, four) above the likes of Little King, Silent Hill and Other M? You be tripping!


As Jonnas said, an N-E top 25 would be great. Have to start thinking about my choices now.


Well, I don't think you can label BWii a shooter really as it's a lot more than that. If you play it, you can tell there's real strategy elements in there as well as bags of Nintendo charm!


Onto the subject of the the three FPS games landing higher than Metroid Other M, Little King's Story and Silent Hill - there are good reasons. The three FPS titles (Goldeneye, COD:MWR and COD:BO) are all much bigger games for a start with massive online modes. The two COD games for instance both have decent sized single player campaigns, but I've put in nearly 300 hours online on both of them!


Also, the three FPS games don't have the glaring failings that the games you mention do. Silent Hill is amazing, it totally blew me away, but it only took me four and a half hours and it was all wrapped up. Whilst it does have a certain amount of replay value, it's a story driven game, so once the ending is uncovered, I don't feel you get as much for your money.


With Metroid, despite it working very well most of the time, some of the time it does get very frustrating. What's more the pixel hunts were painful. Again, whilst having much more replay value than Silent Hill, Metroid is a relatively short title. I did enjoy it, and have played it several times over, but it's still not got the replay value of the games that have come above it. Alos, I did find the number and length of the cutscenes a little tedious at times.


Little King's Story is magnificent, but again it has more glaring flaws than the games that are listed above it. One minute it's a walk in the park, the next minute there's a boss battle that'd make hunting a beast on Monster Hunter look like a walk in the park. At certain times I was pulling my hair out and had to restart huge sections of it just because of one terrible paced portion that popped up on me and ruined several hours progress.


In the case of Goldeneye, the single player is absolutely amazing. Anyone who has a vague interest in stealthy shooters will love it, and anyone who liked the original will have a blast. It also has a functional and fun-in-short-bursts multiplayer. Overall, there is a lot of content, a lot of replayability inboth single and multiplayer and the production values clearly push the Wii.


In the case of COD:MWR and COD:BO these are both monster titles and no one can really deny their overall quality and value for money. If you take the single player component of MWR that alone is worthy of purchase, but when you take the massive mutliplayer component as well - especially considering the amount of modes, maps and weapons - it's a real classic. Black Ops may not have the classic single player like MWR, but the fact is it has the best online system on the Wii, voice chat via headset and online co-op. Black Ops on the Wii has fostered a great online community - that's why 9 months on there's still a whole bunch of us online every night. I doubt there are many games out there that people play for nine months solid. These factors make these games a cut above the ones you mentioned.


All the games on my list are great games though, it wasn't that hard choosing what to go on the list. The hard part was putting them in some form of order.

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and setting up the levels so the guards had rocket launchers etc just to increase the challenge. I've never been as hooked by an FPS since


I never even knew you could to that in Goldeneye. I've only played though the game once - the nauseating reload blurring "effect" puts me off playing it again.

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Like darksnowman, I'll give you a peak at my probable top 5..

1 Super Mario Galaxy 2

2 Super Mario Galaxy

3 Resident Evil 4

4 Wii Sports

5 No More Heroes


It wouldn't be difficult to stretch that out to 25, like Zechs, but I would have trouble putting them all in order.. I'm not even sure I got the top 5 right :heh:

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Slightly offtopic but...


The prices that I've seen in Belgium for some games is extortion. Saying that, some places in the UK are completely inconsistent with their pricing. Whilst you can get stuff like Monster Hunter for £12 or something, you can also end up paying 35 for Epic Yarn or Mario Kart still.


When you gonna start playing online : peace:




On topic:


Just realised MH3 hasn't appeared on Zechs list yet... I'm sure it will so Woot, minimum top 10 finish for what is likely my number 1 Wii game :D

Edited by Mokong
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I never even knew you could to that in Goldeneye. I've only played though the game once - the nauseating reload blurring "effect" puts me off playing it again.


He's talking about the original N64 version with the "Enemy Rockets" cheat.


For all the things it does right, I personally find the "gunplay" in Half-Life to be rather poor - being in firefights just isn't much fun when compared to exploring the area and solving the physics puzzles.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Here' 10 through to 6!


10. Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition

Resident Evil is a classic series comprised of some of the most loved games ever made. Resident Evil 4 is the best of the series and the best third person action title ever made. This is the definitive version of that game. With the graphics of the Gamecube version, the extras of the PS2 version and new improved Wii remote aiming (plus several other set ups) this game is an improved version of what already was a masterpiece. Amazing pacing, beautiful graphics and a great atmosphere of tension - this game has it all.


9. Monster Hunter Tri

This game will eat your time like Pac-Man eats dots. From forging your weapons and armour to the epic hunts themselves, everything takes a long time. The sense of achievement when you do get your new weapon or you finally defeat a monster that filled the screen is unrivalled. With a great online system (second only to Black Ops) this game will forge friendships between you and your hunting party. Graphically this game looks good enough to be on an HD system and the attention to detail in the design of the monsters, the beautiful locales and the massive amount of weapons and armours is astounding.


8. Donkey Kong Country Returns

I always thought Mario was the king of the platformers – not this generation. DKCR is the pinnacle of the 2D platform revival and shines on every level. Every level exhibits incredibly tight design which flows beautifully. There are several types of gameplay, from traditional platforming, mine cart rides and piloting explosive barrels. Each level looks amazing, with scenery in both the foreground and the background being integral to the experience. The visual treats ensure that each world looks different and inviting. It also brings an old school difficultly level. A Retro Studies masterpiece.


7. Wii Sports

The game that helped sell well over 80 million systems to date! Wii Sports has not only provided hundreds of hours of fun but also managed several other feats. Wii Sports brought millions to gaming who were previously uninterested. Its simple accessible style and clean attractive visuals had everyone wanting to play. Its runaway success has also shaped the whole industry forcing both Sony and Microsoft to reassess their strategies and launch their own new control styles. This game ate up huge amounts of my time in little bursts everyday and underneath the accessible surface there was plenty of hidden depth.


6. Super Mario Galaxy

When Mario took his first steps into 3D on the N64 it was an industry changing moment. Two generations later and Mario 64 was finally bested! This game has an incredible sense of WOW. Jumping from planetoid to planetoid and fighting familiar foes felt both startlingly new and old all at the same time. Perfect controls, beautiful graphics, a massive challenge but most of all pure gaming fun. This game shows just how far Nintendo are ahead of the pack. Nintendo had managed to redefine 3D platforming whilst the rest of the industry was still struggling to match a game released back in 1996.


Tommorrow, the epic conclusion: 5 through to 1!

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Here it is, the epic conclusion of my count down - five down to one!


5. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

A new Zelda game is always a special thing, but a new Zelda as a launch title is something else. I know this was originally made for the Gamecube, but it still looked fantastic and the Wii remote controls actually enhanced the experience – especially aiming. Whereas Wind Waker seemed cut down and was padded out with that Triforce hunt at the end, Twilight Princess was huge. A massive over world, huge dungeons, plentiful side quests and the kind of classic gameplay that makes the Zelda series stand head and shoulders above the crowd. Oh, it also gets extra credit for Tingle not making a re-appearance.


4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

A long time ago I remember reading an April Fools’ joke in a Nintendo mag about a Mario fighting game. Who would’ve guessed that ‘joke’ was a pretty accurate prediction. What it didn’t predict was how good the series would be, or that Brawl would be the biggest selling fighting game this generation! A massive roster, incredible graphics and one of the best Nintendo stories ever. They managed to weave so many characters into one tale which was all told with the most wonderful cut scenes. The game play was also classic Nintendo, so easy to get into but with so many hidden depths and more content than you can shake a stick at.


3. Mario Kart Wii

I always enjoyed each home console Mario Kart slightly less than the last. Mario Kart Wii was a huge return to form and I actually felt it was the first in the series to actually eclipse the original. A mix of wonderful new tracks and classic old ones (N64 Bowser castle – OH YES), new racers, new vehicles, bikes and a superb 12 player online mode hosted on dedicated servers. The game felt so vibrant and while new players seemed to get to grips instantly with the Wii Wheel the Classic Controller and Gamecube pad were there for the more serious gamer. I plowed well over 350 hours into this game alone, online and with family and friends.


2. Metroid Prime Trilogy

The best game of the previous generation, it’s sequel and one of the best games of this generation, all on one disc. Add to this the fact the original titles were both enhanced with Wii remote aiming and slight graphical improvements. This is possibly the greatest disc ever created! These games are all pure gaming gold, they perfectly translate the feeling of the classic Metroid games into 3D and bring them to life in a way I couldn’t have conceived possible. Everything about these games is so close to perfection - the level design, the story telling, the pacing, the puzzles and the attention to detail. A collection of masterpieces.


1. Super Mario Galaxy 2

The original was a masterpiece – but this is an improvement in every way. Every level and every challenge felt that little bit more polished. The inventive nature of each challenge and the way Nintendo had taken almost every idea in the original and pushed it to the next level is astounding. Everything about this game is pure brilliance and at the same time it’s longer and provides a much tougher challenge. Along with Ocarina of Time this is possibly the single greatest game ever created and proof that when it comes to game play no other developer comes close to Nintendo. This is pure gaming heaven.


That's all folks, I hope you enjoyed it!

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One shocking omission from this top 25 list that deserves to be there far more than any of the FPSs on the list, and it's not even a retail game. World of Goo! :nono:


But yeah, interesting list. Things I agree with, things I don't but it's a personal list so my complaints are moot really (apart from the lack of WoG which really is shocking :heh:)

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One shocking omission from this top 25 list that deserves to be there far more than any of the FPSs on the list, and it's not even a retail game. World of Goo! :nono:


But yeah, interesting list. Things I agree with, things I don't but it's a personal list so my complaints are moot really (apart from the lack of WoG which really is shocking :heh:)


You have to remember this is Zechs's top 25 games on the Wii, all games he's purchased and enjoyed.


Zechs loves FPSs, so there were bound to be a few FPSs in the top 25.


Regarding World of Goo not making the top 25, he might of not played it.

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Twilight Princess was huge ... and empty.


So was Wind Waker sadly only game that really felt alive was Majora's Mask IMO : peace: But still, dat Zelda charm, I could ride a horse in Hyrule field just for fun, and just the same with going around the ocean, seeing how fast I could get from one side of the ocean to the other :D


I hope Nintendo can bring a bit more life to Skyward Sword when flying in the sky :D


Oh, it also gets extra credit for Tingle not making a re-appearance.


Yeah he would have been in it, but he was too busy making spin-offs and making more rupee's from it. :heh:

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