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NGC reveals Zelda TP WILL use rev controls


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NGC is a very, very reliable magazine, and I am more then willing to take this as the truth. My only hang up is that I won't be able to read it for myself until I can get back to my college in-box in January. Bah!


EDIT: Now the news has been allowed to sink, and after having a quick brush over the scans, I am now positively wetting mysef with excitment. Seriously, I am drowing in my own piss. Great stuff.

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Guest Stefkov

the only thing im thinking about is that Link will now becom a right hander for the majority of people. Link is a left handed guy.


also i just thought something. i was eading the mag article and, myiamoto said that link was the 'link' between the player and the world or something, now its the link between the two systems. eh eh. maybe not

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Until Nintendo confirm this, I can't see it being more than speculation. I mean, the front of the magazine screams 'Revolution Release Date Revealed! Exclusive!!' at you, and inside, it says, 'Well.. It's the end of 2006 sometime... Probably November.' As if we couldn't have guessed that ourselves. If you want my opinion, NGC are just hedging their bets and making a few informed guesses to fill out their 2006 preview. Because, let's face it, there aren't exactly many confirmed facts about what Nintendo's doing after March next year yet, are there? And a preview of Zelda with 'confirmed' release dates and Revolution compatability sounds a lot more exciting that, 'Play Animal Crossing and Partners In Time months after the Americans! Wario Ware: Twisted - Out over a year late! We might even get Electroplankton, Chibi Robo and Metroid Prime Pinball if we're lucky'!

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aren't NGC future, and future = official nintendo magazine.... so it makes sense.


nah, i think Future publish the official PS2 magazine but not Nintendo's official one, just NGC.


Anyway... this is awsome! I hope they get a chance to squeeze in some more rev-exclusive content like spanglier graphics and downloadable content.

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Well to be honest all though this is good news and if this is the reason for the delay then its i suppose a reasonable reason to do so. I just can't see how this 'incredible' new feature makes up for however many months it will be postponed for. If this is the reason for the delay it isn't that good of one, although it is good for all future revolution owners not everybody will be able to take advantage of the features. For gamecube owners this isn't too exciting and for them the features won't be useful at all.

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nah, i think Future publish the official PS2 magazine but not Nintendo's official one, just NGC.


Anyway... this is awsome! I hope they get a chance to squeeze in some more rev-exclusive content like spanglier graphics and downloadable content.


Nintendo UK have just announced a deal with future to start publishing NOM with them from january!

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I don't know why you would think that considering the Metriod Prime 2 REV demo was made in two weeks. Though the controls weren't super polished, they were damn good for TWO WEEKS.


Also, this is the biggest team ever to make a Zelda game, so I wouldn't be surprized if they had a part of the team focusing on REVO controls.


Plus, even if it were to come out in April, that's 7 months after the delay announcement. 7 months is definetly enough time to add another control scheme and polish the entire game. Hell, some full games are made in 7 months.

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the only thing im thinking about is that Link will now becom a right hander for the majority of people. Link is a left handed guy.

lol finally something in my life that will be suited to my natural left-handedness!!!! so for the sake of all leftees lets hope they keep link the same lol

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This is fantastic! A Zelda game that will use Revo controls at launch! Id love to hear about the ideas of how things will be done.


I was thinking like if Link jumped and grabbed hold of the rop and started to swing, you could make him swing by moving the remote forward and back and then pressing A or something to let go.


of course then there is the sword swinging idea alot talk about but what about if you held the remote diangonal like a bow. If it switched to first person and where ever you moved the remote like a bow, Links bow would move in the same direction.


of course then the hook shot which could be an obvious idea of just point and shoot.

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Another thought, if this is true, and I still don't see any reason for us to think it is, would it be the first game in which Link is ambidextrous? Or would we have to hold the Revolution remote in our left hand (the hand Link usually uses for his sword)?

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