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Xpert 11 Season 19: Ally or Die


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Season 19!




Ok I'm no good at speeches

Moria "Yeh his speeches are almost as bad as his team"

Last season was as good as any other (except the ones I won) even if I wasn't admin, I would be standing here saying to our new season. Salute








Important: Rovers, Haden, Odwin, Eights, Haden, Odwin, Inter, Inter, Odwin, Mcoy, Mad, Mcoy, Mad, Mad, Mad, Elites, Mcoy, Elites,


Mad 4

Odwin 3

Mcoy 3

Inter 2

Haden 2

Elites 2




A season as close as this yields many defining moments and therefore this award was very close to call. The Elites, Haden and Inter had their moments, Odwin at points looked the team that was going to clinch the title. In the end Mcoy did however the award goes to Madpool, with a string of big wins against Dyson, Inter and Eights and a momentous away victory against Rovers it seemed like they would return to the top league and win the title. Even though they didn't their 3rd place represents a huge triumph and this award reflects that.





Style: Rovers, Rovers, Mcoy, Elites, Madpool, Dyson, Inter, Elites, Haden-Mad, Dyson, Mcoy, Dyson, Mad, Mad, Haden, Elites, Rovers, Odwin


Mad 4

Rovers 3

Elites 3

Dyson 3

Mcoy 2

Haden 2




This season has seen some wonderful football for all the fans to enjoy. The usual suspects of Dyson and Rovers are up their with their offensive style a joy for all. The defending champions the Elites turned on the style as well. However yet again Madpool is top of the award table. For one thing their double with Haden that ended 3-3 and 2-2 ranks as one of the best doubles the league has ever seen. But it was their midfield oriented play that yielded chance after chance and sometimes goal after goal that won the critics over. See their 5-1 victory over Dyson for evidence of this.

Player: Svanson Eights, Avallone Haden, Svanson Eights, Fjellbekk Eights, Hales Madpool, Twigg Dyson, Stenholm Dyson, Trainer Mad, Marconossi Haden, Twigg Dyson, Trainer Mad, Twigg Dyson, Gaye Mcoy, Trainer Mad, Jbil Mcoy, Cotino Elites, Mazzoleni Rovers, Delgadillo Odwin,

Mad 4

Dyson 4

Eights 3

Haden 2

Mcoy 2




This award highlights individual moments of brilliance rather than the team awards. Eights United despite being relegated showed their team is full of huge potential gaining 3 nominations. However it was the teams of Dyson and yep you guessed it Madpool that jointly won this award. For Madpool Hales gained a nomination but really it was Trainer who shone through, 14 assists and 9 goals. Lets just repeat that, 14 assists and 9 goals... An incredible achievement that almost defies belief, he was 7 points ahead of the next player on the assists goals points chart. Player of the season without a doubt. For Dyson Stenholm makes a swan-song on the list while Twigg had one of his best seasons yet with 7 goals and 5 assists gaining him 3 nominations. Both teams have a lot to be proud of.



Lucky Dip Select Number 1-13


Madpool 4

Madpool 5

Madpool 10

Dyson 3


Silver 12

64s 1

Emo 2


Rez 13

Inter 7

Inter 9

Peeps 6



Alliances: Make them while you can guys!




Now is the era of alliances. No longer are other leagues irrelevant to you, in this new system you as a Top, Middle or Lower League member can pick a friend in the two leagues you are not in. When you have your group of 3 you are now an alliance. The alliance with the best positions at the end of the season will have bragging rights and a pick each in the lucky dip. Quickly pick your friends and keep your alliance strong before time runs out...


If their are two of you from the top two leagues I realise some Lower League members who are new may be hard to get hold of. You can pick one in that case to form part of your team.




MadDog, Rez, Peeps

Odwin, Tales, Cube

Elites, J7, Bubbles

Haden, Rising Phoenix, ???


Top League:












Middle League:












Lower League:







All Stars



All Starz

Status Unknown: Domstercool, guys dilemma here, if Domstercool stays on top league will retain Rovers and be an 11 team league. I think it may be a bit of a strain as the two lower leagues off season will be much longer than ours. Any thoughts? I am thinking of cutting Dom as he doesn't seem to interested.


Will start new season after Tuesday friendlies first game will be this Friday.

Edited by Haden
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Dom still plays! He doesn't post much on here but he still at least checks his team fairly frequently.


I'm fairly confident in my team's abilities. Not sure we can push for promotion but we'll put up a good fight!


Yeh I know I am just unsure what to do would lower league people want to wait for us upper leaguers to finish?


I could invite him back with a new team a season later, damn this is bad usually its hard for me cause we don't have enough people this time we have to many haha

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How do I earn the number-picking rights? Also you may as well give us the trophy now :p


I used to do reports for every league but because of time issues I can only do the top league nowadays. If anyone wants to do Middle and Lower league please do would be so good. If you accumulate the most awards in my reports you get a pick. Because noone does middle or lower league reports I just let the top 3 in both leagues have a pick. This season I have also let anyone who has found a new member have a pick.


Who wants to ally with me?!


My alliance needs a lower league member want to join me and Rising Phoenix?

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If the top league is only one team more it won't be that bad!


However, Roosters not being relegated again?! So lucky! Swear they've done it before!


Yeh he has lol but I think he wanted to go down then and may do now its quite a benefit really.

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Accepted Ellmeisters friendly, look forward to the match.


As before, i'm sticking as i've done before, only replacing those who decide to retire. Need some youth players though


Edit: Got rid of a 30-2 player, replacing with an 18-4 midfielder.


Allys, hmm. Always looking for "friends".

Edited by Jimbob
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I would like to deem us "The Chartreuse Trio" because when our opponents see us, that is the colour they turn. YEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssss.




















Either that or Ultimo Badass Force Durabilitio Athletica Union

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How the hell did Odwins side become worth so much? Did it jump up in value because of those 18 4s? I still fear a renewed era of Odwin dominance is around the corner.


Young good players are worth more than the rest of your crappyish older players? Is that really a shock? :heh:

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