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Girl B - Date 1


The Good: This one went really well and we got on swimmingly, plenty of laughs and a little flirting was had. Agreed to a second date and will arrange. Plus she's absolutely gorgeous!


The Bad: No outrageousness so it makes for a crap story for you guys. Sorry.




No flaws, no care. "It went really well", "absolutely gorgeous."


Absolutely pissening.

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So the person I have been kind of seeing for the last two and a bit months left for Japan yesterday.


It's weird how intense it started and in such a short period of time it faded.


It began falling apart a month ago, maybe a bit more before. I was busy at work and not intentionally ignoring him, but swamped. At some point I got a message saying I was ignoring him, it wasn't the same etc. I apologised and what not and a few days later tried again. He ended up telling me about how when he was in the states visiting his family he met someone (online) and had been chatting a lot subsequently. I was annoyed not because he was chatting to someone else, but because he'd roundabout mentioned this person previously without explaining the connection, after promising to always be honest (not that I care, but he kept promising to be honest).


Anyway, things went along and a few times he'd say I changed etc and it just felt like I couldn't do right for doing wrong (I got accused for being moody for giving a one word response once, which was an "afternoon" to his "morning"). Two weeks ago we were chatting and I had to leave (tube journey to a friend's) and then hours later I got a message saying he thinks I've been speaking to others and I said I had, but it was chit chat. He moaned and then suddenly shut down the conversation. Hours later I basically said "I think we need to put this behind us and enjoy your last weekend in the county'. Two days later I get a message saying hi and then, when I responded, he said "why don't you love me" (I know jokingly) and I launched into a rant about how he ignored me for days etc. When he said he was joking I pointed out how if I'm sarcastic I'm told I'm being mean but if he's being silly I'm supposed to just know.


Anyway, a few days later I asked when he was free last weekend but he said he isn't. He could have said that previously but no.


And I honestly don't mind. I realised he's not what I wanted (I'm looking for someone to spend time with, but I've not seen him since mid June as he always had excuses) but I thought it'd be nice to leave it on a happy note. We chatted briefly yesterday but it ended with "I've got to go to the bathroom". Seems a fitting end...


I'm sure we'll speak again and it was obviously always doomed, but it could have been better.


Oh well, live and learn!




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So I've come to the realisation that I fancy too many people. So here's my description of the girls I'm talking to.


Girl 1: Smeagol

I'm not sure whether I've already told you guys this but there was a girl I was speaking to. She wasn't too bad, we spoke for a bit when she asked if I liked her. I said I did and she liked me and we carried on speaking. The next day, after work, I came back to find a message from her, asking if I was ignoring her. I was like "I've been at work". She apologised and asked if I wanted to still speak to her. I said I did but honestly, that instantly put me off her. I don't want someone who just suddenly snaps like that at me. It was like Smeagol and Gollum. One minute she was okay and the next, it seemed she was like "Stop ignoring me" and I was like "O...K?". We spoke a little more and the connection just isn't there anymore. She's gone on holiday and the last time I spoke to her was a week ago and we've not spoken since.


Girl 2: Hairdresser

I like this girl. We've spoken for over two weeks every day without fail but the problem is is that we're always talking about how our day has been. We've spoken a little about ourselves but it goes back to what we did on the day. I've run out of questions and I think she has for me. I'm better at meeting people in real life than I am talking to them online. This sucks because I like her.


Girl 3: Irish

This girl is in university at the moment studying innovative strategy. We spoke about anime for quite a bit but then it sort of slowly died down. She's not seen My Neighbour Totoro and I said I didn't and I said something like "As if we've not seen the film and we like anime!" and she messaged back with something I can't remember and then immediately said she had to do some uni work and that was that. I was like "Okay...cool".


Girl 4: Sales Assistant

This one is in real-life and I actually really like her. She's nice and thoughtful, caring and sweet. The only problem is that I work with her and I'm a supervisor and she's a sales assistant. I'm thinking if things ended badly, it would be awkward for the both of us or if I read into it more than I did, she'd find it awkward. The thing is, she's all over me. She isn't slaggy or anything like that, she's actually pretty much a lady, which is something I respect. Today, we finished work and she was all over me and tells me she's going home. I told her I'd drive her home and she lit up (usually, she walks home).

We had this awesome talk in the car and she was asking me stuff like my dreams and things like that. It was a really nice drive. We got to her house and she was more or less like "You're not like other boys, I like that" (which can be taken any way) but we had this moment in the car that I can't really describe. It was like we were looking at each other and in that time, I just really wanted to kiss her, nothing more. Anyway, I wasn't sure if it was my imagination and I chickened out and played it safe and we hugged. She asked when I was in with her next and I said I was in a couple of weeks' time and we both said bye to each other.


ARGH! Sometimes, I hate being a man and just fancying girls that probably aren't interested in me! lmao.

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So the person I have been kind of seeing for the last two and a bit months left for Japan yesterday.


It's weird how intense it started and in such a short period of time it faded.


It began falling apart a month ago, maybe a bit more before. I was busy at work and not intentionally ignoring him, but swamped. At some point I got a message saying I was ignoring him, it wasn't the same etc. I apologised and what not and a few days later tried again. He ended up telling me about how when he was in the states visiting his family he met someone (online) and had been chatting a lot subsequently. I was annoyed not because he was chatting to someone else, but because he'd roundabout mentioned this person previously without explaining the connection, after promising to always be honest (not that I care, but he kept promising to be honest).


Anyway, things went along and a few times he'd say I changed etc and it just felt like I couldn't do right for doing wrong (I got accused for being moody for giving a one word response once, which was an "afternoon" to his "morning"). Two weeks ago we were chatting and I had to leave (tube journey to a friend's) and then hours later I got a message saying he thinks I've been speaking to others and I said I had, but it was chit chat. He moaned and then suddenly shut down the conversation. Hours later I basically said "I think we need to put this behind us and enjoy your last weekend in the county'. Two days later I get a message saying hi and then, when I responded, he said "why don't you love me" (I know jokingly) and I launched into a rant about how he ignored me for days etc. When he said he was joking I pointed out how if I'm sarcastic I'm told I'm being mean but if he's being silly I'm supposed to just know.


Anyway, a few days later I asked when he was free last weekend but he said he isn't. He could have said that previously but no.


And I honestly don't mind. I realised he's not what I wanted (I'm looking for someone to spend time with, but I've not seen him since mid June as he always had excuses) but I thought it'd be nice to leave it on a happy note. We chatted briefly yesterday but it ended with "I've got to go to the bathroom". Seems a fitting end...


I'm sure we'll speak again and it was obviously always doomed, but it could have been better.


Oh well, live and learn!




Hope you are alright, Brah-shley.


A bit of a meh end, though. A shame that he seemingly didn't bother on that final weekend. Take it easy, brah.

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Hope you are alright, Brah-shley.


A bit of a meh end, though. A shame that he seemingly didn't bother on that final weekend. Take it easy, brah.


@Ashley, I think there's someone out there who will totally be into you more than he was. He sounded dead weird. I wouldn't worry about it! Just think of you! :)


I feel okay to be honest. Yeah I would have liked a happier ending, but it's not like it was a particularly sad/bad ending. It just kind of simmered down.


It taught me a few things about myself, what I want to look for and for a short time gave me some self confidence. It's all good in the hood.


Least he didn't stand you up on the day, now that would have been rude :p


Sorry dude, but ovaries before broavaries.

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Girl 2: Hairdresser

I like this girl. We've spoken for over two weeks every day without fail but the problem is is that we're always talking about how our day has been. We've spoken a little about ourselves but it goes back to what we did on the day. I've run out of questions and I think she has for me. I'm better at meeting people in real life than I am talking to them online. This sucks because I like her.


I think I probably did the best thing I've ever done online-dating wise.


We kept on talking about our days all of the time and then we didn't message for a day or two. I didn't really want to lose her because I feel there's something there but I just needed to find a way to boost it somehow so I told her the truth. I basically said that I'm awful at online messaging and that I'm honestly much better in person. I also said that I've only ever done this once, which is why I'm rubbish and I then asked her about her experiences of online dating.


She replied to me about her experiences and told me I was "doing fine! :) x". Woo! So we kept on talking and basically, her online dating experience consisted of a man who dated her twice and then never spoke to her again because she went on holiday. She was like "Lads, they're so confusing! x" and I said "Hey! You lot are pretty confusing yourself! :P x" and we were just messaging back and forth.


I'm starting to remember the first time you message a potential lady. I'm happy! :)

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Ask her out!


I asked her for her phone number a few days ago to WhatsApp her and she was a bit hesitant. Besides, I have no money right now because I've not been paid in the last two months (well, coming up to two months). As soon as I do, I'm totally going to ask her out.


Play twenty questions!


Sounds a bit dumb, but basically ask random questions to each other. It tends to end up getting quite personal and you do end up finding quite a lot about her.


That and what @drahkon said. :D


I run out of things to ask her. Give me a few questions, guize! :)

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