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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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@Ike, what's the crack?


I haven't seen for her about 4 and a half weeks now.


I'm assuming it's because she was told the bus stop would be closed for 10 weeks when it hasn't, at least not yet. They've removed the shelter this week but they've set up a temporary stop in the same place. Could be some other reason in which case would mean I probably won't see her again.


I was hoping she would return after 10 weeks but it might depend if they finish whatever they are planning in the next 5 and a half weeks. They did finish the first part of work quicker than what was planned though.


They are doing work around that area until August so it might take even longer, it might not affect the buses though.


I guess it depends her alternate mode of getting to work, if she's getting a lift from a family member/friend/taxi then I reckon there's a good chance she might start getting the bus again. If it turns out she can drive, then I'm probably screwed (but why get the bus?).


But yeah, it kinda hurts. I think it's partly the reason I've been stressed this week (it's certainly not the only reason though) but it seems to be hitting harder this week for some reason.


I know it shouldn't bother me since I didn't really know her and I have no idea if she was even interested at all, but for some reason it still does.


I'm not sure I could have done something sooner though, I'm pretty quiet in real life (which is probably reflected here) so I'm not one to start conversations with strangers. It sucks it happened right around the time I was gaining confidence starting conversations with her.


The fact she didn't ask my name/number makes me wonder if she wasn't interested or was waiting for me to do it, but she didn't really hang around. ::shrug:


A "valentines fair" opened near work which could have been a good date if things worked out, but ah well.


Anyway, long post. Maybe it'll help me feel a bit better. ::shrug:

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The fact she didn't ask my name/number makes me wonder if she wasn't interested or was waiting for me to do it, but she didn't really hang around


You didn't ask for her number either. Take the lead, if you like a girl tell her and ask her out. Although I do realise saying this is far easier than actually doing it.

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Every time!




I just love his little face.


I should hopefully be seeing the turtle again tomorrow. He asked this time. Just got to hope his work isn't tiring enough for him to back out (of meeting...in case anyone misinterprets that sentence).

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Arranged to meet one of the girls I've been chatting to for coffee the week after the next. Well, she might be having coffee, I never learned to like the stuff.


You've got to have something. Can't meet for coffee and then not get any coffee, will look weird.


Do you not like tea or anything?

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Oh aye, Danny. Coffee, eh? ;)




Yeah. Coffee. :heh: It's the first time meeting her, it'll have to be damn good coffee if anything's going to happen that day! :p


You've got to have something. Can't meet for coffee and then not get any coffee, will look weird.


Do you not like tea or anything?


Oh, yeah, of course. It just sounds weird saying "Hey, wanna go out for coffee or tea or cocoa or water or ..."


Thinking back, that's actually not too far from what I wrote. Oh, well, it worked.


So... I never got asked out...


Get a fella in November, since then I've been asked out twice.... da....fuck. Am I emitting some kind of awesomeness?


Well, it's a commonly held belief that once you're in a relationship, you suddenly become much more romantically popular. Whether it's purely a mental confidence thing or there are some pheromones involved or it's complete bullcrap, I have no idea.

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I need recommendations for a second date.



A romantic evening picnic in a park or go for a drive into the countryside a little and have a picnic under the stars.


Edit: Didn't see London there. Try that in London and you'd probably get stabbed :p

Edited by Serebii
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