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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

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No kidding. Right when I was finally going to do it. Worried he's already asked her out, just hoping she's not interested. :p She took his number so she must be a little? :/


Current plan is talk to her and ask her if she wants to get lunch either tomorrow or Thursday. Gotta usurpe the usurper.


Can't work out why peopling are thanking my post since it's just me failing

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Can't work out why peopling are thanking my post since it's just me failing


Because you're at least doing something which counts for a lot, you say that you have spoken to her before? Well that's something. :)


If you actually ask her out next time you see her on the bus and if she agrees then that's also definitely something to be happy about.


I've talked to girls on the bus before but I don't think I've actually asked them out so you'd be going one step further than me at least... :heh: but if you really get the feeling that she might be interested then go for it! : peace:


Otherwise you'll never know... :wink:

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Because you're at least doing something which counts for a lot, you say that you have spoken to her before? Well that's something. :)


Ah. That's OK then. :p


I did but it was a while back now. Except for Friday like I said, but she was just letting me go first.


but if you really get the feeling that she might be interested then go for it! : peace:


I feel it could go either way, I'm not 100% convinced.


Otherwise you'll never know... :wink:


Not knowing is certainly worse then being rejected. :nod:

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Almost built myself up to asking her out. For fucks sake I wish I could just grow some fucking balls.


I wouldn't even know the best way to word it.


"I think you are hot/sexy/smart/wonderful would you like to go to dinner/dancing/canoeing/shut down the US government with me?" (delete as applicable)

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"I think you are hot/sexy/smart/wonderful would you like to go to dinner/dancing/canoeing/shut down the US government with me?" (delete as applicable)


I just sent her a message asking to go for a drink.


How do I unsend?


So I messaged her on fb. She came online and saw it straight away. Now she's gone offline...


I would have preferred a simple rejection.


Hell even a complicated rejection would have been better. This is the last time I take advice from a female friend.


........aaaaaand apparently she has a boyfriend.



I don't think she has a boyfriend.

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Tangental and, really, a moot thing, but just a situation that I don't know how to act in.


How do people deal with a situation where you're hanging out with an attractive person that you don't fancy, but their partner thinks that you do, and so they're all icy and alpha and stupid and shit?


I met my friend's housemates today while I was with my girl, and later on the housemate-friend's boyfriend turned up after my girl had left, and he wasn't all "hey how you doing! isn't life grand?" instead he kept 'assessing' the environment and checking his gf's responses rather than just talking to me. I totes don't fancy the housemate girl, but I couldn't stop picking up on this guy's awkwardness. The point is that because he's seeminly busy with his turmoil he's providing zero conversation, so I'm just talking to her, and if I try and include him in the chat he just... kind of scowls a bit. WTF am i supposed to do?


There are all sorts of related situations that I just overthink (based upond behavioural cues that I observe!) which lead to awkwardness.


I'm not sure any of this makes sense.

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Tangental and, really, a moot thing, but just a situation that I don't know how to act in.


How do people deal with a situation where you're hanging out with an attractive person that you don't fancy, but their partner thinks that you do, and so they're all icy and alpha and stupid and shit?


I met my friend's housemates today while I was with my girl, and later on the housemate-friend's boyfriend turned up after my girl had left, and he wasn't all "hey how you doing! isn't life grand?" instead he kept 'assessing' the environment and checking his gf's responses rather than just talking to me. I totes don't fancy the housemate girl, but I couldn't stop picking up on this guy's awkwardness. The point is that because he's seeminly busy with his turmoil he's providing zero conversation, so I'm just talking to her, and if I try and include him in the chat he just... kind of scowls a bit. WTF am i supposed to do?


There are all sorts of related situations that I just overthink (based upond behavioural cues that I observe!) which lead to awkwardness.


I'm not sure any of this makes sense.


Chill out and act like everything's normal, because it is. His problem is his problem, don't let it be yours.

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I just sent her a message asking to go for a drink.


How do I unsend?


So I messaged her on fb. She came online and saw it straight away. Now she's gone offline...


I would have preferred a simple rejection.


Hell even a complicated rejection would have been better. This is the last time I take advice from a female friend.


........aaaaaand apparently she has a boyfriend.



I don't think she has a boyfriend.


At least you put yourself out there and actually asked her. Now you know and you can move on. Asking the person out is almost always the best option.

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Tangental and, really, a moot thing, but just a situation that I don't know how to act in.


How do people deal with a situation where you're hanging out with an attractive person that you don't fancy, but their partner thinks that you do, and so they're all icy and alpha and stupid and shit?


I met my friend's housemates today while I was with my girl, and later on the housemate-friend's boyfriend turned up after my girl had left, and he wasn't all "hey how you doing! isn't life grand?" instead he kept 'assessing' the environment and checking his gf's responses rather than just talking to me. I totes don't fancy the housemate girl, but I couldn't stop picking up on this guy's awkwardness. The point is that because he's seeminly busy with his turmoil he's providing zero conversation, so I'm just talking to her, and if I try and include him in the chat he just... kind of scowls a bit. WTF am i supposed to do?


There are all sorts of related situations that I just overthink (based upond behavioural cues that I observe!) which lead to awkwardness.


I'm not sure any of this makes sense.


Take it as a compliment, brah. He obviously thinks that he has something to worry about, probably down to your superior manliness.


In all seriousness, you're there to talk to the girl. He just happens to be there. Be polite, as you normally would be, and if he gets annoyed or whatever just ignore him. Maybe mention it to the girl in private?

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At least you put yourself out there and actually asked her. Now you know and you can move on. Asking the person out is almost always the best option.


I know, that's what I keep telling myself.


Not bumped into her at work yet today, hope it won't be awkward.



I can't believe it to be honest, I thought I was pretty surely in there. 3 other people thought there was something there. One friend was sure that the girl liked me, even before she knew that I liked the girl. Talked about mixed signals.


Ah well, time to move on to the next hopeless project.

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I know, that's what I keep telling myself.


Not bumped into her at work yet today, hope it won't be awkward.



I can't believe it to be honest, I thought I was pretty surely in there. 3 other people thought there was something there. One friend was sure that the girl liked me, even before she knew that I liked the girl. Talked about mixed signals.


Ah well, time to move on to the next hopeless project.


Is this the girl that is moving back to India?


(or is that a completely different story/person)

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Is this the girl that is moving back to India?


(or is that a completely different story/person)


I wondered the same! Kudos for actually doing something though @MoogleViper. You guys can still hang out though? Doesn't need to be any awkwardness either(though that depends on both of you). I went out for dinner with that girl in the end(the one who was totally into another dude), though I thought she was totally going to keep putting it off, but all was well in the end. She's a little awkward at times I think(I half wondered if she still expected me to be trying it) but it was a nice evening out for dinner.


@jayseven to elaborate on my earlier point(posting at stupid oclock makes me assume I make sense) - the issue isn't yours. Sure, talk to the cool person, try to involve her boyfriend BUT if he's gonna sit there being moody/not engaging/whatevs then so be it. If it was just a person doing it(no existing/known to you dynamics) in the same situation what would you do? I'd eventually end up ignoring/not bothering with them. I wouldn't say mention it to her or anything either - first because this is your intepretation and in your head, second because he'll probably say something to her anyway - it's not your problem.

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@jayseven, I agree with @Rummy. It's not your problem. The guy obviously has some issues that he needs to deal with. If this was the first time you'd met him maybe he'd just had a bad day, see what happens the next few times before saying anything. If you are going to be seeing a lot of him speak to your girlfriend about it and ask her to see what he's like when you're not there.
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Is this the girl that is moving back to India?


(or is that a completely different story/person)


I wondered the same! Kudos for actually doing something though @MoogleViper. You guys can still hang out though? Doesn't need to be any awkwardness either(though that depends on both of you). I went out for dinner with that girl in the end(the one who was totally into another dude), though I thought she was totally going to keep putting it off, but all was well in the end. She's a little awkward at times I think(I half wondered if she still expected me to be trying it) but it was a nice evening out for dinner.


@jayseven to elaborate on my earlier point(posting at stupid oclock makes me assume I make sense) - the issue isn't yours. Sure, talk to the cool person, try to involve her boyfriend BUT if he's gonna sit there being moody/not engaging/whatevs then so be it. If it was just a person doing it(no existing/known to you dynamics) in the same situation what would you do? I'd eventually end up ignoring/not bothering with them. I wouldn't say mention it to her or anything either - first because this is your intepretation and in your head, second because he'll probably say something to her anyway - it's not your problem.


Yeah it's the same girl.


I bumped into her today, as I was heading for lunch, which was later than normal, and she was coming back.


She asked, "have you had lunch?" to which I replied, "No, just going now." unfortunately, I often need to clear my throat due to my nose. And at that point my voice decided to croak the words out, which is awkward at the best of times.


Anyway I'm glad I had the cohonas to ask. Hopefully this will give me more hope in the future (along with more late night pep talks from @Magnus).

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When does she go back to India anyway? Probably wouldn't have worked out :p


Next thursday is her last day I believe.


I know. Would still have been nice though.


Hooker story!


When I have some time (and I'm not at work) I'll tell it.


The best bits of the story aren't about me, they're about my friend.

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Went to a club last night with my fellow students.


There was one girl - very pretty, very hot - who I thought was out of my league. She started to dance with me. It was quite intense. Grinding and stuff.




20 minutes later she just left and we didn't dance again. ::shrug:


I didn't/don't mind.

Anyway, that's not really my point.


This is what I took away from last night: I will never again think that a woman may be out of my league.


Got a huge confidence boost.



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OK, here's the prostitute story. It's pretty long, so don't expect an easy read.


OK, a few months ago me and 3 friends went to Amsterdam. They are Dan, Nath and Gazareth (he played in some previous forum telephone games that some of you may remember).


As soon as we get to Amsterdam, Nath is constantly going on about wanting to sleep with a hooker, and doesn't want to do it on his own. Since Gaz and Dan are both virgins, he pesters me to do it. I say that I don't want to.


Anyway, after a few days of this, I relent and say that I'll go and consider it if one takes my fancy. Gaz also decides that he wants to do it. Nath tries to convince him not to, while I say that he definitely should. (Background info: Gaz is one of the most socially awkward, and completely naive people you could ever meet. A girl he liked used to constantly insult him and tell him to leave her alone, eventually deleting him on facebook. However he's still adamant that she liked him.)


I think that he should sleep with one and get it over with. We all start making predictions about what will happen. I say that he'll be incredibly disappointed and hate it (but insist that it'll be better for him to do it with a prostitute and get it out of the way, than with a girlfriend and risk ruining a relationship). Nath thinks that he'll fall in love with the prostitute.


Anyway we go down to the red light district. It's about 1-2 in the afternoon, and there are a shit load of tourists. Also about 80% of the windows are empty. We wander around, a little bit nervous and awkward. Gaz decides he's going to go ask one about it (get prices and stuff). He finds out that it's €50, and a few of the ground rules (no kissing, must wear a johnny etc.). We continue walking around, and Nath just takes the plunge and goes with one. Me and Gaz wander around a bit more, before meeting with him. He gave us the details, and said that it was €50, but she wanted another €50 to take her top off (she was wearing a police woman costume). We decide to make sure that we ask up front what we get for the money, so we don't get ripped off, and head back to the apartment for the rest of the day.


That evening, me and Nath decide to go out on the pull. We end up in a packed club. Nath tried chatting to a group of 6 girls, who couldn't hear and/or understand him. He says he's going to buy them drinks, and we head to the bar. We go to give them the drinks, but 4/5 out of the 6 girls just refuse to accept the drinks, much to the amusement of a nearby Polish man. I down the rest of the shots and tell Nath that I'd rather go somewhere else (he's still trying to chat them up, talk about flogging a dead sheep). We go to another bar where we're the only non-staff people in there. Then we try to go to another club, but find out it's a private party. I'm feeling frustated by this time so I tell Nath that we should just go to the RLD.


We head there, but from this direction we end up wandering down some really shady backstreets, with gangs of drug dealers lining every corner (including one guy who angrily shouts something at us as he walks by, in a foreign language). We get to the RLD, and wander round. I'm seeing a few that I quite like, then I spot an attractive Thai woman. Having always had a thing for oriental women, but with it being very unlikely that I'd ever get with one, I decide to go with her. I walk in ask her how much et cetera, and pay her the money (you get 20 minutes for €50). She tells me her name is Cindy/Sindie, and tells me to get undressed (as does she). When I'm naked she comes and (in her very thick Thai accent) says, "Oh you handsome" (think of FMJ, and you'll know the accent). She pushes me onto the bed, puts the condom on and starts sucking. We start kissing on the lips and I start touching her lady garden (both of which seem to not be allowed at every other prostitute). We start having sex in a variety of positions. Throughout all of this she keeps saying (and remember her accent), "You should be my boyfriend" and "I love you". It's a little bit awkward. The first time she says, "I love you", I don't say anything which makes it more awkward, so I decide that next time she says something I'll say something back. A few minutes later she says, "I love you" again, to which I reply, "thank you". Feeling like an idiot, I think that I have to try better. The next time she says, "I love you" I mumble "you too".


After this it's been a while, and I'm nowhere near close to finishing. I start getting worried that I won't finish, and wonder what will happen. Anyway as we near the time, she pulls me off of her, gets me to straddle her waist, and gestures to me to wank off onto her tits. However at this point I'm just worried about finishing, so I start to beat off furiously. I finish myself off, and expect it to fill up the condom. But to my surprise, it erupts out. My thought pattern is "Shit, is there a hole in it? Wait, what the fuck? I'm not wearing one!" I realise now that she must have taken it off when she was pulling me on top of her, without me realising, but at the time it was a bit scary.


Anyway, I see it erupt out of the end. As I said, I was really concentrating, just trying to finish, so I miss her chest, and it hits her on the cheek. She's startled for a moment, before saying "You come long".


Anyway I pay her, wash my cock in the sink, thank her and leave. Nath goes with another one. The door that he entered is shared by a number of prostitutes. So by the time he's come out, a large group of guys have gathered, who all begin cheering him.


Two days later we decide to go again, this time with Gaz. We go in the evening as we previously discovered that their shift changes at 10pm (way more and way hotter) and there aren't any tourists around. All this time Gaz has been saying how he's going to ask them loads of questions. We say, "What the fuck for? Just ask how much it is and what do you get." he says that he wants to go with one that's really cool. I start getting frustrated with him, and just tell him to go and ask one. He goes up to one dressed as a schoolgirl, and asks her so many questions that she just shuts the door on him. I'm going to reiterate that, he got rejected by a prostitute.


He goes with another one. As it's his first time, he expects to pay an extra €50 to have a second go (knowing that he'll finish really quickly). He goes with one, and comes out after about 20 minutes (not the full 40 minutes he should get for the extra €50), looking really despondent. We press him about it, and he says that when he got in, he found out that not only was it an extra 50 for added time, it was an extra 50 for sex. The first 50 only covered a blowjob. They actually argued about it for a while before they had sex. So despite us telling him that he only needs to ask how much and what he gets, from all of his questioning, he doesn't even get the right information. He also didn't finish a second time, as he was hating it so much he just asked her to stop (hence why he came out early).


We go elsewhere, and manage to find another RLD. Nath goes with one, and comes out saying it was the best sex of his life.


The next night Nath wants to go visit the same prostitute, and Gaz wants to go with one again as well. Nath finds the same one, and Gaz goes with another one. Gaz comes out after about 4 minutes, saying it was way better. He said they spoke a lot and got to try a few different positions (most of which sound stupid). He said they moved around the room trying to find something for him to put rest his foot on, so he could thrust into her (remember that she was about 6 inches shorter than him, and was standing with her legs together). He then said that they tried missionary, but he didn't like it, so they switched to her having her legs closed, and him straddling her...


Anyway Nath comes out with a smile on his face, and Gaz says he wants another, so we go back to the main RLD.


He finds one he likes, but wants to check out some others. When we get back round to her, her curtain is closed. I suggest he goes finds another, but he insists he wants this one, so we wait until she's finished with her punter, and then he goes in...


He comes out about 15 minutes later. He reveals that the sex only lasted about a minute, but they talked for ages and she was really nice. He keeps insisting that she actually liked him, much to our protest.


A few things he said:

G: "she was really nice. She asked me what music I was into, and I told her I liked heavy metal. She said she liked heavy metal as well."

Me: "She was probably just saying that."

G: "No she named a band that she liked."

N: "Who was it?"

G: "I dunno, never heard of them."

Me: "Yeah she probably made that up."

G: "How could she just make up a band name?"

[Later that evening we began making up band names base don objects in the street:

Me: "I really like The Rusty Bicycles."

N: "I love Broken Streetlights."




G: "I asked her about her dreams."

Me: "What did she say?"

G: "She said she didn't want to be a prostitute, she just needed the money. So I offered to help her out."

[bear in mind that Gaz is unemployed and lives with his parents]


[after trying to convince him that she didn't actually like him]

G: "She does like me, she told me to remember her."

Me: "Yeah, remember her when you've got another €50 to spend."

G: "No she didn't mean it like that."

N: "What did you say?"

G: "I said I could add her on facebook. But she doesn't."

Me: "She probably does have facebook."

G: "She said she didn't."

Me: "Yeah she doesn't give it out to customers."


G: "She told me her name, but I asked her what her real name was." [this girl was Bulgarian]

Me: "What was her real name?"

G: "Crystal."

Me, N, D: "..."


Me: "I bet she paid you a compliment didn't she?"

N: "Did she say you have nice eyes?"

Me: "No, I bet she complimented your hair." [he has long hair]

G: "Shut up."

Me: "haha, what was it?"

G: "She said she likes blondes."


Many jokes were had at his expense. Especially as both mine and Nath's predictions came true.


Nathan went back to the same prostitute a third time on another night.


In the end I slept with 1 prostitute, at a cost of €50. Nath slept with 3 prostitutes a total of 5 times, at a cost of €300 euros. Gaz slept with 3 prostitutes at a cost of €250.


TL;DR I come long.



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