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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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For a start, turn that frown upside down... no really do it.


I will. :)


Gonna keep both optimism and pessimism locked away. No idea how she will respond. But that's the beauty, anything can happen.


And no matter what the outcome will be, I'll be glad I did something.

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I was also surprised by the Daft... thing. One day we'll get a gay census going.


I've recently given up on trying for a relationship or anything of that ilk. I haven't done anything since I broke up with my girlfriend in December sometime, except some FWB stuff. I don't really feel any desire to try to hook up with people. Kissing isn't that great and gets boring after a while. Some people are just really shit at pleasuring others and sometimes it's just like, "I'd enjoy this more by myself."


All the relationshipy stuff doesn't seem all that appealing and it's annoying that everyone seems to assume everyone else desperately wants it to happen. People who give you pity looks when you're not in a relationship or try to console you. Bitch I don't need consolation... I feel like I might be too selfish for a relationship. I much prefer my friends to any past relationship I've ever had. Do relationships ruin friendships?


One of my current best friends was so annoying when we were going out but now she's such a fun person to hang out with. It's like I have to pick one and I just want a best friend I occasionally do other stuff with. Everything would be much easier if my other hot best friend could fall in love with me. The way it is now though, I'd much rather spend time with my friends than potential partners. There was this one guy that is so much like me in interests that I was a little creeped out, but he's not gay the cunt (I think). He has a girlfriend anyway.


That's my update.

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Update from me......


Proper couple now :) and we randomly decided to book a holiday away together in October which also happens to be over my 30th. This kinda thing should be making me nervous and scared as we have only known each other 5 months? but complete opposite. It feels so right and we are so happy right now.


8 months ago I was a depressive mess and hated all females but now I am happier than I have ever been in life. Just goes to show that the old 6 year relationship probably wasn't right and the she-devil done me a favour breaking up with me cos I would never have met my new Girlfriend and be as happy as I am. :D


Nice one Platty :yay:


I too have felt the same thing. 7 year relationship over last year, 4-5 months of getting my life back together and now been with a new girl for 9 months, courtesy of OKCupid believe it or not, and we're really happy. There is justice in the world! No holiday for us yet though sadly as she has no time for it until she finishes her PHD, but still, got a few plans for next year and currently saving to potentially buy a house together in a year or so too. Exciting times!

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@Ashley Love the video. I've been in that situation on the bus and train before.


Congratulations to all the people taking positive steps with their relationships. It will pay off eventually when you meet someone great :).


I've got something to moan about relationship wise. My once close friend, who I've known for about 12 years, got engaged at the weekend. We used to see each other all the time, even when we lived in different parts of the UK we'd visit a few times a year. But since he met his girlfriend I haven't seen him in a year and a half. He helped me move house about 2 years ago but I had to keep that a secret from his fiancee. He used to be really sociable, with myself and loads of other people, but not anymore.


I dunno, maybe it's what he wants. He's obviously happy with her and I know people drift apart, but it didn't feel like a drift. I just find it annoying he's dropped me so easily from his life.


...I wouldn't be suprised if I didn't get an invite to the wedding.

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@Ashley Love the video. I've been in that situation on the bus and train before.


Congratulations to all the people taking positive steps with their relationships. It will pay off eventually when you meet someone great :).


I've got something to moan about relationship wise. My once close friend, who I've known for about 12 years, got engaged at the weekend. We used to see each other all the time, even when we lived in different parts of the UK we'd visit a few times a year. But since he met his girlfriend I haven't seen him in a year and a half. He helped me move house about 2 years ago but I had to keep that a secret from his fiancee. He used to be really sociable, with myself and loads of other people, but not anymore.


I dunno, maybe it's what he wants. He's obviously happy with her and I know people drift apart, but it didn't feel like a drift. I just find it annoying he's dropped me so easily from his life.


...I wouldn't be suprised if I didn't get an invite to the wedding.


Have you tried speaking to him about this? Although, I can imagine that would be one awkward conversation to have.


The telling sign is that part I bolded. I take it that his other half doesn't like you? Or doesn't like him spending time with you?

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I hate it when some people get into a relationship they ditch all their friends. There's enough time for friends and partners in your life. You should bring your partner into your friend group if she isn't part of it already.


Its not that surprising at how many of my friends did this at university.


Unfortunately, we now don't really talk, which is a shame, as I miss them quite a lot. I don't understand how someone can do that.


Sure you spend a lot of time with your other half and that's great, but to abandon your friends baffles me, what happens to you if you end up splitting up. Going to be one lonely existence.

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Update: Wrote the lady a message on Monday ("Want to go see a movie with me, blablabla?").

Still no response.


Is it too much to ask for a "Thanks, but I'm not interested.", "Fuck off, you ugly shit!" or just a simple "No."? :rolleyes:


Well, anyway. Life goes on, I move on, now I will enjoy the sun :D

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I'm sad boy.


As I mentioned earlier in the week - I always seem to like the wrong guys.


It's happened again.


So I play tennis for a local club. A month or 2 back now a new face appeared at the club - some guy looking to play a bit more.

We played against each other (doubles) a bit, and he seemed like a decent kinda player, and after some general chit chat he said he was looking to play a lot more.

Same with me really, so I suggested we could play some singles - even if it's just knocking a ball back for a bit once a week.

He agreed, and we played a couple of games.


Anyway, I don't know what it is - but there's just something about him. You know what I mean?

He wasn't very talkative at first, but last week we played and spent half an hour or so just generally chatting after about random shit - just the formalities when you're speaking to someone you don't really know. Where you from, what do you do etc.

I just got in from playing again this evening. After we came off we sat for an hour and a half just talking. He mentioned gaming, so we struck up a conversation about games - and we just couldn't really shut each other up. He found it amazingly cool that I took part in a Mario Kart League each week, and told me all the games he loves and what he thinks about the industry as a whole etc. It wasn't the usual "oh yeah I play COD and FIFA and have a 360!" He has owned every console, holds the DK series as some of his favourite games of all time, takes days off work to take delivery of new games he can't wait for to play - and has a real understanding of the gaming world.

It was a decent convo!


Then we moved only films randomly, and he (like me), is totally not really into films. Aside from the Bond films, which we both have a mutual love for and spent more time discussing at length!


Now. I understand this is just 2 people chatting and enjoying the same topics. And that's great. But it fuckin annoys me that I find myself actively looking for someone like him and have been looking for some time - and this guy just appears from nowhere and is kind of everything I like and seemingly look for in another guy.




I don't have a gaydar - and if I do it doesn't work. Another guy could have his tongue in my mouth and I still wouldn't know if he was gay or not? Apologies for the imagery! :heh:

I don't know if this guy is gay - it's very unlikely to me but as I say, I wouldn't really know. I'm rubbish at it. If I had to put money on it though I'd say he wasn't - but it doesn't make much of a difference anyway.


So yeah, it sucks to be me. Am I blowing this out of proportion and being an absolute woman? Please feel free to tell me to get a fuckin grip as I feel it may be warranted!

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Magnus, Ashley - rubbish.


Flink - yes that is a good point. I already know he has a flat mate and all that shit but I don't wanna come out and ask if he has a GF as I think it's weird ha.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not obsessed with the guy (although that post may suggest otherwise haha) but my point is just it's annoying how I seem to want to find someone who is like him and have had zero success with that. And then BOOM. But then not boom. :hmm:

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Did you have to? Now

is in my head.


As Flink said, go down the friend route right now to find out more about him. Maybe arrange some kind of social event with friends and do the old sly "you can come along and bring your girlfriend if you want" line. Or maybe next time you're talking about playing games say either something like "does your girlfriend not mind you playing them so much?" or "my ex boyfriend used to get annoyed with me beating him at Mario Kart all the time". At least the latter puts it out there and (beware, incoming pun) the ball is in his court.

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Did you have to? Now
is in my head.


As Flink said, go down the friend route right now to find out more about him. Maybe arrange some kind of social event with friends and do the old sly "you can come along and bring your girlfriend if you want" line. Or maybe next time you're talking about playing games say either something like "does your girlfriend not mind you playing them so much?" or "my ex boyfriend used to get annoyed with me beating him at Mario Kart all the time". At least the latter puts it out there and (beware, incoming pun) the ball is in his court.


Lol sorry. Not a good one to get stuck in your head. :shakehead


And yeah, all I expect from this is friendship anyway at the most. Which is pretty cool to be honest. I think I can say with some certainty that he doesn't have a GF but I suppose I could drop the ex card in somewhere just for shits and gigs and to see what happens.


He actually said it'd be cool to play some co-op stuff together at some point. That's all well and good and all, but I just traded my 360 in... :blank: ... :shakehead ... :mad:


How much are they to buy again? :heh:

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