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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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I've taken to being nice to people, doing good deeds and stuff. It's in vien hope of getting noticed by the females, as i'm not good at starting a convo. I suppose "can i help you with that" is a good way to begin a potential convo. My luck so far................................... 2%!!!. It's getting there, slowly.


Made me laugh and a little upset at the same time. One of my mates managed to get a date off one of them free dating sites, and he's the most anti-social of the lot of us. I wonder where i go wrong.

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Thank you everyone for your tips.


Took a new pic, i find it really hard to take photo's of myself this is this best i can do for now , i find i always look unatural or cheesy.





should i upload it or wait for someone to take a better one. Or just give up alltogether i never seem to have any luck on these sites anyway,

or i could upload a pic of me dressed as mario ( for a joke ) and see where that takes me ;)


You...sort of look like you're being asked to smile at gunpoint by a Nigerian kidnapping gang...

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You do look much better, and that is a nice shirt btw. However I would suggest you take the photo from a bit further away (and then crop if need be). The outstretched camera arm is a bit too myspace. Better off setting the timer on your camera and standing about 2m away. Take lots of different photos as well. Try different smiles, different poses (obviously don't try too hard with your poses, but try standing differently, sitting down etc.). The more you take then you can choose the best one.

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also, don't do it indoors at night! Obviously you're wanting to get an image on the site quickly but you're better off waiting for a bit and taking some shots outdoors or in a café etc. And get somebody else to take the picture too. All this makes for a more natural, relaxed picture. Most of my pictures on facebook are now me, sat opposite Emma in coffee shops...



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I've taken to being nice to people, doing good deeds and stuff. It's in vien hope of getting noticed by the females, as i'm not good at starting a convo. I suppose "can i help you with that" is a good way to begin a potential convo. My luck so far................................... 2%!!!. It's getting there, slowly.


My suggestion...throw lots of positivity out into the world, but don't go around expecting anything back :) That's not how it works, or else karma would be concrete and real and not just a vague concept. Good things do come back to you, but it might not be immediate or directly related to the situation. Bask in the knowledge that you've done good and maybe made someone feel better. It's more than getting noticed by girls, it's about being an awesome person :) /hippie

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So I've decided to join a dating site but I don't know what picture to choose because every picture that is taken of me just looks terrible to me. However, these three I don't mind so much even though I still think I look kind of bad in them. SO I decided to let you guys have a look and tell me which one you think would be cool as a main picture.



Edited by Animal
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So my ex came back from travelling the other day. Had a brief chat but the result that came back from it was quite simple..


I need to move on. As hard as that is to swallow...damn it.


Relationships are so much more than 2 people falling for each other; the circumstances you are both in need to match and unfortunately ours just aren't at the moment. Annoyingly, she's one of those people that can ignore her emotions and forget about stuff like that. I tend to be the opposite and hopefully it won't become too much of a distraction to my revision.


Hurts deep though. I really care for that girl.

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Hands off fuckers, he's mine.


Although I'm sorry to hear that Goron, I'm pretty sure you'll move on to find someone with whom proximity and commitment aren't such issues. I went through the same thing approximately a year ago. Your first impulse is going to be to attatch significance to every date or holiday that comes by and on which you did something together in years previously, or coffee shops that you went into together, but you've got to check yourself when that happens and realise it's going to bum you out and wrongfully enshrine something that you're likely to find again soon with someone else.


Unsubscribe to her Facebook posts on your news feed, don't trawl through her pictures, and definitely don't call her, because all that's going to do is furnish your sense of misery and longing for something that flat out isn't good for you. Also, go out. Sow those oats, it'll help you move on ;)

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Unsubscribe to her Facebook posts on your news feed, don't trawl through her pictures


While I agree with pretty much everything Bard has said here, this bit in particular. You actually would not believe how much this can help in the process to 'move on'. Facebook really can be a bitch for creating feelings of unwarranted longing/jealousy.

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Sorry to hear that Goron. Sometimes things just don't work out the way we want them to, but theres nothing to be done and you just need to be strong!


I agree with the above posts about Facebook, too. I'd also recommend removing her number from your phone (save it in a draft text or something, in case you get a message from an unknown number and want to check if its hers). That way, you can't get drunk and decide its a good idea to text her at 2am, but you still have access to the number if its really needed.

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Oh god, drunk texting. I did that once and it was A VERY BAD IDEA AND I FELT STUPID.


It's always a bad idea. Don't text anyone when you're drunk because it's a recipe for disaster.


Unfortunately, I've been guilty of it in the past myself.

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I've got my first date (ever) organised for this Friday. I'm surprisingly not nervous! Our story feels like a lol. The guy is pretty amazing / good looking / v. nice. Time to seduce.




Edited by Frank
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Would it be possible to ask her to not see her friends?


Quoteed for truth.


As mercenary as it may sound, if she wants a concession like this from you, then you had better be able to extract a similarly tough concession from her. Try from the following list:



1: "Don't Be A Bitch Tuesdays"


2: "Dessert and BJ Friday Nights"


3: "Saturday Afternoon Gaming Only"


4: Breakfast in bed x3 per week


5: Absolutely no conversations that begin with "You won't believe what Megan said to me today..."*


6: Hand over all credit, debit and VIP cards to Handsome Boyfriend.






*Because, for some unkown cosmic reason, it's ALWAYS someone called Megan. **



** Except in China. Where it's ALWAYS someone called Lily. Seriously. You call an office here and say "Can I speak to Lily" and they're all like "Which one? We're an office 30 females and 26 of them are Lily". I'm not even joking, I wish I was. And then Lily answers the phone and you're like "No, I meant Lily, not Lily." And that goes on for five minutes

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I've just got back from my date & it went incredibly well! It was very casual and fun, lots of pizza, wine & horror movies. While not exactly life-changing, it was just so nice and fun. We get along swimmingly. Plus, he's Asian which is so Yes.


It's really awful though. He leaves for the Philippines (he's Chinese but lives there) in 2 weeks. And I have important exams for most of that time. We won't be able to see each other much. Argh. He's the only guy I've felt actual feelings for in over a year. I'm just going to enjoy the time I've left with him though.

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I've got my first date (ever) organised for this Friday. I'm surprisingly not nervous! Our story feels like a lol. The guy is pretty amazing / good looking / v. nice. Time to seduce.





What you talking bout? You've had dates before.

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