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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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They'd find that I run the site, they'd find people calling me a thief based on actions when I started the site in 1999, they'd find people calling me an arrogant prick, then they'd find this


I may not be female, but trust me on this: no girl, NO girl is going to care what Pokemon fans think of you! You have to step back and see how ridiculous that type of argument is.


No hobby is too geeky as long as YOU can put it into context and see it for what it is - entertainment, not a way of life. If you think Pokemon is really important, the girl will pick up on that and I suppose it might put her off. If, however, you just think Pokemon is a good game and you like running a website on it, I doubt that would put her off.


Also, rejection isn't that bad. It stands to reason that anyone who approaches you is (probably) interested in you, whereas not everyone you approach will be interested in you. It's just simple odds. If a girl gives you the cold shoulder, the trick is not to think "I'm awful", but to just realise that there are all sorts of reasons for it - she might have a boyfriend, she might not want a boyfriend, you might simply be a bad match. It doesn't mean you're unattractive or anything.

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Smile lots and compliment them on small things which usually go unnoticed. Their shoes is a fantastic one because no guy will ever compliment a girl on her shoes purely because we don't ever notice them!


Not true, having lived with my housemate for five years I've learnt about shoes and lingerie. One day that knowledge will come in useful :heh: (actually I think it helped in my Uniqlo interview as I mentioned that upon researching I found out they own Princess Tam Tam).

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Serebii - You are single. Therefore, you have nothing to lose. If you go up to a girl and ask her if she'd like a drink, she'll probably do one of the following:


1. Take you up on that offer.


2. Decline politely.


3. Decline rudely.


Option one means you win. Option two means that you didn't win that time, but may do another time. Option three means she was plain rude anyway and a waste of time, so it's good that she declined!


Just be friendly. Confidence is a big thing, so why not just use this time to try a few different tactics and technique...wait a minute...


You're Training in the field, ahahahaha.


What we're essentially doing is levelling you up here, to get your experience high enough so you can go out there and catch a female. Aaahah.


Try a few different things. If they work, then winnaaar. If not, nobody will care, probably not even you. If you don't try, you'll never get laid ever again. :o So, I recommend you do try.



I may not be female, but trust me on this: no girl, NO girl is going to care what Pokemon fans think of you! You have to step back and see how ridiculous that type of argument is.


No hobby is too geeky as long as YOU can put it into context and see it for what it is - entertainment, not a way of life. If you think Pokemon is really important, the girl will pick up on that and I suppose it might put her off. If, however, you just think Pokemon is a good game and you like running a website on it, I doubt that would put her off.


Also, rejection isn't that bad. It stands to reason that anyone who approaches you is (probably) interested in you, whereas not everyone you approach will be interested in you. It's just simple odds. If a girl gives you the cold shoulder, the trick is not to think "I'm awful", but to just realise that there are all sorts of reasons for it - she might have a boyfriend, she might not want a boyfriend, you might simply be a bad match. It doesn't mean you're unattractive or anything.


Cmaaan. That's very unlikely to happen.


As long as you look first and make certain that she isn't hanging around the same bloke (who probably is her boyfriend) the whole time she's there, then it's just an honest mistake. How can you know if somebody is single or not from halfway across the club, unless they have their boyfriend right there with them.


Or, unless they politely tell you when they decline. In which case, that's fair. :heh:


So, you just assume they're single until either:


a. You see an obvious sign, like a boyfriend there, or a wedding ring.


b. They tell you.


There's not really an issue there. I was never worried about being stabbed in the eye during my single daysss.


Bad Pokémon-related puns aside :p, thanks for the advice guys, I shall try to heed it, but I'll still have the concerns.


While yes, it could be an honest mistake if they have a boyfriend, if they are inebriated then their moral compass is slightly askew and they are more prone to violence, regardless of if it's an honest mistake or not and I don't want to be permanently damaged and scarred just because I was hitting on a girl, and I don't have weight behind me to defend myself anymore.


I know that risk is a part of life, but if something hinders my future prospects, then what's the point? These are the situations my mind goes to. I'm fairly imbalanced, mentally, if you have yet to work that out.


That's a bit of a turn-off, admittedly. Don't show them that. :heh:


I take pride in it. My brother got it printed onto a mug for my birthday. You know you're doing something right if you're called a tyrannical despot :P

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I take pride in it. My brother got it printed onto a mug for my birthday. You know you're doing something right if you're called a tyrannical despot :P

If you ever decide to give online dating a shot, make sure to put that you're a tyrannical despot on your profile. ;)

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I feel like I'm too sexed out, and kinda just need a spell where I only go on dates. But the problem is I find there's very few people I emotionally/romantically/empathically connect with. The only person I've ever loved has been unrequited, and I still crai all too many tears about this fact.

There are people I'm very close to / I like / are amazing, but I'd never dream of being romantically involved with (in the conventional sense). It's hard to find the balance of sexuality and personality in a person. Like, I've shared some amazing fantastic experiences with James, and I pretty much idolize him, and he's one of the 5 people I actively follow on Twitter (as in, go to his profile to see his tweets), and he's the best and everyone else is nothing, but I can never ever imagine being in a "normal" sexual relationship. I don't particularly find him attractive for a start, but mostly it'd just feel.. unfitting somehow. shutup.


Basically, I want to meet a guy in Tescos, who has a twinkle in his eye, and for us to go on a couple of dates, and for us to love the feeling, then for him to drive me to a weekend retreat in the hills with a gram of MDMA, and just have loads of great sex / great fun. He doesn't even need to be that attractive, this's the thing, just someone I can connect with and love the feeling.


[silicone, Saline, Poison etc. FREE BIT]

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Loving Will and Bard's above posts!


Serebii, I'm tempted to pay for you to visit me whilst I'm at Uni and take you on a night out with the group I go out with at this rate! It doesn't help that you've got friends who aren't outgoing as well, you can't exactly get advice from them...Out of interest, do any of them have girlfriends?

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Loving Will and Bard's above posts!


Serebii, I'm tempted to pay for you to visit me whilst I'm at Uni and take you on a night out with the group I go out with at this rate! It doesn't help that you've got friends who aren't outgoing as well, you can't exactly get advice from them...Out of interest, do any of them have girlfriends?

In my close social group, yeah they all do :( Hence their lack of incentive. That said, one of them is up for going out most of the time, but suffers money problems. He was meant to go out with my Portsmouth friends and I on Tuesday but couldn't as the bank holiday delayed his money getting in.

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In my close social group, yeah they all do :( Hence their lack of incentive. That said, one of them is up for going out most of the time, but suffers money problems. He was meant to go out with my Portsmouth friends and I on Tuesday but couldn't as the bank holiday delayed his money getting in.


I am amazed they have girlfriends :heh: It's still good to go out even if you don't have a gf, I mean if you break up, you're gonna wish you had experience to chat up girls. I know a few people in that situation.

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Serebii, I've said it before! You have to stop blaming anyone else. You have options available and you're not taking them. It's no surprise that mates with girlfriends don't want to go on the pull. You can join clubs (and everything else I mentioned previously!) and you should try the online dating. I really, really, really don't see why you're so against the idea. If you've never had a relationship then you have no basis for saying that those formed online are somehow inferior.


Tsk. Yeah I'm just a little bored of the recycled serebii moan posts in this thread! Man up!

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Plus, if you really want to get your dick wet, online dating is perhaps one of the most popular options.


You sound just like what some of the women I've spoken to hate about dating sites.


The ones I've spoken to complain about half arsed guys sending short, sleazy messages. And apparently there are a lot of them. I think due to that fact alone, @Serebii (and any normal person) will have a natural advantage. In a sea of perverts, the humble internet geek is king (I'm sure someone on here said that).


Seriously, just try Plentyoffish. It's free so there's nothing to lose. Just sign up, pick some pretty looking ladies and message them. Just take a gander at their profile, find something that sounds interesting and ask about it. Failing that, ask about their job. Most people can talk about their job for ages, whether it be about how much they love it or how much they hate it and want to leave. Either way, it's a start.


Speaking of talking about someones job, here is a copy of a message I sent to someone when they put their job as "Button Pusher":


Is the button some super important government button that actually rules the nation? Or is there more than one button, each with a more important function than the last? Do you have to push the button every day, or do you just have to remain on standby some days just in case the button is needed? What colour is the button? I bet it's beige. Or red, some buttons are red.


As you can tell, I wasn't taking it entirely seriously.

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