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[Spoiler-Free] Zelda: Skyward Sword


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Grazza: you don't like the directional gameplay with the sword? This is what makes the combat the most fun in any game for me. I actively seek out the plants because it's so much fun slicing their mouths, I love the skeletons who block (especially the 4 sword ones where there is literally just one gap. The spiders you first have to uppercut before killer blowing them. The most satisfying though are the 3 headed monsters and you have to wait til they line up and then slice. It's just incredible fun!


Shorty: I'm just about to do the 2nd trial. Haven't read what you wrote. But worried about the 'worst bit'!!

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I wouldn't say it's the worst bit, don't worry, just a personal hope/expectation not met.


I felt the same disappointment at that point (for exactly the same reason, too). I also disliked those parts - but I can also tell that if I had played this the same age as I played OoT, it would have utterly terrified me.

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Grazza: you don't like the directional gameplay with the sword? This is what makes the combat the most fun in any game for me. I actively seek out the plants because it's so much fun slicing their mouths, I love the skeletons who block (especially the 4 sword ones where there is literally just one gap. The spiders you first have to uppercut before killer blowing them. The most satisfying though are the 3 headed monsters and you have to wait til they line up and then slice. It's just incredible fun!


I personally find it a little annoying, purely because I can't get the motions to work for me. Sometimes it's great, other times it's not. I find myself just waggling the wiimote wildly and it's been working a treat so far. The Skeletons I dispatch with bombs and the snakes don't have to be killed in 1 shot. As long as you get rid of all 3 heads before they sprout again your fine.

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Did anyone else have serious frame-rate issues between dungeons two and three when you hit the blue crystals? It was so bad it totally ruined the effect :(


Yeah, the framerate dropped pretty noticeably for me when the crystals were activated.


Didn't bother me too much, as the game takes control and plays this as a cutscene with little camera movement, but it was very noticeable sometimes. I'm trying to think back, but I can only remember having these drops in the area before the 3rd dungeon, not in the dungeon or in later areas. Maybe I stopped noticing them or they were less noticeable there.

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That's not how irony works. :heh:


I know but i couldn't for the life of me think of the word i wanted, i suppose strange fits better


as for shorty's worst bit

It didn't bother me as such.


Even though each trial was effectively the same, the way in which they played out were like the intended triforce part, or so i think was nintendo's train of thought.

Courage your first one you had to be courageous and risk time running out and certain death,

the wisdom one was more about using you're head to chose the correct path and puzzle solving to get the teals (using wisdom)

it was only when we got to power it seemed more tenuous as the closest you got to using your power in that formula was running a lot (you're power)


it was at this point i thought maybe it should have been a different one here somehow



as for frame rate issues nope not a single one here at all, other than the pan in of skyloft during the opening sequence it seemed to slow down


and i wouldn't think its enemy numbers on screen because

on the way to the second to last boss (immediately before the last really) he sends wave after wave of bobkins at you, easily around 20+ on the screen at some points and it didn't even slightly slow for me


Edited by Agent Gibbs
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Grazza: you don't like the directional gameplay with the sword?


I like the difference between horizontal, vertical and thrust, but I don't like having to decide whether to attack from the left or right.


I love the guard towers: horizontal, horizontal, thrust! That's a great addition to the gameplay, because direction isn't important, but that type of sword swing is.



Did anyone else have serious frame-rate issues between dungeons two and three when you hit the blue crystals? It was so bad it totally ruined the effect :(




I did some of the 3rd dungeon last night and I absolutely love the item in it.


Gust Bellows.



Apart from the more casual type of sword slash (horizontal, vertical, diagonal or thrust), this is probably the first time since owning the Wii that I've genuinely seen an advantage to motion controls. I can't deny there's something great about having rotation and pointing in your right hand. It's so fluid.


So yeah, if the dungeons and items continue like this, I think it's going to be mainly the overworlds that I don't like.

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Currently a bit stuck on this, but sure I want anyone to tell me just yet ;)


Not sure where to find the pinwheel thing for the windmill. Gone under the clouds to the forest bit, where it implied I should go, but my dowsing isn't finding anything at all



EDIT. Nevermind. Found it! :D

Edited by Dog-amoto
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Currently a bit stuck on this, but sure I want anyone to tell me just yet ;)


Not sure where to find the pinwheel thing for the windmill. Gone under the clouds to the forest bit, where it implied I should go, but my dowsing isn't finding anything at all


Go talk to the fortune teller in the bazaar.


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Swimming is fucking shit to control. Truly awful. How can it let you move around with the control stick while swimming slowly, but then when you press A, it relies on M+ only? Another example of unnecessary motion controls where the control stick would be 100 times better. At least with flying it was all M+ so there was no confusion.


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Swimming is fucking shit to control. Truly awful. How can it let you move around with the control stick while swimming slowly, but then when you press A, it relies on M+ only? Another example of unnecessary motion controls where the control stick would be 100 times better. At least with flying it was all M+ so there was no confusion.


I'm not having much issue with the motion controls but as I said before, I haven't been convinced that motion control is any better than standard controls.


The swimming is a prime example of this. It's in no way intuitive to swim with the wii remote. It's so awkward when you need to turn around or collect an item from the sea bed. I'm still having to go into the map screen every so often and re-centre the pointer too. I can understand that they'd want to have things controlled with motion control as much as possible but doing it like this just makes it feel tacked on.


Up until now I've been kind of on the fence with motion controls. Buttons weren't especially better and nor was motion control... but for swimming, buttons win hands down. It's just stupid the way they've done it. I'm already used to swimming around with the remote but it just takes my mind out of the game. I thought the whole point of motion control was to feel more immersed? If I'm only using the control stick I won't need to concentrate that little bit more on controlling Link.


Until we can truly have 1:1 movement, motion control will always feel flawed.


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I've recently finished the 6th dungeon. I was completely expecting the certain item you acquire once you've completed the dungeon. Hopefully they'll actually be some story now!


I was very disappointed that the trials are all the same. When Fi said that the first trial was called the Trial of Courage, the trial actually fit that title so I was kind of expecting the Wisdom trial to be a puzzle and the Power trial to involve fighting. But no, it's the same thing each time. Oh well.


I like the dungeons so far, I just wish I could get to them sooner. The stuff you have to do in between, as fun as it sometimes is, is dragged out for far too long. The most effective way to pad out a game is to have lots of optional side quests which unfortunately there isn't enough of yet.


Bosses are quite cool. I loved bashing the hell out of the 4th boss with the giant sword. I did way better against Ghirahim than I did before; I managed to actually hit him more times that he would block me.


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Finished the 3rd dungeon last night and have just done the bit afterwards. Very exciting!


Is anyone else experiencing a glitch in this game? I suddenly lose control and Link just runs round in circles. It happened at the beginning of Overworld 2, during the 3rd boss and 4x during the bit I've just described. Thought it was going to make the game literally unplayable, but thankfully I fixed it by unplugging the Nunchuk and plugging it back in. Is this a game glitch or do I just need a new Nunchuk?


Skyward Sword is a very intense game. The formula for the 3D Zelda games (in terms of villages/hub, overworld, dungeons) seems to have been like this:


OOT-TP: gentle, gentle, intense

Skyward Sword: gentle, intense, intense


They've taken it back to the days of the 2D games, where it was often difficult just to walk round the overworld, as your path was frequently blocked. I can see why some might like this more intense game design, but as @Zell alluded to, it just leaves me mentally exausted for the dungeons, which are actually pretty good in their own right and would probably shine more if they were framed in a more gentle overworld.


Looking forward to seeing what new things I can find with my latest items now...

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Is anyone else experiencing a glitch in this game? I suddenly lose control and Link just runs round in circles. It happened at the beginning of Overworld 2, during the 3rd boss and 4x during the bit I've just described. Thought it was going to make the game literally unplayable, but thankfully I fixed it by unplugging the Nunchuk and plugging it back in. Is this a game glitch or do I just need a new Nunchuk?


Sounds like a nunchuck problem. This kind of thing only happens to me when I move the nunchuck when calibrating the wiimote.


Just finished the 5th dungeon...

I LOVED the 5th dungeon, hell I didn't even think it was a dungeon until I picked the map up. I also loved the boss fight, very dramatic. I didn't really care for the design of the boss. Kinda looks like some reject off Ben10 or something.

:D Bad day at the office for the artists me thinks.



The music is still doing nothing for me, especially the overworld music. The overworld music is supposed to be very memorable. To this day I still find myself humming LTTP, OOT,WW and ST's overworld themes but this one may aswell not exist.


The motion controls seem to be working better for me today, haven't a clue why. I've been able to actually hit things properly while attacking, makes a nice change from swinging wildly.


I do agree with Peeps in regards to his complaints. Make little sense to have that mapped to motion controls when you could easily have used the nunchuck.

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