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In all seriousness though, have you checked cables and connections and made sure the graphics card is actually receiving power (do the fans do the funky dance)?


Also, don't suppose your mobo has built in graphics?

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Don't suppose you have another machine or graphics card handy?


No I don't. The graphics card worked a few days ago when I took it out of my old PC. So unless it broke since then whilst it's been out of the pc.


Is it possible that it's not compatible with the mobo? I wouldn't have thought so but I can't think of anything else.

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Any error lights on the graphics card or motherboard? They should hint at what the problem is.


What PSU are you using?


No error lights that I could see. I'll have a look again later to see.


Hiper Type M 580W.


Isn't it pretty unusual for a mobo not to have onboard graphics as well? Usually a vertically aligned VGA port amongst the USB and ethernet connections.


Nope, nothing.

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Don't be silly.


Where did you order from?


You need to get in touch with them and say it doesn't work.


I've just got back some replacement RAM from Scan after they sold me some that was dud.


You should be covered and can start a RMA.


Unfortunately RMAs for mobos are usually a little bitch because they're "easy" to break.


But considering what isn't working and as long as nothing has literally come off the mobo I shouldn't see a problem.


Did you buy building insurance from the site?


Cause that'd obviously cover you as well.


But you shouldn't need it.

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Ok the RAM LED thingy was lit up. So I've tried the MemOK! button to automatically tune it. But it's been going for a while and the LED is still blinking (not continuously lit up like before and like it should when the test is finished and the RAM has failed). How long does this normally take? If it is the RAM that's the problem is this the sort of thing that it would cause? i.e. would getting new (compatible) RAM fix the problem?




Don't be silly.


Where did you order from?


You need to get in touch with them and say it doesn't work.


What the gfx card or the mobo? Both from ebuyer (I think) but the gfx card is a few years old now so I don't think they'd give me my money back.

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Well your RAM is compatible no?


So you're thinking your RAM is faulty?


With faulty RAM you can still often boot-up.


I was able to boot into Linux and that ran for about 5 minutes.


I thought your graphics card was new, sorry.


Still sounds like it could be your mobonobo.

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