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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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You guys still playing this? I played for one month quite intensively, got all the house upgrades and about 7 full sets I think. Well, maybe I come back to this at some time...not now, though.
Yep, I've played it every day since launch. :)


Definitely starting to reach that point where the game looses its appeal now though, but I'll keep going until I've caught every bug/fish, hit 100 million bells in savings and finish off building/furnishing my 3 extra houses. :grin:

Will also be checking out all of the events/holidays as and when they come about.

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Ha, now that's hardcore man. I can do massive sprints in gaming, but that kind of prolonged grind...no can do. When I exhaust a game, it's done.


That's also why I'm glad they added all the town projects and the money-making island. In other words, a chance to get all the house expansions and whatnot without playing through a whole year. Good compromise.

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Gracie FINALLY visited for a fashion check. Sports theme and had to order them for 5PM postage, but I passed! 3 more to go, right?


Think I just got the last Brewstoid, assuming it was 3 of them. Maybe it was 4, I forget. I'll check later.


Been deliberately bringing loads of flowers to the village and letting them die, so I can weed them, try to get at least the bronze weed badge. I figure as long as I keep my hybrids alive, that'll do.

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Checked my counter, I'm about 150 hours played on this game - but it's slowly starting to dwindle now. I've finally gotten my golden axe, but I feel some mild fatigue at going through the motions of it all now. Does anyone know if flowers all die if you don't log on for a couple of days?


Obviously not 'all' but am I punished to lose them in that event? Say I don't play/fire it up for 2-3 days - will flowers die?

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I got my golden axe a few days ago, and went on a complete massacre of the town. Chopped all my trees down, and started the replanting of them all. Got more trees than before, but it seems emptier than before. Still can't complain, making 200,000 bells every 3 days on fruit.


On a negative note, i'm expecting a new resident to move in and completly bugger up my tree designing.

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Does anyone know if flowers all die if you don't log on for a couple of days?


Obviously not 'all' but am I punished to lose them in that event? Say I don't play/fire it up for 2-3 days - will flowers die?

A few flowers will always wilt each day. If you're not there to water them then yeah, they'll die the following day.

However, if it rains or if your villagers water them (setting town ordinance to beautiful will help with that), they'll survive.

It's a very slow process though, as only a few randomly selected flowers wilt every 24hrs, so in 2-3 days you might only loose a couple of flowers. :)


I've given up now, yesterday was the first day I didn't play this game since downloading it, and I'm not going to touch it today either. Mario and Luigi, and Fire Emblem, have won me over.
Yeah, this is around the time where AC looses its daily appeal. It's great coming back to it after a break though, checking out the different seasons, seeing your town completely riddled with weeds, and villagers that have been wondering where you've been. :heh:
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I've been playing daily on my lunchbreak just do to do little bits like dig fossils up, sell them I have them, standard chatting to people as a good mayor does.


However I'm now really looking forward to September arriving and the chance to add more bugs and fish to my museum. A fair few should be available to catch so will definitely be more interested in it. And after a quick check, there are a few I've still yet to get that have been available all of August. House Centipede... damn you's!


Pissed I can't catch a fire fly now till next June :(

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I've been trying hard to build up loads of flower beds and breed hybrids, so I've kind of tied myself into playing every day at the moment! I don't mind, though, as it's only for 20 minutes or so. Watering flowers and checking for hybrids first, then looking in the shop and checking turnip prices later. I'm hoping to visit some American towns next week as they'll have two special days that we don't get here (Labor Day and Weed Day, which we get in the Spring) and like Murr said, I'm looking forward to the new bugs and fish that'll be available in September:


Bell cricket Sept-Oct 5pm-8am 1720

Cricket Sept-Nov 5pm-8am 160

Red dragonfly Sept-Oct 8am-7pm 80


King salmon Sept All day 1800 Near river mouth

Salmon Sept All day 700 Near river mouth

Mitten crab Sept 15 - Nov 4pm-9am 2000 River (small)

Pike Sept-Dec 4am-9pm 1800 River (very large)


Clam Sept-Apr All day 300 Sea (small, erratic movement)

Oyster Sept-Feb All day 400 Sea (small, stationary)

Spiny lobster Sept 16 - Dec 9pm-4am 3000 Sea (large, erratic movement)

Sweet shrimp Sept 16 - Feb 4pm-9am 650 Sea (small, erratic movement)

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Hadn't took my perfect cherry hordes to my bro's game in like a week or maybe longer (alol the gravel space around the main tree was nearly covered, as well as boxes full of the things), chose today and got there and perfect cherries are the bonus sell (I think it was from my shop and when we tagged...) and went from 518,000 for a full inventory of them to nearly 900,000. I had millions and millions worth. He also tagged to me for Ores to sell more, of which I have a big pile of them that I was saving to mod furniture until I realized just how ugly they looked. Plus both mine and his shops where chock-full of stuff I didn't have. What an AC day.

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Finally completed my Fossil collection. My remaining two goals are:


1) Collect all the Fish and Bugs. If possible, I'm going to collect all the Paintings, but not going to bust a gut about this.


2) Gather all the Stripe and Minimalist furniture. I'd also quite like the Spa Wall and Floor, but it's pure luck whether you get it or not.

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Loaded up Animal Crossing Last night, not realising it was September. I saw something I didn't recognise, so I caught it and it turned out to be a Cricket. Saw another thing, caught it and it was a Bell Cricket! This must literally have been Midnight or 12.01am!

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Going to catch the fish later. I got the red dragonfly and both crickets pretty quick. Still haven't got the giant petaltail.


I've noticed that a few fish aren't available for the first time until like a third into next year. That just won't do. I really can't see me still caring by then. I've already given up on my perfect cherry town forest, since, although I'm making shedloads, the hassle of cutting/digging/planting/shaking an entire town of them is insanity. I always miss the bloody turnips, and the last two times I did it I came to a loss.


It doesn't help that my brother's given up, which means I never get any new catalogue updates from his house. Yeah, I know the item catalogue is huge, but I just can't believe how often my shops get duplicates of items they've had a dozen times before. I actually think I've collected at least 2 sets, but they're sets I don't want (think I got ALL the LOVELY set, including phone).


I'm guessing by the slow flow here, most here have given up too.


Anyone have serious trouble with Pascal? He just won't appear again after the first time. It takes so long to even find a diving creature at the town, never mind a scallop, then to have him not even show up when you get one...GRRR. Heard he has pirate armor/sword and I want for my weapon room.

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A few snaps from my done up house. I didn't bother too much with making every room fit a particular style of furniture, I just ended up making them each fit a general theme:


Living room:


















Game room:






The basement is a sauna/gym and the first floor is the bedroom, but I've not really finished either. Museum rooms are: Nintendo, Wardrobe (where I put all my clothes etc), Zelda, and Space, but again they're not quite finished yet.

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Wow, great effort with the rooms dude, really good!


Mine are such a cluster of everything,


One room full of fish and sharks, one room full of balloon furniture, living room is semi normal and one room as storage just random bits scattered everywhere.

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