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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Any chance this gets a surprise summer release?
I still reckon there's a pretty good chance of that. :)

And it would definitely help Nintendo at E3 if they ended their press conference or Nintendo Direct (or whatever the hell they're gonna do this year) with... "Surprise! Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS is available right now!" :awesome:

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I still reckon there's a pretty good chance of that. :)

And it would definitely help Nintendo at E3 if they ended their press conference or Nintendo Direct (or whatever the hell they're gonna do this year) with... "Surprise! Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS is available right now!" :awesome:


The game seems to be at a good stage in development and is the main big title after Mario Kart... Maybe end of Aug realistic?

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The game seems to be at a good stage in development and is the main big title after Mario Kart... Maybe end of Aug realistic?
Yeah, I mean they probably don't want to be releasing it too close to MK8.

But having said that, if we're going to be seeing Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors, Yarn Yoshi, X and Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem this year as well, then they're going to need to get it released as soon as possible.


Unless of course Nintendo are planning to cram everything in to the last two months of the year, as usual. :indeed:

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Also a bit sad that ice climbers haven't been confirmed. They were my favourite characters to play.


I wouldn't worry about the likes of Ness, Yoshi, Ice Climbers, Game & Watch, Falco, Ganandorf, Captain Falcon etc. No doubt they'll be confirmed, the only question is when!

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I wonder if you can pick them up and throw them into foes attacking each other.


I reckon so, maybe even get a bit of flappy lift from them. Is the idea for them to essentially be a ticking time bomb? Everyone can beat on them a little but someone will strike a final angering blow and then suffer a wrath of cuccoos?

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Kind of like a reverse Smash Ball.


I'd compare it to the firebox thingies - I tend to smash them up a bit when no one's looking when they appear - then take a stance far off trying to blow them up with an item throw or so(amazingly funny when it works, but it's very unpredictable). I guess the cuckoo's going to be a bit like that but mobile. Definitely gonna be lols throwing it into two other smashers and seeing what happens.

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This is the game that will define the WiiU for me. It needs decent online with voice-chat. If this doesn't happen I will have lost faith in Nintendo!


Decent online with voice chat?


Don't worry about it! Online gaming is in the air they breath remember and they are going to share it with us.


Obviously they always mean what they say.

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'"Pic of the day. Here's a comparison of characters with and without their outlines on the 3DS version. They also give off a different impression in 3D, so customize the look however you like."

Can see what he means now when he said it would be easy to lose track of players without it

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Yeah, the outlines do make a big difference. The characters are much easier to keep track of with them on (and look much better to boot!)


Hope that they're on by default...


Also, stealth confirmation that the game is fully in S3D ;) (take THAT Pokemon X&Y!)

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I'm still curious as to how this is going to play on 3DS. I can't get my head around doing smash attacks with the circle pad, it doesn't really feel right. :heh:


I'll no doubt be spending much more time with the Wii U version, and probably shouldn't bother with the 3DS one, but I want to check out the exclusive stuff. :hehe:

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Yeah, the outlines do make a big difference. The characters are much easier to keep track of with them on (and look much better to boot!)


Hope that they're on by default...


Also, stealth confirmation that the game is fully in S3D ;) (take THAT Pokemon X&Y!)


Also, Palutena's leak is no longer disproved by any perceived lack of outline.

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