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I 100% disagree with you. I'm one of the most proficient people using technology and have been using computers for 3/4 of my life. I would say I'm a power-user and know far more about them and how to use them than the majority of other users. I have/had a netbook and far prefer using my iPad than I do the netbook.


I don't think it's fair to say the iPad does less for a higher price as it's a different product. It's intended for casual usage, a spot of browsing here and there, replying to a few emails etc. That's exactly why I have one. I have a desktop computer through in my room which I use a lot but when I'm in the living room I don't want to have a laptop sitting on me the whole time. I like being able to pick up the iPad and browse quickly, post on message boards etc. I love the battery life because its so long and I love it turning on instantly but still getting notifications for emails in its standby state which uses very little battery.


As I said in my previous post, it isn't there to replace a computer, it's there to compliment it.


I understand what you mean, but to me it makes no sense...


I wasn't saying that it's only for people who aren't technically proficient, but rather that those are the ones that would benefit most from it, as someone who's "well versed" in computing is, in my opinion, settling for a lesser product at a higher price, for misplaced reasons.


Here's what I mean, if you really are just going to use it to reply a couple of emails or some browsing here and there you're better off getting a smartphone!! AND... if you're actually going to use it to it's maximum potential, it stops making sense... you're much better off buying a 7 inch netbook! Battery life is better, it's more capable and functional, it's smaller, and it costs 2 times less. I mean, don't get me wrong here, but the only reason someone should choose a tablet over a netbook is either because touch screen input is THAT important to you or because you're trying to be a tech hipster!

Bear in mind, all of this applies only to people who know their way around a pc! I completely and fully understand/support the use of tablets by people who are less-than-fluent with technology... it's a godsend!


I just... don't get. No bias, not trying to say it's a bad product... quite the contrary... I just don't get the concept!!!


Well, I have an iPhone that I use for the obvious and it also has my entire music collection on (around 1300 songs and building all the time!). It hooks into my car and saves me having to burn downloaded music onto cd's to listen whilst driving to work etc. Its always with me.


I have a Macbook that I use daily - most of the time to update my iPhone with music or to browse my favourite sites that I tend to visit daily. That's the likes of facebook, news sites, the forums, etc.

I will admit that though I am a mac user, I haven't even scratched the surface on what it can do, nor will I probably ever they are that versatile.


My reasoning for an iPad was just purely because I looked at getting a kindle recently. Nice price, very good product and everyone who has one loves it.

But whenever you go online and look for Kindle opinions, the iPad is always mentioned as a comparison device.

Now I personally don't get that as they are 2 different products catering to different needs.


However, it did make me research the iPad as I had never had any interest in getting one until I seen how much it can do - and as mentioned by a previous poster, how it compliments a pc / macbook.


I like to think my iPhone does that as it holds all my music.

But reading books on it looks pretty fun and easy, as does viewing movies.

Last Saturday I was bored out my mind - felt like crap, hadn't moved all day and wanted to just relax and watch somethin. TV was crap (as it always is these days) and I fancied a film. No films in this house. We're not filmy.


Anyways, checking on iTunes, you can rent for like £2.99! So I rented one and watched it on my MacBook and it was great. But it wasn't great trying to get comfortable on the couch with my MacBook lol.

And so I thought of the iPad again. I didn't realise iTunes held as much TV and movie content as it does. It surprised me and I found myself looking for stuff for around an hour - finding a looaad of films and tv shows that I would wanna watch.

And don't start me on the books!


I mean, yes, they are expensive. And yes Oxigen you are correct in saying you can do all this on a PC / MacBook - I totally agree. But I just imagine it being used a lot by me and by my family - sister, mum etc which is why I thought about perhaps picking one up.


I suppose it depends on whether it will fit in with the users needs at the end of the day.

If anyone on here has one - what do you guys use it for?


See what I said above for further reference.


As for the book thing... Kindle trumps it. Serious. To be honest, I don't really like either, as I'm a massive fan of paper... but the iPad is much more stressing to the eyes than kindle is, trust me.


And seriously... you sound like you don't need it at all. Save the money and spend it living, it sounds like you're trying to feel some weird void with an iPad. Be honest here, you don't really need it at all, do you? It'd feel good to have one, but you don't sound like you need one.


Spend those 400£ travelling!


(I know this is completely unrelated to the topic... just felt right, I guess).


Oxygen: your coming across a little "superior", you're basically saying if know anything about computers they're rubbish, and if you're amazing on them then get something else. Well it isn't as simple as that. iPads are way more portable than a netbook, it's better for consuming ANY media, better for web browsing etc etc. But y have your single minded view and that clearly isn't going to be budged.


Aneres: if all that appeals to you, then get one. Viewing photos, listening to music, watching films, browsing the web, emails etc It's all amazing, I'd rather use my iPad than any other form of computer.


Also, come the autumn with the new iOS and you can wirelessly stream your iPad onto your tv (with apple tv), all your mac devices will be completely synced (one of the biggest things for me and my Businesses) etc.


And it is fantastic for readin books. I ike the kindle and for loads of readin, and just readin, the kindle is probably better. But the iPad it's still fantastic, the interact is amazing, I love the bookmarking and highlighting, how you can hold any word and get a dictionary definition etc it's brilliant. I think the bookstore (most things apple) is overly priced, but still great.


And then there's the AppStore, there are so many amazing apps and games it's unreal. So many free and cheap ones I couldn't even begin to name them here.


But like oxygen says, it's pointless and if you have a pc completely unnecessary. The AppStore, th instant start, the amazing battery life, the touch screen for browsing and working, the portability etc. All on and better on a netbook ZZZZzzzzzzz



Ok, let's cut the crap here.


More portable than a netbook: no, it's the same. Larger than a small netbook, but thinner than a small netbook. In the end... same thing.


How is it better for consuming any media than a platform which can basically consume all media types in all existing formats? (and the iPad cannot)


You call me single minded yet provide no reasons that make any shred of sense.


Because guess what... the app store's content is nothing compared to the content of the entire internet at your disposal, which can match any app out there AND still provide further "apps", the battery life is the same, and if I'm being honest, it's even slightly better on a good netbook, since they do around 12-14 hours, and the iPad does 10-12. The portability is the same! Oo


I don't get it, you're insiting on stuff that makes no sense!!!

I get the app store thing, but everything else is like you're in denial...


The touch screen is a plus, I completely agree. But the lesser functionality and higher price of the iPad still make it a second choice to a good netbook.


The iPad is shit it's the worst thing ever made.


You can't say I'm a troll because i own a Mac and an iPod and an iPhone and a MacBook and a iPad and another iPod and I've had every iPod ever so if you call me a troll you're just wrong because I know more than you about apple and apple is shit and so is the iPad.


Why would you get an iPad when you can get a netbook or a galaxy tab which is 1000% better for less money or you could build a PC which is twice as powerful as an iPad for the same money. It doesn't even have a right click!







This is why people hate us Apple users. Because of this attitude.


I never said the iPad was anything but good... oO


And for the record the only iPod I've ever had was a nano... and I must confess it sucks, apart from iPod Touch, which is awesome, the entire iPod line is ridiculously underclassed compared to other mp3 players...


I do love my iMac and my iPhone, though.


I don't get where that attitude's coming from... I'm actually trying to engage in a decent discussion and all you can do is assume that I must be attacking you and be retarded just because I disagree with you... Come on, how about a little decency???


Just because I'm an Apple user it doesn't automatically mean I have to eat up anything they put out, you know?

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Because guess what... the app store's content is nothing compared to the content of the entire internet at your disposal, which can match any app out there AND still provide further "apps", the battery life is the same, and if I'm being honest, it's even slightly better on a good netbook, since they do around 12-14 hours, and the iPad does 10-12. The portability is the same! Oo


Okay, let's address some points.


First of all, the app store has nearly half a million apps in it. Now I know that a lot of them are crap, but each app is tailored to the iPhone or iPad, and designed specifically to make the most out of the hardware. The internet has a lot of great sites (which, of course, would all be available on the iPad as well) but if you buy a netbook you won't get any apps that use the touchscreen, the accelerometer, the camera in the exciting, interesting and unique ways that you can on an iPad. The creativity in the app store is incredible, and to liken it to the internet is, I'm afraid, ridiculous. They are two totally different things that can only be compared in a few specific circumstances, for example when you look at a news website's app. And even then, I would likely say the app would be better. Matter of opinion, though.


Secondly, the battery life on many netbooks is absolutely terrible. Fine, some may claim to have longer battery lives, but firstly that is usually without any apps running, and on the lowest settings etc, and secondly that is the quoted life when you first buy it.


Next is the point that Aneres made - he/she (sorry, I don't know!) already has a smartphone and a MacBook. There is no need for a netbook in that set up at all - you don't need two laptops. The iPad would provide a different service entirely from the one already provided by the laptop.


Portability wise, while a lot of netbooks are smaller when looking straight onto the devices side by side, it is only by a square inch or two, length and depth-wise. They are a lot thicker than an iPad in the most part, which is incredibly thin. I would argue that in most cases the iPad would be smaller in terms of total space. I would also argue that slipping a thin iPad into your bag is a lot easier that putting in a netbook as the thinness of the iPad means it fits into most normal-sized bags with papers/books etc. Matter of opinion again.



This is why people hate us Apple users. Because of this attitude.


I never said the iPad was anything but good... oO


And for the record the only iPod I've ever had was a nano... and I must confess it sucks, apart from iPod Touch, which is awesome, the entire iPod line is ridiculously underclassed compared to other mp3 players...


I do love my iMac and my iPhone, though.


I don't get where that attitude's coming from... I'm actually trying to engage in a decent discussion and all you can do is assume that I must be attacking you and be retarded just because I disagree with you... Come on, how about a little decency???


Just because I'm an Apple user it doesn't automatically mean I have to eat up anything they put out, you know?


First thing I should say is something I really thought you would have realised - I was joking.


If you go to any message board on the internet and look for an Apple topic, there is always someone who comes in to start an argument. I know what you're going to say - "this isn't an argument, this is a discussion!" - not when you call someone retarded for making a joke (incidentally one of my most hated insults as my dad has spent his life working at a special school, looking after severely disabled kids - tangent).


I was attempting to point out that a lot of people are against Apple for stupid reasons. If you read my post again you'll see that I'm making a lot of jokey generalisations about people commenting on the iPad with an instant Apple bias, who often go on to say "I have an iPhone so you can't say I'm a troll". Same on gaming boards: "PS3 is the best XBox is shit and you can't call me a fanboy because I have all three consoles!"




I would like to say a few things about you post. First of all, only a select few people in the world 'hate' Apple users, and most of those are die-hard windows users who are afraid of things that are different. And the type of Apple user they hate is the one that takes their product, waves it in their friends' faces and say 'oh you guys are all so stupid having Windows, this Mac is so much better' etc. I am not like that, and most people here also aren't, and so making that sweeping generalisation is unfair. Most Apple users are the complete opposite.


The iPod thing was definitely a joke - I was insinuating that people on other message boards say they're not Apple-haters and they prove it by saying they have an iPod, then go on to criticise the Mac as if they're the same thing. Do you know what I mean? Like saying 'Macs are shit and I'm not a hater - I have some white headphones!'


Also, your point about a smartphone being all you need for browsing the web and answering emails - that is absolutely not true I'm afraid. It's great when you're on the move and need to quickly check things, but if I wanted to sit on the sofa and browse I would only ever choose a laptop or iPad - smartphone screens are much to small for any serious browsing in my opinion.




The reason people are reacting to what you say is not the content of your posts, it's the way your phrase things. You may have some interesting points, but the way you posts sounds like behind all of your opinions is the idea that you post is 100% correct and that nothing anyone else can say will even come close. There is an air of superiority in your tone that I think may rile people up a little, and I think that is why this has started.


Still, I have attempted to answer many of your points above, and I hope that you respond to them. I think the problem is that this whole argument comes down to opinions a lot, and so it's unlikely that anyone will ever agree really. You clearly believe that a netbook would be better than an iPad, but in my opinion there is just no contest.


Finally, I will stress again as it may not have been understood - it was meant to be a joke based on my experiences of people on the internet talking about anything like this (Apple stuff, games etc)

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Anyways, checking on iTunes, you can rent for like £2.99! So I rented one and watched it on my MacBook and it was great. But it wasn't great trying to get comfortable on the couch with my MacBook lol.

And so I thought of the iPad again. I didn't realise iTunes held as much TV and movie content as it does. It surprised me and I found myself looking for stuff for around an hour - finding a looaad of films and tv shows that I would wanna watch.

And don't start me on the books!


Why don't you just hook your MacBook up to your TV? I have a DVI-HDMI-cable for just that and it works like a charm. That would certainly undermine any comfortability argument you can come up with (if you have a TV that is).

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I don't have a TV.




Kidding :laughing:


Yeah that's a good idea.

The only reason I looked into one was coz I browsed the Kindle and it just happened to show the iPad 2.

Then since that i've just warmed to the idea of having one lol.

I know they're expensive and I can probably use my other devices for the majority of what I would use one for, but I guess Apple are good at the whole "here is a new product, you need this". :hehe:


But everyone's responses have been very helpful so thanks :hug:


Oh and Nintendohnut - I is male.



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- better for consuming media because the screen is better than any netbook so it's great for videos etc.

-The touchscreen make it better for browsing the web and even a lot of software applications.

- the appstore...god. It's completely different to the rest of the web. You clearly know nothing about it to make such a stupid statement. It's all about the user interface, a lot of apps, even of websites a better, just much ebtter to navigate. Check out amazing window-shop - a better shopping experience than their website, sky sports app is better than looking at their website and there are hundreds of others that I know about. That complete with it being a fantasatic gaming device too

- if you think watching films and reading books etc is the same as on a nnetbook then on on a (not much bigger than a5) tablet you're deluded.


You don't think the iPad or other tablet is worth your time and money. Fine. But stop acting all superior by saying it's only. For tech newbs . (Though ido agree, it's absolutely PERFECT for casuals)

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You can't kill a thread because people disagree! What's the point in this forum if we can't discuss things? It's only bad when it stops being about the product and starts getting personal. We're (just) managing to stay away from that at the moment, so don't kill it!


If we didn't discuss Apple products in this thread, it would just die anyway. Surely it's better that we do it in here rather than elsewhere in millions of other threads? I'm sorry, I just can't really see the reason to close a thread that contains active discussion unless it starts becoming personal, and even then warnings should be given to those involved before a thread is closed, surely?

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I'm not saying its killable now just an Apple thread has cropped up numerous times in the past and for whatever reason it results in aggressive insults and arguments that turned from the topical to the personal. I was merely trying to say "shall we move on?" because it seems neither side is seemingly budging. Everyone has made good points and we're bound not to all agree so there's no point in constantly saying "but I think this" "well I disagree".

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Oxigen, perhaps for the first time, I'm entirely on your side on this one.


People who buy an iPad often convince themselves that they love it to justify the cost of an item which is significantly more luxury than necessity. It's interesting to see the difference in people who have had one bought for them, or were convinced to buy one.


Both my bosses own iPads. One bought it because he thinks it looks cool, he loves his iPhone, he thought it would look impressive to show clients things on it, pass it across a meeting table, etc.. To be honest, we just laugh at how limited his apps are compared to their computer equivalents, such as site mockups, document creation, even emailing is 100% slower than touchtyping on a full size keyboard. The touch controls and the screen quality are amazing and intuitive, but still clumsier and often slower than a mouse. It is a triumph of style over substance.


My other boss is quite different. He was convinced to get an iPad, when he didn't really want one. He never bothers to bring it into work, he never uses it at his desk. Why would he, when there's a keyboard and a full size screen in front of him?


It is worth noting, to take from what you will, that the first boss is more of a salesman, and the second boss a senior developer.


I have a netbook, and it has served me well for... four years! It's not the most attractive piece of kit in the world, but it can do everything an iPad can do and a thousand things it can't. The only thing the iPad has over it is style, and a fast boot up (which is essentially just an always-on, standby mode like a phone, and if I wanted, I could hibernate my laptop all the time, but then it would have a battery like... an iPad (lol)).

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Well it can't do everything and iPad can do - accelerometer and touch screen inputs from off the top of my head.


While I can see your points, they aren't entirely relevant to the situation being discussed here. Aneres is considering an iPad to use at home to browse bits and pieces on, watch videos etc. He's not going to be showing off products in meetings and he's not going to be designing anything. For those things you would likely use a laptop or similar, or perhaps an iPad with HDMI out etc.


I would also argue (rather strongly) that email cannot be 100% slower. If it were 100% slower it would be impossible. I can see what you mean that typing on a keyboard is easier, but that doesn't mean typing on an iPad is hard. It's different, but with practice I have found that after a very short time I was able to type quickly on the iPad. It will never be as fast as on a keyboard, but it's certainly not slow. If you sat next to me with a netbook and me with an iPad and did the following test, I guarantee I would beat you (not because of your own abilities etc, but because of the way the whole things works):


Unlock/Open the device (power up), connect to a wireless network, open email, write email, send email, shut down machine.


If I did both of these tasks and timed myself doing each, I would be faster on an iPad.


Still, this isn't really the point, as Aneres wants to use the iPad in a different way from what we are discussing now.

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I'm not really talking about Aneres' needs right now (no offence!) really just recycling a debate. I wouldn't normally do that, but in this instance I thought I really have about a year's experience since I last discussed it, watching my boss use his and talking about the pros and cons.


I still think it's a great device, but it definitely wouldn't suit me unless I had a lot of spare cash to throw around.


With your comparison, I'd be happy to actually perform that test and Youtube it :heh:

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Here's the worrying part: I was fairly impressed. The size of the keyboard make it very easy to type (although it still need some big improvements - the characters on the keys representing what case they're currently in and numbers/symbols on the keys you can press-hold to use).

never buy one (as I have zero use for one), but for my boss' needs is pretty perfect.


You need to stop judging products before trying them, I've noticed a trend with you over the years.

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Thing is, the iPad IS a luxury item.

I know that.


So if I do buy one then it will be a luxury extravagant purchase.

I don't make many. :D


I'm fortunate enough this month to have received a bonus from work for performing well over the quarter, and sometimes you just wanna say "well done me". Not everyone will do that with a £400 item, but I wouldn't even think of going out and getting one if it wasn't for that.


And the more I look into it the more I want one. :woops:


Everyone loves their iPad. Even the most tech friendly people. Maybe they are just justifying the purchase, but I don't think people would spend that amount of money unless they wanted one.


And they're pretty. :heh: Lolz

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January is a long time away. I work on the theory these days that if you want to buy a new iDevice just buy one now rather than waiting. It's one of those that you'll always be waiting "just a few more months" until the next one comes out. If it's very heavily rumoured to be coming out at a certain time (ie. iPhone 5 at the end of September or October) then fair enough. But waiting the best part of 5 months I wouldn't bother waiting and just go for it now.

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Mate, you obviously want one. Go and buy it!


:grin: ...

but then ... :hmm: ... and then ... :blank: ... which leaves ... :confused: ... resulting in ... :cry:


Hhhmm. See, there are lots of rumors around the iPad 3 but I don't see that coming out until next year.


The iPhone 5 should be out before that i'm guessing though you are right Shorty - it would be very very annoying for them to announce a new one just after i've splashed out on one.


:nono: Ahh decisions decisions.

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There's never a good time to buy an Apple product in the sense that it will always be replaced usually within a year (iPhone 4 withstanding). Annoyingly, i'm ready to upgrade my phone and they still haven't announced the iPhone 5 yet.

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There's never a good time to buy an Apple product in the sense that it will always be replaced usually within a year (iPhone 4 withstanding). Annoyingly, i'm ready to upgrade my phone and they still haven't announced the iPhone 5 yet.


Yeah I hear you.

The iPhone 5 should be with us in the next month or 2 though.


I'd be surprised if it wasn't announced in September.

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