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Heroes of Ruin 3DS ( S-E+N-Space )


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Thanks @RedShell. I've been looking round for info, finding some on their forums(but of course being unable to post my own problems) and on their facebook page. Shocked they haven't put anything on their main site tbh.


However, one thing I'm also coming across is a lot of criticism for the game. Apparently once complete(in quite a short space of time) there is little reason to play again(I wasn't aware of this), and a lot of people in America are saying they probably won't purchase it knowing this now. Tbh, if I knew how short it was and lacking in replayability, and how crap their community/daily challenge thing was going to be, I might not have bought it myself either. I'm really hoping they fix it up somehow, but right now it's just looking like they're have problems and not actually engaging the community much in explaining them.

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This is the nerdiest game I have ever played. I feel like I've stepped inside a Games Workshop every time I play it. :heh:


Do you think that's because it takes itself quite seriously? I mean, Dragon Quest IX was an immense game and in a way "geeky" if you played it as much as I did :laughing: but there were so many puns and ridiculous bits in it, it never felt nerdy.


Mine arrived today so I'll find out!

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OK, started playing this.


It's very Western, which was to be expected, to be fair. The hub town reminds me of Final Fantasy XII, which is not a bad thing but not my favourite either. I've noticed towns in Western/Westernised RPGs are really just plazas with buildings you can't enter and loads of NPCs to talk to. Either way, it's quite a nice atmosphere. I can't expect Dragon Quest every time. :blank:


The second point is that are loads of ways to get items - Item shops, the Valour shop and Quests - probably too many. What I liked about the demo was that, by completing the Quests, you knew you'd get a significantly better item than you could pick up otherwise. In the finished game, however, that is not necessarily the case. The reward I got for one Quest was not as good as an item I already had, making it unclear which Quests are really worth doing. This game is a deluge of items! You spend an incredible amount of time deciding which ones you want to keep and which ones to sell.


Anyway, perhaps I'm just a moaner. I'm not saying I don't like it, but those are my two main impressions so far.

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Do you think that's because it takes itself quite seriously?
Definitely a contributing factor, yeah. :hehe:


The second point is that are loads of ways to get items - Item shops, the Valour shop and Quests - probably too many. What I liked about the demo was that, by completing the Quests, you knew you'd get a significantly better item than you could pick up otherwise. In the finished game, however, that is not necessarily the case. The reward I got for one Quest was not as good as an item I already had, making it unclear which Quests are really worth doing. This game is a deluge of items! You spend an incredible amount of time deciding which ones you want to keep and which ones to sell.


Anyway, perhaps I'm just a moaner. I'm not saying I don't like it, but those are my two main impressions so far.

There are a lot of items in this game, that's for sure.

Making use of the quick sell feature is a good way to minimize the amount of time needed to sort stuff out.

I think a bigger issue is the limitation on how much money you can hold, it's way too easy to reach the max relatively quickly. At which point you need to start buying random stuff, or dropping items. :hmm:

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Personally, I'm only keeping one item of each type, dropping and selling the others immediately. I'll be sure to spend some money too, thanks RedShell.


I've really got into it now. Finished Act I, which had a fantastic boss. Only thing is, Progress = 17%?! :heh: Good job I want to play through in all four classes!

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As I said, there's a lot of criticism for the 'shortness' of the game(as Grazza touches on above) with very little replayability with a completed character(WHY they don't make bosses respawn I don't know). Plus there's major problems with their website systems at the moment too that seems to be irking a lot of people.

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My biggest problem with this game is still the limited inventory. Usually, being able to collect all the different items adds some longevity to the game for me.


I guess, for the reviews, it doesn't help that a Diablo-clone has come out in the year of Diablo III.


I'm enjoying it and I'm glad I bought it. Though the daily quests were a bit of a let down. I was expecting new quests like those you get in the game with a boss fight at the end of them or even just the 'collect the items' quests.

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RPGs usually don't appeal much to me, but being curious I downloaded the demo of HoR nevertheless. Five minutes after playing the demo I ordered the game. Same happened with Sega's Rhythm Thief - after playing the demo very shortly, I needed that game too.


Now I'm a bit afraid of playing demos at the moment tbh, my wallet and my spouse (particularly) won't have it hehe.


Can someone who's finished the game tell me approx. how many hours a single game will take to complete? Not that it really matters since I obviously already purchased the game, but just out of curiosity. Thanks.

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I'm sure you're fine if you can afford a valet :p


As for time, I don't know, but on one of my characters I'm at 3 hours and 20 minutes playtime and 25% complete apparently. I have taken my time with it though and done lots of exploring, not to mention a couple online games which I think count towards play but not so much for completion. Essentially, I am doing a terrible job of answering your question.

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I'm sure you're fine if you can afford a valet :p

Don't know what you're talking about, mate. :D


As for time, I don't know, but on one of my characters I'm at 3 hours and 20 minutes playtime and 25% complete apparently. I have taken my time with it though and done lots of exploring, not to mention a couple online games which I think count towards play but not so much for completion. Essentially, I am doing a terrible job of answering your question.

Yes, terrible. No haha just kidding, actually it gives me an estimate, roughly 6-8 hours I reckon for the single-player mission. Doesn't sound like much, but with the online feature the game hopefully will have good replay value. Thanks for your reply. :)

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Not sure what to do here...

I'm playing as the Alchitect and I've been chatting to the ghost king in the forest who gave me a "tome of antaxaraxis" or sumthing.

He asked me to bring it to Eckhart and when I find him in the dingy merchant area, he goes on about something else and doesn't take the tome.


I've completed all side quests up to that but the king of Nexus suggests I find a secret lab in the frost area.




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I just beat the game, 100% with my Lv 27 Vindicator, 14 hours on the clock.

I'd say around 5-4 of those hours would be online play/repeating certain quests though.


I'm probably going to get into the online a bit more now, as it looks like it will be impossible to level up to 30 otherwise. I currently only get 1xp for each enemy kill! :eek:


I've completed all side quests up to that but the king of Nexus suggests I find a secret lab in the frost area.



Can't actually remember now (which is worrying :heh:) but yeah, just make sure you set whichever quest you still need to complete as your main quest in the list. You should be able to then see which area you need to visit and it can sometimes make the objective clearer too.
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My word, the Gunslinger is such a beast on this! I've started a file as one and he just destroys everything in no time, nothing stands a chance!

I've started files as a Vindicator and Alchitect so far and whereas they're cool and awesome in their own way, so far they don't stand up to the Gunslinger... beast!

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Can't actually remember now (which is worrying :heh:) but yeah, just make sure you set whichever quest you still need to complete as your main quest in the list. You should be able to then see which area you need to visit and it can sometimes make the objective clearer too.


Thing is, the game went through the royal tree family spat with the "special" child having a hissy fit and flying off in a huff, twice. I'm guessing seeing that whole thing again the next time I was in that level....


Anyways, I've moved on with a new profile for the craic now.


My word, the Gunslinger is such a beast on this! !

I'll give it a go after my new profiles' Savage gets through.

He's fun so far with my top combo being "see baddie", "shoot shark-hook-on-a-chain at baddie, pull on chain to a hollywood diving punch on baddie", "clap hands in as Hulk a way as possible with baddie between clap reach", finished off with another Hulk-like "slapping of the hands on the ground in front of you, causing the continent itself to break up below Mr. Baddie" move.


Yeah, he's fun :)

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Hey guys, now that this has been out for a while, what are people's impression? How does it fair with some time behind it?


It's very short and there's an annoyingly small inventory but other than that I've found it to be a fun little game.

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It's very short.

But if you try to complete it with all four different characters it'll be around 25-30 hours of gameplay (or more), and then there's the online feature adding several extra hours. That's not short, not in my book at least.

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Well, I completed this over the summer. Enjoyed playing it in the caravan - not the longest game in the world, but a nice diversion.


@Rummy - I saw you were talking about struggling to play this game in the General Board. I've still got it and would happily help you get through some of the levels, if it would give you moral support? (It's not a difficult game, I just thought you might like some company.) I can't pretend I play online a lot (in fact, I don't at all!) but I could be available for an evening or two a week, and I've no need to pick up any of the loot! Get in touch if you want to play it.

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Well, I completed this over the summer. Enjoyed playing it in the caravan - not the longest game in the world, but a nice diversion.


@Rummy - I saw you were talking about struggling to play this game in the General Board. I've still got it and would happily help you get through some of the levels, if it would give you moral support? (It's not a difficult game, I just thought you might like some company.) I can't pretend I play online a lot (in fact, I don't at all!) but I could be available for an evening or two a week, and I've no need to pick up any of the loot! Get in touch if you want to play it.


Howdy! It wasn't so much struggling, just there seemed a lot promised in the way of daily challenges etc and integration into an online experience, but largely not well executed. I also suffered terrible tech support that to this day is yet unresolved from the company, and I just totally got put off playing. I'm going to get back into it soon though, when I do I'll pipe up here and let you guys know!

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