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Just finished watching Requiem For A Dream. Had been meaning to give it a watch for ages so bought the DVD last week and finally put it in tonight.


And well...... I'm not quite sure what to say about it really. It's very striking and intense (the last 30 minutes or so is very full on; very Aronofsky). Reminded me a lot of reading Junk by Melvin Burgess in high school.


But yeah, it's rather strange as I don't really know what to think about it. Certainly not something I could put on straight away and watch again.

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Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol is the best bloody action film I ever remember seeing at the cinema. Brad Bird's live-action debut is stunning and its got humour and thrills in bucket loads and a real self of knowingness to it all. I really, strongly recommend it. I was just saying how Cpt. America and Thor left me cold in the action-movie department, and MI4 really excelled.

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The Guard


Rented this on last week just after Christmas, never got the chance to see it in the cinema and really wish I had. Was laughing throughout the whole film, best Irish film since Intermission.


Brendan Gleeson was fantastic... though I'm still wondering how the hell they got War Machine to be in this?


Don't know if the film is available in the UK though I do know it got a release in the US and is getting a release this year in Spain so it must be available in the UK too.


Go get it.





Oh and I guess I also enjoyed the film as some of teh scenes took place at places I have been, haha, mainly the scene at 55 second in that trailer, which is at a small airport used for flights to the Aran Islands, small 9 seater planes, and an 8 mins flight, which I flew out of last year for a day trip to Inis Mór :D

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I am trying to watch at least one new movie each day this year, it's going well at the moment. Haven't missed a day yet. :D


Movies I have watched so far this year:




Ahhh, this has an amusingly low budget. Actually fairly fun but it's not good. Approach With Caution




Yes. I thought this film was great. It just felt like the actors were having fun in those roles and I love the whole stage/play feel it had going. :)Recommend




Brilliant documentary, that left me feeling devastated at humanity afterwards. Recommend




This movie has a weird vibe about it and although not much is happening the characters kept me interested and it all built up to an ending that satisfied me. Recommend




A turkish film with no subtitles so it was a little confusing, it was a solid watch though and had a depressing mood about it. Worth A Look




Dire. It has a runtime of 1 hour 50 minutes so the pain isn't even over quickly. It ends on a perfect line though. :p Don't Bother.




Excellent. Apart from I can't decide whether I like the final seen or not. Recommend




Heart warming. Just a lovely tale with out having to be extreme. ELMO LOVES YOU. :heart:Recommend




Decent. Feels more like a TV movie though. Worth A Look




Good adaptation of the Borrowers but ultimately goes know further than that. great animation as is to be expected from Ghibli and it is made with their usual flare but the story in the end is lacking. Worth A Look




Much better than your average teen movie and fairly intelligent. Worth A Look




Bland action sequences + slightly cheeky characters = fun but forgettable. I felt the script was tighter than other action films but ultimately lacked heart. Worth A Look




Standard coming of age tale that ultimately goes nowhere. Fine performances all round. Worth A Look

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Bad Ass. With Danny Trejo as a senior citizen who beats up people or something. Amazing :bouncy:


Also apparently the bus fight scene is inspired by a real fight between a guy called epic beard man and someone else.


Man, talking about taking a concept and running with it ... far, far away. This is barely even tangentially related to the content of the original video.


It does look fun, though.

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Go see it now, I had a smile across my face the entire time. Such a luminous film. So nice!

Must remember to watch this at some point when I've got time. Visually it looks really great and it's something different. Also Bérénice Bejo looks lovely.


Plus the dog looks amazing! :D

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Yes! More people for The artist! I intend to see it a second time in the weekend.


I also saw:


Mission: impossible: ghost protocol


Saw the last 2 in the cinema, and I wanted to see this one in the cinema as well. Had absolutely no prior knowledge of anything about the film. It was simply a great action film. My brother was slightly disappointed, he thought the previous one was better. I guess that one was slightly more entertaining, but I had a great evening with this one as well. The scene in Dubai was breathtaking. That’s a pretty high building there. So I didn’t know anything about the new team, but they did well. I appreciate that they did give some closure as to what happened with the old team & wife, at the end. Some criticism would be that I think some transitions are “too easy”, they skip a lot, and don’t show stuff I’d also like to see. For example, you see Tom Cruise escape from the Kremlin, but you don’t get to follow Simon Pegg. And it needed more Josh Halloway, that guy is too awesome for such a small role.


And on the same night:


Sherlock Holmes: a game of shadows


The first one was great, so my brother and I wanted to see this one, and made it a double bill with the first 2 Hollywood films for us in quite some time. Same as with Mission: impossible, I had a great time. Though in hindsight, I have to be more critical with this one than I was with Mission: impossible. Especially after the first episode of Sherlock on BBC.. I wanted more detective work. It was more like an adventure film, more Indiana Jones than the first Sherlock Holmes. Not necessarily a bad thing, like I said, I had a great time while watching it, just slightly disappointing. A bigger point of criticism would be the Gypsy woman. She served as a story element, but felt rather useless most of the time after her intoroduction. I also don’t like how pretty much all of the Gypsy gang dies but they all carry on like it’s all part of the game. Anyway, there was some great action scenes, and the nice slo-mo shots we’ve come to expect after the first film. In the credits (I always watch those), I noticed they were shot with Phantom cameras, regretting getting that Canon EOS 600D instead of saving up for one of those yet, @Daft? ;)


Edit: Oh, and I wanted more Rachel McAdams as well. The techno babe from Millenium wasn’t doing it for me ;).

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Surprisingly enjoyed this and it didn't have a weak ass ending as I was expecting. Also got a David Lean vibe from it. (recommend)


Crazy, Stupid Love.




Good effort but struggled to break away from that romantic comedy schtick. Worth A Look


Into The Wild




Contains strong usage of LIFE. (Recommend)


The Runaways




Kristen Stewart urinates on a guitar, that's all that really happens. (Approach with Caution)


The Adjustment Bureau:




These men (complete with magic hats) control the world in the background but not that much and they are stopping Matt Damon from seeing this girl (Emily Blunt) for reasons they aren't even sure of and they will STOP AT NOTHING.


nonsense. A terrible movie. (Don't Bother)


Cutie Honey: Live Action




So poor but at least it's fun! :D(approach with caution.)

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Seen War Horse last night which is amazing. I loved every single second of the movie. Very emotional and is one of my favourite movies.



Last week, I watched Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked. Seriously? Why make these movies? As if the second one wasn't bad enough! The third is admittedly better than the second though but it's still terrible!



I need to see The Artist, Requiem for a Dream and The Sitter.

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Why watch these movies? :heh:



The Shining:




Perfectly crafted cinema from start to finish. (Highly Recommend)


War Horse:




This was extremely schmaltzy. Spielberg on Autopilot. Laughable and silly at times they should have just had the horse talk. This failed to wash away the sour taste Tin Tin left in my mouth(approach with caution)

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Why watch these movies? :heh:


That answers my question :p


The Shining:[/u]




Perfectly crafted cinema from start to finish. (Highly Recommend)


War Horse:




This was extremely schmaltzy. Spielberg on Autopilot. Laughable and silly at times they should have just had the horse talk. This failed to wash away the sour taste Tin Tin left in my mouth(approach with caution)


Was with you right up until War Horse! :cry:


I watched Reservoir Dogs for the first time last night. I loved it.



I know, it's such an awesome movie! :yay:

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Go see Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol! It's so much fun!


Never seen any of the others/had any interest, but you don't need to have seen any previous ones. This is one of the most fun, well-done action blockbusters I've ever seen, and personally I could see the Pixaresque touch of director Brad Bird in a lot of the set-pieces, which is of course good.


Genuinely funny without being a comedy, action-paced with being self-congratulatinglynotaword macho and pleased with itself (the characters were all flawed/quite bad/had 5 clicks*). I liked the depiction of the women. These women weren't pure products of the male gaze like in so many action popcorn films. It was tonally really well-balanced and everyone quite likeable. So many of the 'funny lines' were actually funny rather than seeming out of place or falling dead or feeling forced.

Yes @ "Next time I'll be the one to seduce the billionaire."


YEah yeah yeah go see it! I hate shit and this wasn't shit. So fun! WOOOOO!


REALLY reminded me of The Incredibles and other Pixar films in some way. Maybe I'm just reaching since I know who directed it, but ya.



* @chairdriver, @ReZourceman

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An interesting sign of MI:GP's success ; my sister and her friend had to go see it after they missed the film they intended to see, and loved it. She has no time for typical action film crap aimed at 'boys', and I find it interesting that both she and her friend loved it. The great humour and nice characters are such a boon.

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