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Is the world actually ending? Japan hit by quake and tsunami


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Yeah the media is business driven so they are always exuberant. So long as we're aware of that they are helpful. It's when we take them at face value that they begin to engineer our views and opinions, all the while we THINK it's our own opinion. As likable as BBC is to me (normally), I have seen enough over the years to know that BBC is a social-engineering machine. They definitely skew your view, for better or worse.


Anyway. In events like this, you see both the best and worst of people. In a way, it is a good self-diagnosis; you take a step back and take a good look at how you're reacting, to understand what sort of person you've become. You don't have to tell anybody, you just do-it-yourself. Individually as well as nationally you get to see our true colours in these times.


Travelling around the world I think the "hate" is often the biggest problem. Our human nature is such that we spot other people's flaws and preach them all sorts of things - we see it day in day out commenting on human rights abuse of some countries, even treatment of animals, child abuse, corruption of politics and bankers, etc.


Yet in events like this, if you have that "hate" against those who are suffering, we often let that take over us and all of a sudden we start to become the very thing we were critical of. The bottom line is that there is a very thin line between us and those we criticize. The problem is that we often don't realize we're doing it.


Nevertheless, I think it's hard for an average Joe to wrap his head around an event like this because on TV it's just another event alongside all sorts of misery being broadcast. So externally, I would hesitate to be too judgemental of those who are supposedly misbehaving.


Rather, I'd prefer to focus on the aforementioned self-diagnosis. If each and every one of us looked into ourselves to saw how we honestly feel, we can find flaws in ourselves and become self-aware of our own flaw. It leads to self-betterment and prepare ourselves for when we or our nation are in trouble of this scale.


In that sense, it's more about what's happening to us, not what's happening to others.


Talking of betterment, as ironic as it is every accident of this sort makes nuclear power plant much safer as a viable solution to the national power issue. I just hope the engineers at Fukuoka is ok. The worst case scenario is actually not that bad in perspective, but the implication for those right next to the reactor is serious.

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So classy of Sky news to use this as a way to advertise their various news streams.


This morning they had footage, edited together like a Hollywood blockbuster, which ended with "The Japan disaster - online, mobile, and Freeview".


Or something...


Inappropriate tone. :indeed:

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The sad thing is ... A LOT of the Chinese media is perfectly happy to let commenters and even some of their journalists run with the "It's a judgement on Japan for the crimes they committed during WWII!" line.


A man was here visiting the school from the LEC this morning, I mentioned I had some friends in Japan and he told me he thought the Japanese deserved it. That the tsunami was retribution from China.


I asked him what he thought the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake in China was punishment for... he seemed to be confused.


It's the whole Pearl Harbour mind set again.. The Rape of Nanking was in all honestly, an absolutely sickening and atrocious event. But still, with or without these talks about how revenge needs to be dealt (despite being completely misinformed), it is absolutely counter progressive for humanity.


Ah well, humans will be humans.. living by massive contradictions.

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Hallowed are the Ori.


Glorious are the Ori, who lead us to salvation, who did fight the evil that would doom us all to mortal sin. Did they defeat the old spirits and cast them out? And now, with the strength of our will, they do call upon us to prevail against the corruption of all unbelievers.

Edited by Serebii
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Is that for real? She used the term Oh my god. I didn't think it was allowed/proper in religious communities.


its one of the sins!!! so basically in all christian religion its wrong, devout or not... "thou shall not take the lords name in vain"




Peoples stupidity still amazes me more and more. bloody hell.

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Was she using it in vain though? Wasn't she essentially saying "oh my God, you are so powerful" as in using it as a possessive as opposed to "Oh my God, I love your skirt!"


In the same sentece she talks about God as "he" so she isn't talking to God.

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My friend put on facebook that apparently Maru is fine, this it has to be said did make me giggle a little. She loves him.


I feel bad about how glad I was to hear this.


It's far more likely that it's taught, but followed immediately by the teacher high fiving the nearest student, chanting "USA! USA! USA!" and then firing his revolver at the sky.


And I laughed far too much at that mental image.




But Jesus Fucking Christ, that bitch makes my piss boil! :mad:

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Why the hell are sooooo many americans convinced that God is an american that seemingly forgets all their ills to others and is hell bent on reaping revenge for them? Also bearing in mind God is all powerful and can do anything, why did it take so long for him to avenge Pearl Harbour?!




This girl is fucking nuts another vid of her's;




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lol thanks for the video. But are you guys SURE this isn't just a wind up merchant who's been doing it for years? Those do exist, you know. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she was giggling at all those comments she's been getting at 5 messages per second.

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