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Because widgets look awful. Every Android homescreen I've seen just looks like a mess of icons and widgets.


Widgets eat battery life and slow down performance too. Total waste of space at this point in time on phones imo.


This is what my homescreen looks like.




I love it, gives me everything I need to know, upcoming appointments, unread texts etc at a glance.

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I like to keep mine simple, just the most important things on the main screen.



(ooh reflective)


And if there was a dedicated camera button there would be less. On another page I have my internet things (3G, Wifi, twitter, FB, Gmail). All the attention really should be on the awesome wallpaper.


Anyway ummm iPads?

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Yeah, iPads. I'm not getting another one. I haven't got the kind of money to be getting a new one every year.

I'm slightly concerned apps might start to not work on the 1st one given the dual core CPU.

I will probably get next years one depending on how the 1st one is doing by then in terms of speed. Anyone with an iPhone 3G will tell you what a couple of years of updates did to it, it was utterly crippled.

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I'm tempted to look at the iPad 1 prices when the iPad 2 hits and maybe drop some money on the earlier model. Nothing significant in terms of actual ability for iPad 2 if you ask me. Best to skip the .5 or S releases of Apple's products and stick to the significant updates, right?


Watch me go and buy an iPad 2 now anyway. I want that sexy cover.

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Yeah, but lots of retailers are still hanging on in there hoping to snag some sales until the iPad 2 comes out. I'm sure the prices will drop further when the thing actually releases, at least some places.

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I completely agree with the above post. Kinda annoying how swift tech moves sometimes. A 2/3 year life cycle

would be much better over these 'minor' updates.


Don't get me wrong I have no problem with updates like this, I'd just like them to last for a few years when you buy them. I mean my previous Macbook lasted 4 years and was fine in terms of running software. I'd like the mobile devices to last at least 3 years really.

I want to be using my iPad for a while if possible. £430 is a lot to be spending every year or 2.

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I'd get one sooner rather than later' date=' the old ones won't be available for too long after the new one releases.[/quote']


Yeah you're not gonna get a better deal than the refurbs right now.


They might stop making new ones but when the 2nd one comes out, eBay, CEX etc are going to get loads of second hand ones.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm going to play stupid and ask: What exactly prevents you from doing so?


Just to reply to this, what I mean is I want software updates to run fairly well. The 3G is terrible with iOS4, and if you're stuck on iOS3 you miss out on new apps. What I'm saying is I'd like my iPad to be usable in this sense for the next 2 years at least. My MacBook doesn't get left behind like this.

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