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I managed to do some great ABP farming yesterday. I got all my characters to learn White and Black Magic up to level 5 and in the process levelled them up to level 28.


With that done and dusted, I once again set off on my adventure. I didn't get much done though as I had other obligations to fill. I did manage to get me the airship though! I'm now able to check out the world map and look for some good grinding spots.


Before getting the airship, I had a brief encounter with a so-called black chocobo. Now, i'm not sure whether this is just in the PS1 version, but the thing was actually purple and not black! ::shrug:


Oh, yeah, there was that big revelation where Faris turns out to be Reinas sister....didn't see that one coming, did I? :laughing:


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So, last thing I did was get the airship.


The first place I went was back to was the castle in Walz. I missed out on getting Shiva as I figured I probably couldn't beat at the time. So ended up destroying her and her pathetic minions.


Next up was Ramuh. Again, he posed little challenge to my group and I quickly added his powers to my own.


After that I had to fight this massive ship of some sort. The cannons were a piece of cake, if a little annoying, but when I had to fight the main unit things started to get a little tricky.


The Soul Gun was a bit of a nightmare and wiped my group out a few times. The problem was that he was using the his missile attack that also inflicted my group with the aging stat. I had no idea how to counter this and my group couldn't attack or heal very well. I decided to focus all my spells and attacks on the area that was firing the missiles, once this was done I could attack more freely. He still managed to inflict a couple of characters with aging but I manged to pull through the fight.


After that tiring ordeal I decided to call it quits for the day. I'm still enjoying the game though. :D


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Another day, another entry.


With Soul Gun beaten it was off to the Ruins of Ronka. The ruins weren't that bad to navigate, especially as I have a Thief in my party to see all the cheeky sideareas. I had read that the boss in this area was a bit of a nightmare to beat, but with me doing plenty of levelling up in previous areas I was confident that victory would be mine.


So I came across Archeoavis and thought everything was going fine. I had a a well built team and was pummeling him. He then died and instantly came back to life. Fair enough. I continued to beat on him only for him to use a move that reduced my teams HP to 1hp each! He then quickly followed up with a lightning spell attack then wiped my whole team out! How the heck are you supposed to defend against that? It was such a cheap trick, especially as he wasn't even making a dent into my 4 warriors HP before that.


I sighed in frustration and reloaded the game. What made it worse was the fact that the save point is quite a bit away from the boss fight. I just ran there, running from an enemy encounters that I came across and waltzed into battle...again.


I did everything exactly the same as last time but this time I won. Why did I win? Because the boss didn't use some cheap tactic this time and tried to win by conventional methods. It didn't work. :D Victory was mine!:yay:



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What the heck was that? ^


It ruined my posting combo again. :(


I didn't get to play this at all on Saturday, that being the case I put a good few hours into it yesterday.


So, my next task was to go and inspect all of the meteors scattered around the land. The bosses were pretty much a pushover, well most of them.


Titan was first on my list and I just pummeled him to death with my 2 Monks, Knight and Sorcerer.


Next I fought Kimabrain and again I just went all out attack on his monstrous hide.


Last up was Byurobolos. Now these guys were a royal pain in the butt. I would kill one and he would revive another, it was very frustrating. I forgot to put black magic on anyone so I could even hit them all at once. I decided to suck it up and just play the waiting game, as each of the enemies eventually used exploder, while I kept revive my team as it happened. :D


With those battles behind me it was off to the next world! I wouldn't care, I just got used to the layout of the map of this world!


I loved the battle of the big bridge! I have read a few things about this part of the game over the years and it did not disappoint. I especially enjoyed the music that is played here.


Broadcast Yourself


Around the 44 second it has a hint of the Jenova theme to it. I'm glad this song is on Theatrhythm. Good times ahead.


So, I make it to the end of the bridge and Gilgamesh shows up. The guy was a total douche. He was so easy at first but then he started casting a mass amount of buffs on himself! He nearly wiped out a couple of my characters but I had everyone rocking white magic and a few spells later and everyone was fine. Once everyone was healed up I went on the offensive and blitzed him, although he ran away. Coward!


Next up was a quick trip to a local village for some healing and supplies, before I then trundled off to the Moogle Forest. It was nice to see the Moogles appear in another FF game, although I still think the best Moogles are in FFIX. Anyway, I helped them with their dead dinosaur problem and then got picked up by Krile and her dragon.


It turns out that the dragon is dying after helping us. I didn't ask for its help, but whatever. So now it was my job to go and get some healing grass for it. I assume it's like weed for dragons. The problem is still there, you just don't care about it anymore. :laughing:


I enjoyed my trek up the mountain as the tune I posted a few days back was playing again. It's so much easier to get through a section of an RPG when you love the music. I eventually worked my way through the caves and met up with the boss, who really gave me a pasting.


So, this boss is just a mutated piece of grass, yet he was able to wiped out my level 30 team purely because he has like 50 goes in one turn.


  • The first time I fought it I tried just concentrating on the main enemy, this didn't work as the little ones kept using stat attacks on me.
  • Next time I tried attacking the smaller ones and then the bigger one. This also didn't work because he keeps respawning more of them.
  • My next try involved using magic. I figured if I target all of the enemies at once then I could kill them at the same time. This didn't work because the thing seemed to be immune to magic.
  • Finally I decided to try throwing some spells/skills at him. I had quite the collection of fire and lightning skills just sitting in my inventory and thought I would give them a whirl. Success! This move wiped out all of the little ones and did damage to the main guy as well. This gave me openings to attack with my Monks and then when he spawned the little ones I just threw another skill at him.


With the stupid thing finally defeated I was able to go back to the castle and give the weed to the dragon. Of course Reina wanted to try it out, you know, to show that it was safe. She then became a little sick before Krile gave her something to help. I assume it was a packet of crisps or something as Reina must have been suffering from the munchies.



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I managed to get a bit of time on this yesterday. It was nice to get back in the swing of things after a couple of days break.


After finishing the castle I was off to find Zeza's fleet. It wasn't that far and quickly landed the dragon. Once again Gilgamesh popped his ugly head up and once again I sent him running. Although he was a little more tricky this time, purely beacuse he had help from some freaky monster. The thing kept healing them both, so I just concentrated my attacks on that thing first.


Next up was the Barrier Tower. It wasn't that bad and neither was the boss. Atmos kept killing my people and trying to suck them up! I just let him kill Reina and beat the heck out of him while he was concentrating pulling her across the floor towards him. She was quite handy as bait!


Poor Zeza, he made a noble sacrifice for the greater good. His death shall not be in vain!!!


I used Zeza's submarine to then head off to Gill Shrine. I loved the scene in here with the turtle/Gill. Bartz just kept smacking the thing! He thought it was hilarious, the crazy animal beater that he is. I went all that way, talked to a turtle and then got a stick! A freaking stick! This is supposed to be some kind of magic stick but methinks the turtle has gone a bit nuts in his old age. Anyway, I take this stick and head on my way.


I headed off to Moore Village/Forest, which I hated. It's a bit of a nightmare to see where you are going in the forest and I kept getting stuck on flowers and stumps. Very annoying. The forest got burnt down, which was sweet justice....no it wasn't me. *blows out match*


The following boss I had read horror stories about, some saying he was he hardest normal boss in the game. My band of little warriors laugh at such claims. I went in with 2 Monks and 2 Knights and destroyed the things. I just kept wailing on them one at a time until they were nearly dead and then healed when they used their powerful spell before they died. Rinse and repeat. It helped that i'm probably over levelled as my team were rocking out at level 40 at that point.


The next was tragic, even though I knew it was coming. I grew to like Galuf over the course of the game, especially his banter with Bartz. I was VERY happy that Krile kept his stats/abilities/jobs as I had visions of FFIV where I would have to level her up again. Luckily this wasn't the case.


My final task of the day was to head out in my submarine and find a new summon. I was looking for Shoat and when I found him I was in for a weird battle. Everytime I hit him he cast petrify on some characters. I kept using Faris as she was doing 800 damage x2 as she was a Monk. I then just used softs with everyone else.


That was a wrap for the day. I'm gonna try and storm X-Death's castle today, but not before I level my guys up to level 45. They're level 43 at the moment so not much further to go.


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This thread is reminding me how all this stuff is missing from the 3DS. I mean, there's literally nothing comparable to a Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest at the moment, at least not in Europe, and yet this genre helped define the DS for me.

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(So I should be safe to post now H-o-T's post c-c-c-c-combo has been well and truly broken!)


I managed to get a bit of time on this yesterday. It was nice to get back in the swing of things after a couple of days break.


After finishing the castle I was off to find Zeza's fleet. It wasn't that far and quickly landed the dragon. Once again Gilgamesh popped his ugly head up and once again I sent him running. Although he was a little more tricky this time, purely beacuse he had help from some freaky monster. The thing kept healing them both, so I just concentrated my attacks on that thing first.


Next up was the Barrier Tower. It wasn't that bad and neither was the boss. Atmos kept killing my people and trying to suck them up! I just let him kill Reina and beat the heck out of him while he was concentrating pulling her across the floor towards him. She was quite handy as bait!


Poor Zeza, he made a noble sacrifice for the greater good. His death shall not be in vain!!!


I used Zeza's submarine to then head off to Gill Shrine. I loved the scene in here with the turtle/Gill. Bartz just kept smacking the thing! He thought it was hilarious, the crazy animal beater that he is. I went all that way, talked to a turtle and then got a stick! A freaking stick! This is supposed to be some kind of magic stick but methinks the turtle has gone a bit nuts in his old age. Anyway, I take this stick and head on my way.


I headed off to Moore Village/Forest, which I hated. It's a bit of a nightmare to see where you are going in the forest and I kept getting stuck on flowers and stumps. Very annoying. The forest got burnt down, which was sweet justice....no it wasn't me. *blows out match*


The following boss I had read horror stories about, some saying he was he hardest normal boss in the game. My band of little warriors laugh at such claims. I went in with 2 Monks and 2 Knights and destroyed the things. I just kept wailing on them one at a time until they were nearly dead and then healed when they used their powerful spell before they died. Rinse and repeat. It helped that i'm probably over levelled as my team were rocking out at level 40 at that point.


The next was tragic, even though I knew it was coming. I grew to like Galuf over the course of the game, especially his banter with Bartz. I was VERY happy that Krile kept his stats/abilities/jobs as I had visions of FFIV where I would have to level her up again. Luckily this wasn't the case.


My final task of the day was to head out in my submarine and find a new summon. I was looking for Shoat and when I found him I was in for a weird battle. Everytime I hit him he cast petrify on some characters. I kept using Faris as she was doing 800 damage x2 as she was a Monk. I then just used softs with everyone else.


That was a wrap for the day. I'm gonna try and storm X-Death's castle today, but not before I level my guys up to level 45. They're level 43 at the moment so not much further to go.


Massively overlevelled. You are gonna cruise the rest of the game.


Crap, I hope I didn't spoil anything about the culmination of the story developments in the Forest of Moore for you - I was certain you were ahead of me, what with you ransacking the Sealed Castle already.


This thread is reminding me how all this stuff is missing from the 3DS. I mean, there's literally nothing comparable to a Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest at the moment, at least not in Europe, and yet this genre helped define the DS for me.


Very true! The DS was kicking into gear with FF III by this point wasn't it? Hopefully KH 3D will get the 3D RPG scene going for us. As I said in the Theatrhythm thread, I'd happily take 3D ports of the latter FF titles.


Huh, "Zeza" and "X-Death"...? :blank:


I wonder if Gilgamesh's special weapon keeps its name...


I know, the translation he is playing is priceless. I love it. :laughing: I just hope all the jokes and goofiness come across as they are intended.

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I wonder if Gilgamesh's special weapon keeps its name...


Excalipur? :D


Massively overlevelled. You are gonna cruise the rest of the game.


Crap, I hope I didn't spoil anything about the culmination of the story developments in the Forest of Moore for you - I was certain you were ahead of me, what with you ransacking the Sealed Castle already.


I know, the translation he is playing is priceless. I love it. :laughing: I just hope all the jokes and goofiness come across as they are intended.


You didn't spoil anything, don't worry! I already knew about that event. The translation is fine, it's just the names that have been changed. All the humour is still coming across to me nicely.


I sat and levelled up my team to level 45, while watching Andy Murray get owned ( YAY! ). After that I trundled off to X-Death's castle. Is it just me or is the encounter rate stupidly high in this place? I would walk to steps and then fight a dragon, walk another two and fight another dragon. Eventually I just pegged it after each fight as I was getting annoyed.


I fought a few bosses in this place. First up was Carbuncle which was pretty easy. I read I could beat him but using my Shoat summon. Easy enough, right? I went into the fight as cocky and whatnot only to find that I hadn't used the summon yet. I didn't realise the likes of Shoat, Ramuh and Golem were in the items section and needed to be used before you could summon them. That being the case I had to do things the old fashioned way. I had a Ninja, Summoner and 2 Knights on my team so I was well prepared. I just did the old tactic and just all out attack. Worked great!


Next up was Gilgamesh....again. I dispatched him pretty easily but not before staling another Genji piece of equipment off him.


Last up was X-Death and boy is he cheap. It took me 2 tries to sort him out as I didn't realise just how spammy he is. It didn't help that I had the blood Sword and Excalipur equipped by accident either. I hate the Blood Sword, that thing never hits anything! Anyway, the speed at which X-Death gets his turns is just stupid. I cast Haste2 on my party and I still couldn't keep up with him!


During my second attempt I put decent weapons on everyone and just went all out attack. I used Haste2 and then Carbuncle and Golem summons, which bounced his magic back at him and kept me safe from physical damage. This kept me safe the whole fight and I just recast them every time they wore off. I just sat back all safe and cosy and just beat the hell out of him with physical attacks.


With that done and dusted I called it a day. I think I may be in the last world now as Tycoon Castle is back on the map. We'll see I guess.


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Excalipur? :D


Oh my... Poor Excalipoor...


I'm also guessing he doesn't have this awesome battle quote, then:


"Enough expository banter!


Now we fight like men! And ladies!


And ladies who dress like men!


For Gilgamesh, it's Morphing Time!"


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Hmm, that's interesting.


Excalipurr is a boss in Dragon Quest IX.


Square and Enix have been doing this for quite a while now. Final Fantasy XII had this weapon called Tolo Sword in Japan, which is an obvious nod to Loto from DQ I-III. Outside of Japan, the weapon was called Wyrmkiller Blade... :nono:

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I honestly can't remember. I usually switch off when he's waffling on, as I hate his character. The guy just acts like an annoying moron. I don't get his appeal. ::shrug:


That is his appeal. :laughing:


He's disillusioned, over confident and ultimately a mere pawn to Exdeath.


Square and Enix have been doing this for quite a while now. Final Fantasy XII had this weapon called Tolo Sword in Japan, which is an obvious nod to Loto from DQ I-III. Outside of Japan, the weapon was called Wyrmkiller Blade... :nono:


Love it when these companies have little jabs at each other.

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By the way, H-o-T, meant to ask what your beef is with the Blood Sword? I've got it equipped on Lenna (Knight) and she never misses anything! She knows !Rapid Fire from having previously trained as a Ranger and is an invincible killing machine for me. A few battles now (the crystals and Exdeath) she has been the sole victor because she can self heal with the Blood Sword. I'm not sure of the maths behind why its working for me but I'm glad it is - if it wasn't then I might have to level 10-15 levels. :laughing:

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By the way, H-o-T, meant to ask what your beef is with the Blood Sword? I've got it equipped on Lenna (Knight) and she never misses anything! She knows !Rapid Fire from having previously trained as a Ranger and is an invincible killing machine for me. A few battles now (the crystals and Exdeath) she has been the sole victor because she can self heal with the Blood Sword. I'm not sure of the maths behind why its working for me but I'm glad it is - if it wasn't then I might have to level 10-15 levels. :laughing:


The thing never hits anything for me, it constantly misses.


Just finished the Pyramid. I hated that place.:angry:

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Persona 4 has more story in the first five minutes than the entirety Final Fantasy I, and you got through that just fine. :p


The genius with FFI is in the simplicity of it and I never got bored with it, nor did I have to build up stupid relationships by socializing. Persona is not for me.

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The genius with FFI is in the simplicity of it and I never got bored with it, nor did I have to build up stupid relationships by socializing. Persona is not for me.


Not that I'm criticising Persona, but I agree with the sentiment. For me, simplicity is key. A lot of RPGs stray too far from the basic idea of exploration, combat, weapons, armour, towns, inns etc, which is pretty much all I want.

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I tried playing 4 a few years back and just couldn't get into it. It took about 5-10 hours to get the story going and by then I had lost interest.


Me too! I tried playing P4 FES a few years back on PS2 and wasn't all that impressed. Now I guess I've matured/changed and I think this suits handheld really well.


Honestly, hit up P3 portable, it's amazing.


Not that I'm criticising Persona, but I agree with the sentiment. For me, simplicity is key. A lot of RPGs stray too far from the basic idea of exploration, combat, weapons, armour, towns, inns etc, which is pretty much all I want.


I love the thought of a totally nerdfest game. Being able to improve your character and exceed in their life, all the while going through a cool story and battle system. Simplicity works in some cases but not in the early FF games, they're just droll. CRYSTALS...

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