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Just been told I have a place for the London Marathon in April. I'd better get training!


Has anyone done one before? If so, how did you find it? Any tips?


Really looking forward to it, got something to motivate me to go running every day now. Also, I will doing it in memory of my uncle who passed away with cancer recently.

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Just been told I have a place for the London Marathon in April. I'd better get training!


Has anyone done one before? If so, how did you find it? Any tips?


Really looking forward to it, got something to motivate me to go running every day now. Also, I will doing it in memory of my uncle who passed away with cancer recently.


Yeah, I did one last year. First off, don't run every day. You want to always try and give yourself a rest day, although back-to-back every so often won't hurt, just don't go like 14 days continually. You need to give your muscles time to rest and it will start to become too much like a chore.


It really depends on how fit you are currently. Maybe start week 1 doing 30 mins continually 4 times a week. Ramp that up by 15 mins the next week and so on. Once you've reached the stage of being able to run for an hour no problem, you're pretty much there.


Obviously a marathon will take a lot longer than an hour but unless you want to run for 3 hours every time, you're going to have to take a little pain. At that stage anyway it won't be you're endurance that hurts you, just a lot of blisters and associated pain from stressing muscles for over 4 hours.


It's all mind over matter :heh:

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Yeah, I did one last year. First off, don't run every day. You want to always try and give yourself a rest day, although back-to-back every so often won't hurt, just don't go like 14 days continually. You need to give your muscles time to rest and it will start to become too much like a chore.


It really depends on how fit you are currently. Maybe start week 1 doing 30 mins continually 4 times a week. Ramp that up by 15 mins the next week and so on. Once you've reached the stage of being able to run for an hour no problem, you're pretty much there.


Obviously a marathon will take a lot longer than an hour but unless you want to run for 3 hours every time, you're going to have to take a little pain. At that stage anyway it won't be you're endurance that hurts you, just a lot of blisters and associated pain from stressing muscles for over 4 hours.


It's all mind over matter :heh:


I don't think I would be able to keep it up every day anyway, I'm a university student :P


I would say I'm a pretty experienced runner as it is, having done a lot of cross country/middle distance racing in the past, yet I've been out of the swing of it this year. I feel that cardiovascular endurance is one of my strengths (not good enough for a marathon of course!), but it will definitely be the muscular endurance I need to work on more.


My last big race was a year ago, which was a 10k which I did in about 36 mins, which I didn't think was too bad. But this is in a different league!


Time to invest in some new trainers, methinks!

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I don't think I would be able to keep it up every day anyway, I'm a university student :P


I would say I'm a pretty experienced runner as it is, having done a lot of cross country/middle distance racing in the past, yet I've been out of the swing of it this year. I feel that cardiovascular endurance is one of my strengths (not good enough for a marathon of course!), but it will definitely be the muscular endurance I need to work on more.


My last big race was a year ago, which was a 10k which I did in about 36 mins, which I didn't think was too bad. But this is in a different league!


Time to invest in some new trainers, methinks!



That's a good time for 10km, I just about hit under 30 mins last week the same distance but that isn't speed that anywhere sustainable for a long period. A marathon is basically 4 x 10km's, yeah it's tiring but being a runner yourself you'll know about the sort of resolve you develop with the more running you do. You develop a determination to get through it when you're just not feeling it. I just reminded myself that I didn't have to run ever again when I did it :heh:


You won't struggle for endurance, it's just the pain in the muscles that can be quite bad.

Edited by Jon
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That's a good time for 10km, I just about hit under 30 mins last week the same distance but that isn't speed that anywhere sustainable for a long period. A marathon is basically 4 x 10km's, yeah it's tiring but being a runner yourself you'll know about the sort of resolve you develop with the more running you do. You develop a determination to get through it when you're just not feeling it. I just reminded myself that I didn't have to run ever again when I did it :heh:


You won't struggle for endurance, it's just the pain in the muscles that can be quite bad.


That's an impressive time. I feel that with training I could get times like that, but I'm also convinced I'd be a faster runner if my legs were longer! (I'm only 5"7!)


Out of interest, how quickly did you do the marathon?

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That's an impressive time. I feel that with training I could get times like that, but I'm also convinced I'd be a faster runner if my legs were longer! (I'm only 5"7!)


Out of interest, how quickly did you do the marathon?


I did it in 4 hours and 17 minutes. I was gutted I didn't make it in under 4 hours, although that last about 10 seconds until I realised I was just happy to make it without dying :heh:

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is this the original weight loss thread???? Can we have an alteration to include both in the name plz?


I've been on my ketogenic diet for a week and hit an 8lb loss this week..... but i'm annoyed...why you ask? Because yesterday it showed 9.5lb loss!!! Will teach me to weigh when I shouldn't. Apart from that mishap, I've been weighin 2x a week only. Once a week is too far away for me, but daily is just obsessive and offputting!!


Going to keep at the shakes for a while and then go on to a ketogenic atkins style diet. I find its the easiest for me as i'm not hungry... but keeping in keto means you can't really have any lapses carbs wise, or its a few days again to get back into keto!! argh! I've worked out that I'm about 100g per day of carbs and still in keto :)

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I've been on my ketogenic diet for a week and hit an 8lb loss this week..... but i'm annoyed...why you ask?


I only know the slightest of the slight about that diet...


But... surely that's maybe the single worst thing for anyone with crohns to do?

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Last night I jogged home from work (about three and a half miles), and this morning I jogged to work. Tonight I'll be cycling home, then cycling to work tomorrow then running home, etc, etc.

So yeah, my legs hurt. I'm loosely doing this:




Did someone here post this, or did I find it elsewhere? The balance in the first week is just right for me.

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Cheers for posting that!


I haven't been to the gym for about a month (my pass ran out and I wanted to change).


Should sign up at a new (and better) gym this week,


As I left I was jogging for 3 minutes and then walking for 2 minutes, and I did that until I had jogged for twelve minutes.


Wanna switch to this.


May jump in at week 4?


Although the changes from week to week seem crazy-drastic.


Not used to doing such big changes.

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I think that scheme is pretty similar to something I did a few years ago. The changes in between weeks might seem big, but it's do-able. Sometimes you'll just have to push yourself to run that extra minute or two heh.


I've not done running in the last two weeks I think, due to a few different reasons (pain in groin/upper leg area, soreness from work, the heatttt etc.). But I'm taking my running shoes to Spain I think, so I hope to do a bit there, if it's not too hot. We'll see. =)

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I did a 12km run for the first time last night since tearing my calf muscle. It was a bit of a struggle but I manage to power through. Gonna give it a bash again on Thursday and Saturday, get my fitness back up to where it was pre-injury.

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I only know the slightest of the slight about that diet...


But... surely that's maybe the single worst thing for anyone with crohns to do?


Nah its not all meat like people seem to think actually (i would never agree to a diet like that). I actually don't eat a lot of meat in my diet at all because I can't stomach it. Its a high fat&low carb/sugar as opposed to high carb/lowfat diets which cause people to end up with metabolic syndrome x and/or diabetes.


You have a compulsory amount of veg to eat (3 US "cups", equivalent to 6 UK "cups") and you can have certain amounts of full fat cheese and cream. Induction period is quite harsh for some people at the start because its ketogenic and its very hard going from a high carb diet to very low carb... your body does get an element of withdrawl but it wont kill you. Ketosis is only for the initial stages of the diet and not meant to be done long term. Most people on normal weight loss and maintenance on atkins are really following a low carb/GI type diet. The initial stage flushes out all of the sugar toxins and resets your appetite. And ketosis tends to cause an initial massive loss but thats usually a lot of water weight and does eventually balance out :) and as an FYI, the atkins foundation is not associated with the atkins nutrition company that are piling out all those garbage bars and shakes which are full of nothing but rubbish


Last night I jogged home from work (about three and a half miles), and this morning I jogged to work. Tonight I'll be cycling home, then cycling to work tomorrow then running home, etc, etc.

So yeah, my legs hurt. I'm loosely doing this:




Did someone here post this, or did I find it elsewhere? The balance in the first week is just right for me.



That's very like c25k (couch to 5km), which you can get lots of mobile phone apps for. I've got it on my iPhone and its bloody brilliant. You can set your pace of run and walk (I do 5.5/7.5) and it helps stop you overdoing it all in one go! And on the iphone app you can set music with it, and it pauses to remind you of your change ups and downs!



How is everyone else with their weightloss..? I've been feeling a bit crap lately so I had a treat of a pizza and now I feel a bit sick... really putting me off carb binges.



edit: c25k app android: https://sites.google.com/site/c25kapp/


and you can find the iphone one on itunes very easily :)

Edited by Raining_again
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I've had a sore left wrist since Saturday morning, so I've eased off the upper body weights for a few days. Did some leg work on Sunday and still feeling it now. Can barely walk really. :heh:


I played football yesterday for an hour...no idea how I managed that given my legs were knackered. Also, got a compliment from a guy at work, who said that if he had my legs, he would wear shorts more often. Was very surprised by that, because I thought my legs were pretty small really.

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I actually meant because it was a liquid diet.




While typing that I remembered a distant family member has the old C (not cancer, the less deathy C) and he actually can ONLY drink liquid stuff.


Helps him loads.


So it probably doesn't affect it, may actually make it better.

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I've been struggling for fitness this year :hmm:


I damaged the ligaments in my left ankle in January that kept me out of action for a month (though didn't fully recover for closer to 2 months). As I was starting to get back to my best, I got hit with torn ankle ligaments again in April, this time in my right ankle. Unfortunately, it was much worse this time and I spent approximately 4 months without playing football.


For the last 7 or 8 weeks, I've been working my way back and was starting to feel really good again but a few niggles I have been having in my back this year developed into something more on monday night. I was sitting on the floor with my legs crossed playing some games and then when I went to get up.. I couldn't :eek:


The pain was really bad and I could hardly move at all.. it's a scary feeling! I got some tablets from the doctor and thankfully it has been gradually improving, but I don't know how long it will take to be fully better or if it's likely to recur. According to the doctor, the curvature in my back isn't great.. it's very flat! So.. yeh.. we'll see how that goes :indeed:


With a 2010 of emotional torture and a 2011 of physical pain, it would be nice if 2012 threw some goodies my way :heh:

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My fitness has gone to pot over the last few months. Been dealing with lingering concussion symptoms that just won't go away. I can be fine for a few days, manage to get a few good runs and workouts in and then all of a sudden the headaches and dizziness come back. It's really not a nice feeling, it's almost like your seeing everything a frame slower than you should be.


Unfortunately there's no quick fix. It will go away, there's just no timelines.

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I have become seriously tempted to give up alcohol, since I have a pretty unshakeable suspicion that it's responsible for most of my totally unshiftable fat around my lower abdomen. I mean, my upper and lower body is absolutely in the shape I want it:





but there a little band of chubbychubness right below my navel that won't bugger off regardless of how much cardio I subject myself to. The worst thing is, it looks fucking weird, and disproportional. I hate it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found an interesting thing on t'interwebs.... (the body fat check) http://www.channel4embarrassingillnesses.com/myhealthchecker/


All you need is your weight and a measuring tape!


I did mine and it said I was normal!!!! WHAT?! Apparently my BF% is 29, JUST in the normal and no more... (although other sources say 25) Women have to input a lot more measurements than men... I've got mahoosive wrists so I think that's possibly indicative of a bigger bone structure/less body fat. So that's my day made XD

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I want to go back to the gym and gain some weight/mucsle because at the moment, I'm an unfit skinny thing. But before I start going, I want to get a meal plan sorted out and was wondering if anyone on here could help me out.


I obviously need food with lots of calories and protein in, but only healthy food such as pasta and rice, meat, et.al


The problem is I can't really cook, so I'm looking for easy to prepare food. Can anyone help me out?

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