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Arrested Development


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So I just finished my 4th full run through of all 3 seasons, and it was my first in "one sitting" (obviously over a week or two, but close enough that I could see lots of a references and recurring bits I missed before).


Such an amazing TV show - I've never seen a "comedy" as clever, witty or involved in it's own creative process. It has it's own defined world in which it resides. You know about Cloudmir vodka (mentioned once in one episode, but for which you see adverts for all over the place - on Kitty's shirt, on a box in Mexico etc), you know in their world Tom Jane made a film called Homeless Dad etc etc. So amazing with all the little references you can keep finding on repeated viewings.


SO yeah, it's a shame that it's so overlooked - it won 5 emmys, but the nature of the show being that it almost requires you to have seen it all to get full enjoyment out of it hurt it's viewing figures.


What are everyone's favourite moments/little easter eggs/references/let's discuss the show.


I can't recommend it enough - it's revelatory.


Also, if it would sway people, it stars an impeccable cast of Jason Batamen, Michael Cera, Jessica Walters, Will Arnett, Portia De Rossi, David Cross etc. With cameos from Zach Braff and Ben Stiller, among others.


Edited by Paj!
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I lol everytime I see this.




Also notable is the inspired use of music in the show. And sound in general. Amazing. The Bond-inspired bits for the Wee Britain storyline, and then they reuse "Mr.F!" out of context. I love.


[George Michael starts at new-age school Openings]

Donny: Oh we don't do grades here! A student can learn, and get a "L", or..they fluctuate.

George Michael: And what do you get then?

Donny: An "F".

[George Michael is horrified]


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