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Errors and Problems With Forums


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I'm not sure if this is an error or not...but on the announcement for the image sizes, you have spelt "regarding" as "regaring". Just to point it out.


It's just a typo. I'll fix it up right now.


Edit: It appears that it's already been sorted. I am slow. :(


Its probably already been said but why does the top N-Europe picture dissapear in replace of the red cross when you access the forums from the homepage?


Hmmm. I haven't come across this problem yet. Try using accessing the forums in a different browser or clearing your cookies. That might work.


I can't see any updated news forum posts in the beginning of 31st August.


The list is stuck upto 30th August, I tried a control+refresh and no luck.


Yeah, we've got the staff working on that. It's actually a pain in the arse. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
I went to add a signature pic to my profile, yet it says I have a limit of 500 x 100 or 19.5kb, which ever is smaller, yet some people have signatures much larger than this in terms of KBs, just wondering why?


I think its because they added theirs before the (tiny) limit.

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  • 4 weeks later...
The board at the mo' doesn't seem to be remembering threads I have looked at.


I.e. when I log in it keeps telling me there are unread posts in threads 2 days old, even though I looked at them minutes ago!!!


That's not what the new thread reading behaviour should do. Try clearing out your cookies.

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I know this isn't much of a problem at all (I'm just a lame site design perfection whore), but to the right under the forum header (http://www.n-europe.com/forum/images/header_forum.jpg), on the site design there is for some reason a light gray 2 pixels or so thick line, which always annoys me to hell. I know I'm just being picky and stuff, but.. Yeah. You don't have to fix it (as it might be a bitch; I know what these things are like), but if it's easy and you don't mind that'd be great.

I'm just letting you know. And I know this is stupid, I'm just picky (it's not really my fault; Sprout made me this way).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did something happen yesterday? :wtf:


I tried to come on around lunch time (instead o' working) but firstly the site was very slow and my posts didnt load up, so I closed the browser, came back... and the site wasnt working at all! What happened? I just went home and played Pro Evo and Fifa for instead. The thing is, theres no mention o' it around the place today, what happened? ::shrug:

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