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bad stuff thread.


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I missed a parcel (neighbour refused delivery), so I drove in rush hour (50 minutes there) to pick it up. Had to wait 30 minutes when there. 50 minute drive home, stuck behind a TNT truck....then car broke/lost acceleration and now is a little sluggish with the spanner light come on.




Already fucking skint. I have no one around that can help. I feel sad.

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The tickets for me and my mates are lost in the post currently. 02 screwed my mate sorting them so they arrived friday when he was at V Festival. He then ended up in hospital after breaking his ankle so couldn't get to the post office to Wednesday. On Wednesday he forgot his ID so couldn't pick them up then. Today they weren't there for him to collect for some reason and didn't have the tracking number. So he told me don't worry there will be loads on the door. Not a single one. In a very sad place right now. Was really looking forward to it as well, needed a lift as my Parents split up recently and been treated frankly horrendously by a few girls at Uni

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Good luck.



I missed a parcel (neighbour refused delivery), so I drove in rush hour (50 minutes there) to pick it up. Had to wait 30 minutes when there. 50 minute drive home, stuck behind a TNT truck....then car broke/lost acceleration and now is a little sluggish with the spanner light come on.




Already fucking skint. I have no one around that can help. I feel sad.

You have enough Lego to build yourself a new car right?

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Is anyone else having trouble with eBay atm?


A few minutes ago the site wasn't even loading, now it is loading for me but I've heard numerous reports that no one is able to log in... which is kind of odd, apparently Paypal is suffering technical difficulty too.


It could just be extended maintenance I suppose, hopefully it's nothing too bad. ::shrug:

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Its trivial, but a number of things have happened this week that caused me to have a pretty nervous break down in my garage.


One thing that is major, that unfortunately, I'm not even allowed to speak about, but it involves work and makes me down right miserable to even think of.


Otherwise, my headphones are causing my computer to blue screen, my washing machine is leaking (rather than flooding) and I don't know why or how to fix it, I've barely slept for the last week, I'm down right lonely.


I am tired of just chugging along, barely scraping by on money and then things all breaking and things going wrong all at once.


Tomorrow I have to be up at 6 to get on the road for 7 to go to the Minecraft Expo, I was looking forward to it, but now I barely feel like it, when I promised a friend or two I'd go meet them.

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Thanks guys. Its totally a waiting game to see if it goes in the next few weeks....


ah! i had something similar a few years ago... now i have an awesome game of thrones scar on my neck to go with my harry potter scar on my forehead.

hang in there, raining!! xx


EDIT: oh yeah! my thing...


BAD THING: a giant zelda-boss-sized spider waltzed into the living room today so now i cant use that room ever again. *sigh*

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Recently things have been going pretty well in most areas of life, but then I saw an episode of dexter s06 where laguerta says "make your life revolve around work and everything will seem better" (or something like that) and it made me think a little. I've been focused on work a lot recently - it's been really rewarding for the last 3 months and I look forward to it, and all that, but I've been a hell of a lot less organisational when it comes to socialising.


When I returned from Oz I kinda put together a group of people, then started dating one of them, then broke up and distanced myself. I focused on work and didn't organise anything anymore. Now they exist as a cohesive group (that exists because of me) but I'm excluded (self-exiled to an extent)... but it is starting to bother me. Logically I can make sense of it, but emotionally I definitely feel hard done by. Part of me wants to act out and organise something just so I can not invite them... yet I know it's selfish. I'm trying to grasp at what the right thing to do is, whilst not doing anything overtly cynical or self-involved... So the conclusion is I continue to do nothing, as I have done, and just pretend like I'm still friends with the people the next time I see them, even though they didn't invite me out this time or that, or that they only communicate with me these days because they want to fish for gossip (so it seems) rather than share life.


Sigh. I don't know. One of my oldest friends is moving away to NZ this week, and in brighton he's pretty much the last person I could fully trust. Maybe I'm just used to life in transit and I'm suddenly stationary again? I don't know. Work's going really well. Living situation needs rectifying and my love life is up in the air, so I guess it's all standard. Just doing the logic vs emotion battle.

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@jayseven it sounds like normal human nature. You basically made the group and now you're not able to hang out with them due to being no longer with your ex.


I can imagine that given your the same person I knew at university, you'll find it quite easy to make more friends. Whilst it does suck that you've lost some due to work, you've now made the start to a successful career that keeps a roof over your head and money in your back pocket.


Its tough, as someone who is currently facing the same thing, here in Cambridge, I sympathise, but don't let it get to you for too long. :)

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Been feeling a bit shit lately. Trouble keeping certain foods down. Not sure why exactly but have begun to wonder whether it might be some form of gluten allergy/sensitivity which has started to develop as my throat does seem to swell up and it's hard to swallow. That and my inability to sleep properly at the moment. And some rather nasty headaches. And the shakes. And heightened anxiety. Really should go and see a doctor and get checked.


Although the latter anxiety thing is probably more to do with me worrying about things, such as the ever approaching start date for the PhD I'm not sure I want to do anymore (especially now as I seem to have figured out that I'd like to work in some form of trauma care for those with head trauma and the like. Not exactly got the right degree but never mind) and having not seen a close friend for 3 weeks, which I know is silly but considering we used to see each other, speak to each other and go for drinks pretty much every day I'm a little down about not having seen her. Definitely missing her but she's apparently working solidly at the moment so doesn't have much free time :(


Being stuck at home isn't helping either. Mother doesn't seem to realise that, although I will be moving out for the PhD, I won't be earning a huge amount of money and keeps suggesting all these expensive or unfurnished flats that'll take away £700/£800 of my monthly wage leaving me with about £300 which is manageable but would make things rather tight. Brother also had his court case with his wacko GF who bit him and she somehow got found not guilty and so there's been all the fall out from that.


Really, really could do with a holiday to get away from everything right about now. Or failing that, seeing said friend and getting a hug from her :(

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I had a dream last night that I ran a half marathon in Gibralter. The Spanish came and moved the cones that marked the route out of spite. This meant that everyone didnt finish apart from me who just obviously knew the route anyway.


Bad stuff because I was gutted I woke up in Sheffield :-(

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I keep having odd dreams about my family (noneofthat) lately. Not necessarily "bad stuff", but weird...


Few nights ago I dreamt that I unintentionally had my brother executed. Apparently I was friends with police or something but they were going to execute someone but that person was soon to die of natural causes anyway so they decided not to waste the taxpayers' money on the execution of someone near death. However, they knew that I didn't like my brother and he was in prison anyway, so they executed him under the guise of him being the person that was supposed to be killed. I found this out later and was shocked...but not upset.


And last night I had a dream that my family had arranged my wedding (as in the wedding was my choice, but they did everything) but did it really badly and I just found myself bored during the wedding as I didn't know anyone (well there was a few people from college who I haven't spoken to in years, but recently have gotten married (says Facebook) so maybe that's why they were in my unconscious). Plus I went to the bar and asked for a whiskey and they weren't sure if they had any so they searched around for a while. Eventually she came back with something in a bowl and I asked for it in a glass and apparently they didn't have any so I said "what kind of shitty place is this?" and my mother told me off for being rude. And throughout this dream I never met the bride...


Just weird really. Although not as dramatic as my actual family I suppose. Well, maybe the first one is more dramatic.


tl;dr I need to stop watching only Showtime dramas.

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I had a wedding dream a few nights ago!


I had just been married to my girlfriend, but I couldn't make the ceremony as I was working, but we were still married anyway. I went to the local comic shop and found her flashing off her ring to a few friends. She was well happy, I was too but felt gutted that I missed out on the magic of attending my own wedding.



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Being stuck at home isn't helping either. Mother doesn't seem to realise that, although I will be moving out for the PhD, I won't be earning a huge amount of money and keeps suggesting all these expensive or unfurnished flats that'll take away £700/£800 of my monthly wage leaving me with about £300 which is manageable but would make things rather tight. Brother also had his court case with his wacko GF who bit him and she somehow got found not guilty and so there's been all the fall out from that.


Really, really could do with a holiday to get away from everything right about now. Or failing that, seeing said friend and getting a hug from her :(


£700/800?! Where are you going to be living? Get yourself a shared flat and cut that cost in half.

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£700/800 plus council tax I imagine? I'd counter that in, plus bills too.


Just started my PC, boom, 'overclocking' error. I'm not overclocking by any means. Take the new (new as in 3 months old) ram out, make sure everything is set to auto. It boots up.


I don't understand really considering it works all the time just fine and then picks its moments. Sigh, ruins my damn day. Now I only have 4gb to run on instead of 8gb for video work and its damn slow.

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