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bad stuff thread.


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She is quite a paranoid person. It's a little bit better now, she's accepted she's just really stressed (new job) etc and probably overreacted. I didn't help by getting angry because I was flabbergasted at why she was getting weird about it all.


Well, it's natural to get angry when you're unjustly accused of something, but you're probably right that it might've given an unfortunate impression.

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You liar. I have been in a long-term relationship with your hair.


Also, your woman is crazy, Ell.


Tru Dat.




poking for YEARS! O______O


Something is wrong. :heh:


Today I've been watching Yu-Gi-Oh, cleaned my room and put new ink in my printer. :D Oh and this is the bad stuff thread so like errrr I didn't enjoy any of it or something.

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Aaaaaaaggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh I could fucking punch something.


Took my PC to get fixed last Saturday. Could only manage to pick it up this Saturday.


Was working for 24 fucking hours before breaking again. Piece of fucking shit.


Its so unfathomably fucking annoying, I FUCKING 10000% SPECIFICALLY SPENT A FORTUNE ON THE PIECE OF SHIT so that it had longevity. I don't play games, I just needed something that was powerful enough to run some editing shit and last a good few fucking years. Fuck this. Must be the Windows Update.


Piece of unholy shit. I want to kill someone.


Try and save up to move out but it is just one god damn set back after another.



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So I live on the top floor, usually I spend my nights with the attic angled window open so I can go smoke.


often, the light lures in moths late at night. Once a moth kept landing on me throughout the night, so I had to go sleep in another room. Since then I've generally been "meh, it's a moth." Last night one snuck in and buzzed about and I made peace with the cloth-eating butterpeds.


Since it's currently dark, I figured that the sensation on my arm was a moth. I actually went "helloo moth--" and turned to look and AAAAH SPIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Flicked at it like a scared little girl and... and now I have no idea where the spider went, so I've got to get over that, too.



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Got to give a presentation tomorrow on a psychology paper and the person I'm supposed to be giving the presentation with isn't getting back to me about it. Emailed him to ask how he wanted to split up the paper for coverage, then suggested how we should do the presentation and earlier emailed to say that we need to meet up tomorrow to bring our slides together before the class. No replies to any of them :mad:


Now he did have to give a presentation today but still, it's getting a little irritating and stressful because it may well end up with me having to give the whole presentation and I'm not exactly great at public speaking (I get really nervous standing up talking in front of people, usually resulting the the shakes and a hoarse voice). Luckily I've made slides for most of it anyway (would just need to write out what I want to say) but it's supposed to be a group presentation so it's not seeming very fair at the moment.

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My brain is working itself up into spirals of worry at the moment. With our current workload it's a given that we'll be VERY busy in later semesters, and I'm pretty sure that will spell the end of my perfectionistic approach to school work. Normally I'd be thrilled to finally learn to be more relaxed about it, but now I've started worrying that my performance then won't be good enough if I eventually want to get a Ph.D. But if I'm already worrying about that now, I definitely won't survive university as I'll simply break under the stress and workload.


*sigh* Does anyone know a good tip for not stressing yourself the fuck out over these things?

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Just concentrate on one thing at a time, Danny :) No point stressing about something years down the line. You can still be a perfectionish if you narrow your attention down to the specific job at hand.


Uni is stressful! It's overwhelming, but with each passing essay or test you'll learn how to best approach them.


Oh, and get drunk. That helps.

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Ugh. Was having myself a totally rad nap and got woken up by the dog barking. Not too unusual, but there was a "Luke!" come from downstairs. "Must be the door then" I think and hop up to see to whichever douche has disturbed me from my mighty slumber. Like a sore headed troll, I head to the door, only to be coincidentally greeted by another troll of sorts.


Battle mode engage:



(it's the closest image I can find of 2 trolls fighting)


Mothertroll: Which breadband are we with?

Goafertroll: Virgin Media methinks

Mothertroll: This guys from...

Salestroll: Talk Talk

*musings in Goafertrolls fuzzy noggin about previous stories of TalkTalk being shit maybe*

Mothertroll: Something about free broadband.

Goafertroll: Fee fi fo fum woman! We're happy with Virgin (Well if he was going to lie to us, may as well return the favour, thought I)

Salestroll: *grunt, fart* We done just installed a faster doo-dad in the Bury of Adder (Adderbury to you more privileged folk) and are doing free broadband, we is. *fart cough, grunt faaaaaAAAAAAaaaaart*

Goafertroll: Be there a number I can call at a later date?

Salestroll: *incomprehensible gibberish that may have mentioned something about a limited offer or whatever*

Goafertroll: Fetch my troll smashing stick of smiting wench!

Salestroll: *grunt, cough, scratch* I am done comin' back tomorrow to do some stuff with ye neighbours. I can come back then if ye' want to done-think about it?"

Goafertroll: Yeah you do that, Fathertroll will be here then.




I've Googled it to see what sort of scam it is. Apparently TalkTalk have been going round offering free broadband, but then you have to pay for other stuff that you don't know about or something. His information was accurate too, as the our local exchange (Adderbury) has indeed had a TalkTalk upgrade. At least he wasn't just some goon looking to find out when we were out/house security or something. One of TalkTalk's previous scams was to pretend to be from the government (probably an offence) and tell the freshly awoken troll/normal human that the government are rolling out free mega fast broadband (definitely an offence/not true as it breaks competition laws. All other ISPs would go out of business due to free alternatives).


I didn't realise TalkTalk were so underhanded as to send out lying salesmen to peoples doors.


So yeah, I need to think of a hilarious prank on the Salestroll.

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Dannyboy; all I can say is that you will learn to cope with the stress. As I said, each time you hand in a piece you'll be able to objectively see how the effort you put in, or the effort you didn't, directly affected the result.


For now it's all novel and alien. All I can promise is that you'll be fine.


Best cure for these sorts of worries, for me, was opening a textpad and writing out everything that was filling my mind. That sometimes lead to manic posts on these forums (funnily enough since finishing uni I've had a markedly rapid reduction in my madness posts... the lack of stress, maybe?). Getting the thoughts out means you've processed them as far as you can. Once you've worried about all possible outcomes, you begin to get used to the thoughts.


Or so I think, anyway.

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I keep feeling like this a lot recently, falling in and out of it:




A lot of the time, life feels a bit pointless, meaningless, empty.

I need something that can make me feel happy, but I don't know what that is...


Some hugs would help but I can't even get those. Hugs I give to my dog don't count. I think. Maybe.

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