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I just won my company £10 towards our Christmas meal. Now we have £100 towards it, meaning we'd only have to pay £3 for a three course meal at this moment in time. The competition lasts for two weeks and started three days ago so hopefully we can win more and get the company to finally give us some slack and pay for us!


It's about time there was something in selling stuff for us! ;)


I also had a couple of customers who told me I've lost a lot of weight since they last saw me and that I'm looking "well buff". Y'all shall now call me the 'Well-buff Animal" haha.


I'm also getting a 3DS XL for Christmas! AND IT'S BLUE!!! SOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!


I also bought Avengers Assemble on blu-ray for £5!

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Slowly and steadily getting myself back on the right track and getting over some of the issues I've been having over the last few months. Starting to feel a lot more settled living on my own and starting to enjoy parts of my Ph.D., although it's mainly the people who are helping on that front (with the exception of one or two awkward moments including being propositioned by a fellow 1st year Ph.D. about hooking up after a night out even though she has a BF! :hmm: Obviously said no on that one as I'm not one of those guys).


Got my MSc graduation this Thursday which I'm looking forward to. See some friends I haven't seen/spoken to since August, having them round for drinks in the evening before having a night out and hopefully have most of my family there for the ceremony.


And also, after 3 years of not daring to pick up a pencil, I started drawing again! It's a small thing but I've been wanting to start drawing again and try to reclaim a part of me that I let go of years ago. So spent yesterday drawing a card with a meerkat on it for a friend and today designing/making the envelope as part of a symbolic gesture for something I've promised to do a couple years down the line when I finish my Ph.D., and generally as a thank you for everything over the last year. She loves meerkats so I can't wait to give her it and I'm rather happy with how good it is considering how long its been since I've drawn anything.


So yeah, feeling better and although I could have done without the issues, I'm slowly getting towards where I need to be. As Douglas Adams put it: "I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but I always end up where I need to be."

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Yay for drawing, well done @Ganepark32, now keep doing it! =)


Speaking about drawing, I just finished some new Christmas cards and am getting them printed (together with some old designs). Had been a while since I last did some proper drawings... I think since the drawing challenge in February? So wayyyyy too long!


If anyone is interested in them by the way, just let me know. =P

£1.80 per card + white envelope:





Edited by Eenuh
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@Eenuh your store only has the latter 5 on it. I would like to buy all 12!


I actually haven't put them in my store yet as I only ordered them tonight haha. I won't get them until the end of November/beginning of December so still have to wait a bit to put my stock up (plus no one uses my web store anyway).


But you can order them directly from me if you want, you don't have to go through my store. =)

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@Eenuh they are adorable! How much are they through you?


I had a good chuckle this morning. Tesco have had their petrol for 131.9 for the last couple of weeks. Only to go straight to 133.9 yesterday. I was a bit peeved, but the Shell garage down the road was still 131.9.


Turns out that Tesco thought poorly of their decision, as this morning it was back up to 131.9.


Hah suck it Tescos and your poor decisions.

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@Eenuh they are adorable! How much are they through you?


I had a good chuckle this morning. Tesco have had their petrol for 131.9 for the last couple of weeks. Only to go straight to 133.9 yesterday. I was a bit peeved, but the Shell garage down the road was still 131.9.


Turns out that Tesco thought poorly of their decision, as this morning it was back up to 131.9.


Hah suck it Tescos and your poor decisions.

It's weird how it works with our petrol, you get told what to sell at and then get forced to change it because of local competition. We try to compete with local stations, within a certain radius, which is why sometimes you get people going "Well it's X at Y petrol station/The Tesco in Z." Plus they made us phone up those petrol stations twice a week to ask their prices.


One dude tried to get about 50p off a litre as he was driving in whilst I was outside changing the price display on the gantry. Naturally he wanted to bitch at a manager who soon backed us up.

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Yesterday, I beat someone in my gym class who used to be in my school and was fantastic at P.E. It's ironic because I was always last in P.E. and he were always in the top 3. My, how times have changed! :D


We both did this workout where we'd:


Row 2000m

20x kettlebell clean and press

20x kettlebell snatches

20x box jumps

Row 1500m

20x kettlebell clean and press

20x kettlebell snatches

20x box jumps

Row 1000m

20x kettlebell clean and press

20x kettlebell snatches

20x box jumps

Row 500m

20x kettlebell clean and press

20x kettlebell snatches

20x box jumps


...I did it in 43 minutes and he did it in 45 minutes. It was awesome!

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Started going swimming today, well, y'know, maybe. I have a 5 day free trial and then it's £25 a month to go whenever I want.


I really liked it actually, and it didn't feel awkward at all, which is weird compared to how socially awkward I can be when I'm by myself. I dunno, maybe I should just do more things nearly naked.


But yeah, it's been like 7 years since I've properly gone swimming so my swimming technique is kind of like an old man drowning. I'm hoping I'll get a bit better :P The dream is to one day be like these guys, in non-animé form:


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I really liked it actually, and it didn't feel awkward at all, which is weird compared to how socially awkward I can be when I'm by myself. I dunno, maybe I should just do more things nearly naked.


I was cycling last night up at the gym where they have TVs on the machines that you can plug headphones into. I shouted at the TV during the football. Got a few looks but I didn't care. It was an awful miss.

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I'm taking the gamble of queuing for a PS4 tonight at Tesco as it's been revealed they are selling some to none pre-order customers.


And I have one person to thank for this.


My incredible fiance who said that we can dip into the wedding fund so I can at least try and get a PS4 tonight. The stipulation that my wedding ring is cheap. I'm happy with that.


I'm Marrying a saint I tell you.:love:

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So as you all know, I'm a Just Dance addict and I love the games. Anyway, I was online playing Daddy Yankee's Limbo and got the highest score out of the people in my game. I'm happy about this because I beat this biatch by a country mile! Like, this hoe from Germany was always getting 11,200 on every song and I'm pretty sure she was quite smug about it. As soon as I saw my song come up, I was like "Bitch, it's about to get all kinds of Strawberry up in here because THIS. IS. MY. JAM!"


Danced it. Got 11,900-odd, the highest score I ever got on a Just Dance game. Unfortunately for me, when I was taking a picture of it, the screen flicked onto another song and now I've lost my score! But hey, I'll have the memory of beating it! WOOOOO!




Also, I've gone down a waist size, I'm starting to get a bit of muscle in my arms so no flappy bingo wings and my moobs are starting to get flat! Yay for me!

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