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@The Bard no need for apology. My understanding of 'brain activity' is really poor. I just generally assumed that we could detect a certain area of the brain 'firing off' in certain circumstances, but that such readings would occur in a range of unrelated circumstances. Just as each 'disorder' can include a range of behavioural symptoms, a symptom can include a range of different 'firings' of brain activity... if that makes sense.


It doesn't. I know what I mean - but luckily I also know that I don't know what I'm talking about! It sounds like a fascinating subject, and I, for one, encourage you to write up as much as you liek on teh subject.

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Managed to get Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 to work on my Mac. Loving it! Used to play these games so much, great to get to play it again. Spent so many hours on it already (until 3:30 am last night, oops), and many more will be wasted in the future I'm sure. =D

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Managed to get Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 to work on my Mac. Loving it! Used to play these games so much, great to get to play it again. Spent so many hours on it already (until 3:30 am last night, oops), and many more will be wasted in the future I'm sure. =D


Best PC game ever made.


If they released RCT4 with;


- Same style, isometric, just improved graphics.

- Licensing, so real rollercoaster manufacturers and restaurants.

- More options, colours, scenery.

- More scenarios.


I would like that and buy it and play it.

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Best PC game ever made.


If they released RCT4 with;


- Same style, isometric, just improved graphics.

- Licensing, so real rollercoaster manufacturers and restaurants.

- More options, colours, scenery.

- More scenarios.


I would like that and buy it and play it.


I know, I love the game! I keep hoping that they will release a new game, but it just doesn't seem like it will ever happen. And I agree, it -has- to be isometric view, anything else just doesn't feel the same!

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My Blockbusters have reserved Peter Pan on blu-ray for £7 but they've saved it til next Sunday for me for when the sale starts. Now THAT'S the kind of Customer Service I love! :D


Oh and I BEAT SOMEONE IN MY GYM CLASS YESTERDAY! Happy times because she was quite slim and fit too! I did kind of want to ask her out for a drink but I thought I'd come across as such a perv so I didn't bother! haha.

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Doubled my (half-)target at work last month, which should mean a wee boost in pay at the end of this month. As for this month - two days in and I've already hit half (of the full) target. Also today I'll be supervisor for the team, and take charge of training the noob.


It's alllll gooood

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Dude. Violence is never the answer.


Well, bitches shouldn't show off that they're fitter than me. Then we wouldn't have a problem! :awesome:


Lies. Considering taking up boxing because violence is great.


Boxing is awesome! I love boxing and MMA stuff. Admittedly, I only do boxing and it relieves a lot of stress too. In my gym, they have a punchbag up and I've asked if I needed to pay a little extra but they just told me I could go right ahead and use it so yeah, if I get a little mad, I just drive down and take it out on the punchbag and feel miles better afterward.

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Another win for me. Had a threatening letter from the Tax Office saying i owe £626 and it needs to be paid by November 29th, been trying to get through to my office for the past week with a lot of fail. Got the correct number, got through to a nice chap who asked how much would i like to pay back. So i said £10 a month, and he said that's fine. They'll get it back over the next 5 years.


That my friends is James 1 - Tax Office 0




Appropriate image entered.

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Another win for me. Had a threatening letter from the Tax Office saying i owe £626 and it needs to be paid by November 29th, been trying to get through to my office for the past week with a lot of fail. Got the correct number, got through to a nice chap who asked how much would i like to pay back. So i said £10 a month, and he said that's fine. They'll get it back over the next 5 years.


That my friends is James 1 - Tax Office 0


So you complained that they asked you to pay money that you already owed, and now you're happy that you won't have to pay taxpayers' money, that should already have been paid, until 5 years from now?


You call that a win for James, I call it a loss for decency.

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Don't you work for the tax people?


Indeed i do, so i see people's claims/accounts all the time. I can see how some have managed to swindle debts of over £1,000 and as low as £50 over a long period of time.


So you complained that they asked you to pay money that you already owed, and now you're happy that you won't have to pay taxpayers' money, that should already have been paid, until 5 years from now?


You call that a win for James, I call it a loss for decency.


But, if they are happy to wipe some debts of £23k off that people have accrued for not being honest, then i feel i have a victory. As i mentioned above, the public can swindle a heap of lies to get low debts paid over a long period, so i thought why not try it myself.


I didn't exactly complain, just asked to pay it over a longer period. I'll clear it in March anyway, this is only to keep them quiet.

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But, if they are happy to wipe some debts of £23k off that people have accrued for not being honest, then i feel i have a victory. As i mentioned above, the public can swindle a heap of lies to get low debts paid over a long period, so i thought why not try it myself.


I didn't exactly complain, just asked to pay it over a longer period. I'll clear it in March anyway, this is only to keep them quiet.


So because a few other people screw the system, you should also screw the system?


What a wonderful world that would be.

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