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good stuff thread.


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Ahaha, it's not romantic at all! Chances are nothing will become of it, but I don't give it a shit, even if she wasn't really interested, the fact that so many people routed behind me despite the massive age and background difference has given me a (probable temporary) self confidence I've never felt before.


It'd be an excellent plot for a romantic comedy where you do end up falling in love. :heh: But not before more silly hijinks ensue! :D

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This is the only time I will be thankful for the hills in Sheffield.




Where this photo was taken is about half way down the course from where we started, it doesn't look like it but after the path there's a steep drop. Dan and I succesfully flew into that bushy area at the bottom.

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Tomorrow I'm heading to Doncaster with my brother. It's the first time we've been to Doncaster since 1996. The significance of this and why is it good you ask?


My Grandparents lived in Doncaster, the reason I've not been since 1996 was because that was the year my Nana passed away.


We're planning to stop at their old house, not alot we can do there because the house has long since been sold on, so all we can do is look from the outside, Then we're heading down to Doncaster race course where my Grandparents would take me for walks. Then we're going to the crematorium to see grave.


From there we're heading to Bradford for a cousins surprise 40th Birthday party.


Not everyone's idea of good stuff, But i'm really excited to revisit a place where I used to have some great times, Will be interesting to see how much the place has changed, and visit places that I've not been to in years.


And of course the 40th party should be a good laugh.


Seems a bit odd that I'm actually looking forward to the time spent in Doncaster more than I am the actual 40th party.

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Moved into my new place. No more long commutes for me.


Not met any of my housemates yet. Not sure how many there are. I thought I would be the only one moving in, but when I went to pick my key up yesterday, she made it sound like there were a few keys available.


There's a car on the drive and what sounds like Aussie soaps coming from one of the rooms, so there's at least one person here.


/am scared

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Australian manager and me had a talk about beers, he said choose an Australian for half price and I said back to him it'll be fosters because us English cunts dont know any better,


He said he'll recommend me one with each order and see where the night takes me. Where has the night taken me? I'm fucking driunk

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Got on the Underground (metro) in Shanghai today. Offered an old lady my seat, who promptly burst into tears of voluble gratitude (old lady, not the seat).


A lady gets on with her father in a wheelchair: he obviously has final stage Parkinson's and she's struggling to push the chair. Suddenly the chair collapses, the wheel has given out and the chair goes sliding all over. I grab it and stop the old gent from falling out. She panics and holds up the wheel, easy to see that the thread is loose so I grab the tape from my bag and lash the wheel back on. A long conversation about Parkinson's follows as well as the difficulties of caring for people. Off she trots.


Then I lean up against the door.... Next thing I know I'm being choked half to death by an eight-month-old baby with an iron grip on my scarf. I manoeuvre the scarf out of his chubby vice-like hands and he starts howling... Off with the scarf and back into the baby's hands. Cue one cheerful baby.


We pull up to my station and there's a loud "THUD" about halfway down the carriage: someone has fallen over. I push my way through the onlookers and everybody is all "no, don't help!" and I see the guy sprawling on the floor drunk as a skunk. I check his airway breathing, and circulation - all fine but he's out cold. No-one else is lifting a finger. I get him into a seat and luckily the station manager comes along and we drag him off the train so everyone can get on with their journey. Out I trot.


Next thing I know, I'm being mobbed by a bunch of locals gabbling at me in their heathen lingo. From what I gather, I've been a good boy.


Of course, now my legs ached from the hour of standing, my hands are smothered in wheel grease, I've got a cold neck and I stink like cheap booze.

Edited by Iun
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Moved into my new place. No more long commutes for me.


Is it in Sheffield? When I moved into a shared house, I did the old knock on the door and ask to borrow something routine. Worked like a treat!




My birthday present from Dan is a spa day and afternoon tea. By the end of it I will be like:



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