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House hunting with my housemate :D I think she thought I didn't want to live with her anymore as I've been tweeting about moving for days but really I've had enough of this place (read: landlady/general antiquatedness of this house). She's saying East or West although I was thinking more South (as everyone I know seems to live in South) but seeing as she's buying and I'm renting from her guess it'll be East.


But its nice to know there's not too much longer left in this place!


I'm not in South! You need to be near enough for our semi-regular Holloway Wetherspoons drinks! Stay North or East!


But yay, glad to hear that, hopefully you can get away from evil Tottenham scum landlady ASAP!

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I'm not in South! You need to be near enough for our semi-regular Holloway Wetherspoons drinks! Stay North or East!


But yay, glad to hear that, hopefully you can get away from evil Tottenham scum landlady ASAP!


You're my only friend in the north though! Plus you're in Southampton atm :heh:

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Win thing at work.


We were getting two new people....one of my friends from old work, and this dude I don't know that well (who stopped going to old work, and when the manager turned up at his door he said "Yeah I'm not coming in any more, by the way" and then closed the door), anyway, we were getting the second guy in my team and my friend/chick in the other.


Well upon checking his references the bosses weren't happy (he lied about previous employment dates) so now, we're getting my friend in my team. EPIC.

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Got a bit of a gin buzz on and drowning myself in Nate Ruess' voice. I've felt like crap (self-inflicted emoness and also being ill) for the last 24 hours, its nice to feel happy! Even if its just dutch.


Plus I met Razz for lunch today, which is always a pleasure.

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I just bought two X Mini speakers (which are awesome BTW) and decided I needed somewhere to store them. So I made myself an iPod dock out of cardboard.





Looks like crap, but it amused me for an hour or two. Works nicely as well, as long as you don't need to use the iPod buttons. Might cut out an access hole for the home button.

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I have two X-Mini speakers too! Fell in love with them at a mate's poker evening and took the plunge next time I was on Amazon. Love them.


I just turned my iPod and the speakers up to maximum volume and they vibrated their way across my desk, dragging the iPod with them.


They really are awesome for their size. I plan on using them in my car since the cars speakers are all slowly dieing and it's cheaper than replacing them. 2 are just loud enough for the car at max volume, so I might see about getting 2 more for a bit of extra oomph.

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I leave mine plugged into my desktop computer all the time. I really wanted some speakers that were USB powered (so so many plugs under the computer) and these are! I bought an audio splitter so that it's real stereo, not just the same stereo mix from both sides.

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Congrats Wolfy McGee! Nice to see it going well as I know you've had some turbulent times with jobs post (and during) uni :)


Thanks love, I got even more stuff to do yesterday, it's great, really breaking up the days now, hopefully it continues. :)


River island have been a bit of a pain about the jacket I bought, but lovely yodel (who I've dealt with before and have been great.) sent me a text this morning saying my jacket will be here today.


Suck it river island, mon/tues delivery? I think not.

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Thanks love, I got even more stuff to do yesterday, it's great, really breaking up the days now, hopefully it continues. :)


River island have been a bit of a pain about the jacket I bought, but lovely yodel (who I've dealt with before and have been great.) sent me a text this morning saying my jacket will be here today.


Suck it river island, mon/tues delivery? I think not.

User Image Gallery Yes!? :D
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