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good stuff thread.


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I realised there isn't enough positive thinking around here, so:


What is the best thing to happen to you today, what is the best thing that happened to you tomorrow, I'd like to see all of you put a good thing each day!




Mine was chatting to my housemate, I've been grumbling over him having his girl over for quite a while, so I bucked up the courage and talked to him and he was really nice about it.


Load off my mind for a while :grin:

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Glad you're feeling better wolfy :)


I got a free clothes rail thanks to freecyle, just as I needed :D And I've 'secured' two Ikea DVD/CD storage tower things too from there that I need to pick up tomorrow (although I've since realised I have to carry these on the bus...). Aaaaand I've finally started doing some serious unpacking due to now having a place to put things! (clothes rail and finally sorted out this cupboard that was full of rubbish and is now full of my books and DVDs).


Oh and my little brother sent me a nice text (seeing how I was etc). I often forget he can be nice.

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I'm still in yesterday mode as I just got in from work, so let me have a think back...


Someone at work gave me a jam donut on break. As I didn't bring any food into work, this meant a lot to me. The dude also looks like Gordon Freeman which makes it double awesome.


I also learned there was a Space Invaders version of Mulder's I Want To Believe poster from the X-Files that I hope to have wrapped around my coffin when I die.

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Gah was thinking of making a thread kind of like this, great minds think alike eh :heh:


I have a new job which I am loving so much more then any of my other jobs, and I saw my pay check, TWICE AS MUCH AS MY OLD JOB Shit is awesome and I love it xD


Oh and had caught the flu by a friend, felt like shit for the past week, but pushed myself still, and now have gotten over it while my friends who gave it too me still have it, yeah nothing going to stop me xD

Edited by killer kirby
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My new haircut. It's a short mohawk and it looks awesome on me. It looks like Mr. T without the bits on the side. My family and friends have said "If anybody wanted to know what Mr. T looked like when he was a teenager, all they have to do is look at you", lmao. Made me laugh a little.

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Early hours of this morning - so still counts as today - I was chatting to a friend for hours about all things game related, we only recently started to catch-up as we hadn't spoke in a while so there's still loads to talk about, just made me feel really happy. :D


Also I plaued Castlevania for a bit after that which is always good. ;)

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I got up this morning and I hadn't broken N-Europe forever. Relieving.


Or... I went on the Sheffield Wheel with my Dad and my girlfriend. It was better than expected. The Royal Navy and Sea Cadets were marching past which looked very cool from up high.


A man was killed outside DQ bar early this morning though... went past the crime scene and saw forensics people in full body clean suits. Puts a bit of a dampener on the day!


OK, you didn't ask for best and worse, but its just gotten me in a thoughtful mood.

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