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Tales of the Abyss


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It might be my imagination, but there seems to be a bit of a lack of Artes for characters. All of my characters are in their mid 30s and a couple only have about 8 in total.


Came across the second sword dancer but it had a lot of HP and beat me quite badly so I left it thinking I could come back to it later. The story then pretty much kept me from ever retracing my steps for a good couple of hours and I was getting a bit nervous that I might have missed out but I did get chance to find it again and this time, I won.


And then I relaoded my game. I pretty much stick to the same party of Luke (me), Tear, Guy and Jade but Jade has had a tendancy to die in boss fights right near the end and so he's lost out on quite a bit of XP and is a couple of levels behind everyone else. And the same thing happened here too - he snuffed it 2 seconds before I won. So I reloaded and this time he survived.


Also, I've come across two stores that are supposed to be selling C.Cores but both of the owners just said I good collection and don't actually sell anything - is it supposed to be a joke? If so, I don't get it... or I do and it's not funny.

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Where was the second Sword Dancer?


Also, how does one make/do a Mystic Arte? I've had all my team/a few bosses use them.


The team I normally use is Luke/Tear/Jade/Natalia. But if I don't need much healing I'll replace Natalia with Guy for some hardcore sword action.


After you leave Grand Chokmah for the first time, heading south, you exit the Theor Forest and it's on the left as you head down in one of the circle pillar things on the overworld. It's kinda of difficult not to see it though of course, you could choose not to investigate. Also, point of note, unlike the first fight, if you die, you die - no leaving you with 1hp this time so make sure to save first.


The story will progress and eventually, the section with it in sinks into the Qliphoth and you are down there anyway, but it will still be there - that's where I did it. I'm not sure of the exact cut off point. A look online said something about a boss at the absorption gate but I have no idea what that means.



Mystic Artes require you to be level 30 and have the Special AD Skill. Then, when you are in OverLimit, use an Arcane Arte or High Spell and hold both the Arte Button and Attack button at the same time to perform your MA once it finishes.

Edited by Captain Falcon
confused Daath with Grand Chokmah
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Ah I found him. He wasn't in a sword like I though, but one of those ripple things which normally have crap in them. Luckilly I'm around level 45 so managed to piss on him alright. It's a shame the weapons he drops are shite. They seem similar to a sort of weapons from Symphonia, and if they are and you have to do what I think you have to do, it's not worth the time so I'll just shit on them for experience only.

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Ah I found him. He wasn't in a sword like I though, but one of those ripple things which normally have crap in them. Luckilly I'm around level 45 so managed to piss on him alright. It's a shame the weapons he drops are shite. They seem similar to a sort of weapons from Symphonia, and if they are and you have to do what I think you have to do, it's not worth the time so I'll just shit on them for experience only.


If you mean they are like the devil's arms then no, they aren't. The Genius Wand that it dropped has a really good Fonic Attack value and is ideal for Tear. I dont think the first sword dancer dropped a weapon anyway.

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It might be my imagination, but there seems to be a bit of a lack of Artes for characters. All of my characters are in their mid 30s and a couple only have about 8 in total.


Try using different artes. You unlock more by using artes alot. Although I'm not sure how many artes you can have at that point.


For Mystic Arte you need to activate the overlimit and I think you have to hold B when you use an Arcane Arte. Tear and Jade just need to cast a high level Fonic Arte/Hymn. Haven't done one before, but I think that's how they work.

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Try using different artes. You unlock more by using artes alot. Although I'm not sure how many artes you can have at that point.


I was slightly off with my number. Jade has the least with 10 and is level 37. Guy and Natalia have 11 and Anise 12. I dont have any blue arcane arts to unlock as I've used all the base artes 50 times.


Maybe it isn't that bad but Tear and Luke have 16 and 14 respectively and I felt a bit restricted In the sections when I had to split up the team.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Didn't you do the review for the main site?



Anyway, Arcane Artes are done in the same way as Base Artes - you simply go to the Artes menu and sign them to the button/shortcut.


In their description, it will say whether they are Base or Arcane. Also, the little symbol by each one features a bigger sword icon for Arcane.


Most of the Arcane Artes for Luke are the ones that combine two Base Artes. They also tend to push enemies away on activation and so it means your MA could miss for Luke since it doesn't have much range, so I tend to use from Guardian Field which doesn't seem to push enemies away too much.

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Back in stock at ShopTo.Net if anyone's looking for a cheap copy.




Typical. Get the game in my basket, click to head to checkout and I get a 'Connection was reset' error. Can't get back on to complete the order. I'll keep trying, although to be fair I'm not sure how much I want/need the game right now. More important things on my mind than gaming but I guess getting hold of it now would allow me to store it and pick it up when I have the time.

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I got a bit side tracked and haven't progressed this game much in the last week, got back into it for a bit today and had some good twists.


Up to Akzeriuth.....


I had figured Van would be a bad guy saw that coming a mile away, what I didn't see coming though was Asch turning aggainst him and I really liked that as I was REALLY starting to get sick of Luke.


Since leaving Batacul for Akzeriuth his character just became even more whiny and stupid. In contrast Asch is frakking awesome, was loving having him in my party but now I'm back to Luke again....gah.


Though it seems he might have a new attitude only time will tell I guess, but I'm hoping to see more of Asch through the rest of the game.


In comparision to Symphonia for me, Asch is like Lloyd (awesome) and Luke is like Emil... a little bitch :heh:



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When you said cheap I thought you meant... cheaper than that. :woops:


The game required a second print because it sold out straight away with it's original run at the price given by most retailers - £34.99. The game had been sitting at the top of Plays pre-order chart for a few weeks even though it had been released.


The extra copies are there to satisfy a demand and not flood the market with cheap copies they can't shift - something Bandai Namco were very worried about from the beginning.


Just be glad the publisher has listened to fan demand and put some extra copies out. -Dem0-'s happy anyway :p

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