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Brawl issue!


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Well, more specifically, it has to do with transferring replays and snapshots~

(Sorry if this isn't the appropriate board, btw. New here. :s)

I've got them on my SD card for sure, but I'm not sure how to turn them into .jpg. I Googled, of course, but the recommended site is down, and I believe I'm out of luck. ;(


So! Is there a way to convert them to .jpg without having to rely on a site? :D I have some things that are just lovely!


While I'm at it, let's trade codes and play. I'm a bit out of practice. Well, more like 'very'.

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First of all welcome to the forum :D


And it's been a while since I went online to play SSBB, but I am sure that this thread is alive in kicking.


Right here.



I am sure they will be able to help with all your questions on that link I provided ^_^


Still the wrong thread, you may as well just answer her question here.


Go here Nhamo http://www.brawlsnapshots.com/upload - you don't need to login you can do it anonymously. Once you've uploaded a file, save it to your computer.


Also, you can only upload screenshots, movie files can't be converted because, well, they're not movies and rather data that "replays" the match out in real time.


Hope this helps.


The site I think you're referring to about being down was awesome and much better than this one. But this will still do :)

Edited by Pookiablo
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That's the other site I tried once before, but it didn't work out too well. Maybe I'm just a bit dumb. I'll try again, though!


Aye, I know the replays can't turn into .jpg. My bad; it's pretty late, ha. n.n; I'll see what I can do about those. Thank you~

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