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Does anyone actually enjoy the WW Triforce hunt?

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I'm replaying Wind Waker at the moment, and have reached the dreaded Triforce hunt. I'm really stuggling to find the motivation to do it, i only am because that's the only way i'll get to fight Ganon.

I've found that if i mute the sound and put some music on it's much less frustrating/boring. And sometimes i go and make a cup of coffee while i'm still sailing. I come back, and i'm still sailing along fine and dandy.


Anyway i was just curious if there's anyone (masochistic) out there who actually enjoyed the Triforce hunt??

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I don't find it so much as a turn-off because I just love the feel of the game so much throughout. I agree, the whole fetch-quest concept is by and large the weakest part of the game, but I still find myself motivated to do it because it allows me to see more of the beautiful game world.

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I liked it and I'm not masochistic!


There's so much variety to it. For a start, anywhere on the map is easy to get to using the warps and controlling the wind. As for the challenges themselves, I don't see the problem - mini-dungeons, a "Pit of 100 Trials", I enjoyed all of it.

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But it's just so much trailing around. It still involves a lot of sailing, and sorry Nintendo, but being able to go make a cup of coffee whilst PLAYING a game isn't the mark of a good game!!


I have love for this game, but it has serious issues, it should be in therapy.

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I enjoyed the fact that the game was offering something other than "enter a dungeon, grab the item, use it to defeat the boss"


I took the opportunity to explore the world a little bit, filling out my map, etc. And the hunt went smoothly (except for the ghost ship. Took me a while before I realized how to enter it, and it was the only frustrating part)


And I find it that most people who hated the the Triforce hunt were those who didn't like sailing in the first place. I'm guessing those people just wanted to finish the adventure instead of appreciating the world open before them (which is Zelda's point, ever since the first game in the series)


But it's just so much trailing around. It still involves a lot of sailing, and sorry Nintendo, but being able to go make a cup of coffee whilst PLAYING a game isn't the mark of a good game!!


I have love for this game, but it has serious issues, it should be in therapy.


In Oot, you could give the controller to someone else and tell them to go to Zora's Domain/Lake Hylia/Wherever, and prepare a cup of coffee in the meantime. The fact that the boat sails by itself means you can take a look at the scenery while the trip lasts, instead of controlling its movement at all times. You're a passenger, not a driver, so to speak.


Tastes, I suppose.

Edited by Jonnas
Automerged Doublepost
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Yeah but to me, there WASN'T any scenery. It was all far too barren, just a big expanse of blue, a distant island on the horizon, and a few seagulls chucked in here and there.


I loved exploring in OOT, so i don't have a dislike for exploring. I just found the sailing really unstimulating. And the game as a whole feels disjoined and has pacing issues.

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It was shite. One of the few instances where Nintendo chose to be lazy with one of its games. There should have been at least 6 dungeons in its place. I agree with you entirely (especially the exploration in OoT) bit. Let's get married and bring our babies up on OoT and the N64. I'll stop now.

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It was shite. One of the few instances where Nintendo chose to be lazy with one of its games. There should have been at least 6 dungeons in its place. I agree with you entirely (especially the exploration in OoT) bit. Let's get married and bring our babies up on OoT and the N64. I'll stop now.


Oh i KNOW.


I think they just rushed it to meet the release target, which always pisses me off big time, whether it's a game or a film. Daymn fools.


Yes let's, those babes will be weaned on the golden era of N64. They will grow up to have exquisite taste, and never know the hardship of toiling on the cruel seas of WW.

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Twilight Princess also had a similar thing - near the end you had to go look for some symbols. It was short, pointless and didn't seem to have much meaning to it.


I enjoyed the one in Wind Waker. The only problem with it was having to "grind" to get the money for Tingle to translate the maps. In a way, it was a varied dungeon stretched across the whole map.


Wait...did I just mention the words "grind" and "Tingle" in the same sentence?

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Hated it. Really ruined the experience for me as it took me ages to get back to the game each time. (I used to play in short bursts around my working life at the time and it was utterly boring in small chunks).


I eventually used a cheat disk from the decent CUBE magazine - due to the sheer annoyance of it.

Was kinda miffed I had to cheat but it got me past that awful moment.


It was like trying to get from A to B via Z. (Z being soul destroying).

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Yeah but to me, there WASN'T any scenery. It was all far too barren, just a big expanse of blue, a distant island on the horizon, and a few seagulls chucked in here and there.


It's fair. The ocean, as scenery, isn't well-liked by everyone.

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It was a tad in-convieniant, and it did take the feel of the game away.


tapedeck has it right, it is like going from A (UK) to B (Spain) on a holiday but deciding to go via Z (Iraq).


The worst part of the whole Treasure Hunting wasn't the actual Treasure hunting, but the whole raising the funds to pay Tingle to "translate" the maps.

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It's fair. The ocean, as scenery, isn't well-liked by everyone.


But the ocean is beautiful, it's just with that graphics style it just became a big block of colour. The ocean in Majora's Mask was very beautiful, and atmospheric, that's how an ocean should be. But there was just way too much water and not enough land in WW.


The worst part of the whole Treasure Hunting wasn't the actual Treasure hunting, but the whole raising the funds to pay Tingle to "translate" the maps.


Yeah that was the icing on the shitcake wasn't it.

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But the ocean is beautiful, it's just with that graphics style it just became a big block of colour. The ocean in Majora's Mask was very beautiful, and atmospheric, that's how an ocean should be. But there was just way too much water and not enough land in WW.


I meant the high seas. It's one thing to have a seaside view, it's another to be stranded in the middle of the ocean with just a tiny piece of land in the horizon. The feeling of isolation is immensely peaceful.


As for the graphical style... I don't feel like it matters that much. It's more important to feel like we're in the middle of nowhere than anything else. And like I previously mentioned, not everyone likes this. Or maybe just not many gamers realized it.

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I'm replaying Wind Waker at the moment, and have reached the dreaded Triforce hunt. I'm really stuggling to find the motivation to do it, i only am because that's the only way i'll get to fight Ganon.

I've found that if i mute the sound and put some music on it's much less frustrating/boring. And sometimes i go and make a cup of coffee while i'm still sailing. I come back, and i'm still sailing along fine and dandy.


Anyway i was just curious if there's anyone (masochistic) out there who actually enjoyed the Triforce hunt??


The 3 MAJOR things I hated about this game was


1.Triforce Hunt

2.Lazy Dungeon designs

3.an empty soulless world


Everything else I truly loved, but if Nintendo had fixed those 3 problems Wind Waker could have been something truly amazing.


Oh and the HUGE amount of money you had to spend on tingle to decode just one piece of the map was utter shitty and annoying.

Edited by killer kirby
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The 3 MAJOR things I hated about this game was


1.Triforce Hunt

2.Lazy Dungeon designs

3.an empty soulless world


1. Yep.

2. I agree the dungeons were blah at best, insanely frustrating at worst (like that wind dungeon with the giant fan at the bottom of the room, it was far too easy to accidently fall down and have to climb all the way back up -tedious). The dungeons just had no atmosphere whatsoever. I blame the music, or LACK of music. Wasn't there one dungeon that barely even HAD any music? I remember just some faint background sounds playing throughout.

3. I know. I blame that on the world being so disjoined. Also the fact there was hardly anyone around really apart from the two 'main' islands.


I meant the high seas. It's one thing to have a seaside view, it's another to be stranded in the middle of the ocean with just a tiny piece of land in the horizon. The feeling of isolation is immensely peaceful.


As for the graphical style... I don't feel like it matters that much. It's more important to feel like we're in the middle of nowhere than anything else. And like I previously mentioned, not everyone likes this. Or maybe just not many gamers realized it.


I do know what you mean about the isolation because i used to deliberately swim out as far as possible in MM's ocean, until the land was as distant as possible. But the difference is that i WANTED to do that in MM, in WW i just don't. The WW ocean just doesn't do much for me.

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The 3 MAJOR things I hated about this game was


1.Triforce Hunt

2.Lazy Dungeon designs

3.an empty soulless world


Everything else I truly loved, but if Nintendo had fixed those 3 problems Wind Waker could have been something truly amazing.


Oh and the HUGE amount of money you had to spend on tingle to decode just one piece of the map was utter shitty and annoying.


Huh? First time I've seen WW's world being referred to as "soulless". Empty, maybe, but the NPCs that existed were memorable, no?

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Huh? First time I've seen WW's world being referred to as "soulless". Empty, maybe, but the NPCs that existed were memorable, no?


It was the Zelda after Majora's Mask, so it did seem a few steps backwards. In terms of how full of life the game worlds are, no other Zelda comes close to Majora's Mask. Wind Waker is probably the closest, though.

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I do know what you mean about the isolation because i used to deliberately swim out as far as possible in MM's ocean, until the land was as distant as possible. But the difference is that i WANTED to do that in MM, in WW i just don't. The WW ocean just doesn't do much for me.


Well, in that case, I don't know what else to say. It really is a shame the WW ocean does nothing for you. Thankfully, Wind Waker has other strong points.


By the way, is your signature referring to Wind Waker? :heh:

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Well, in that case, I don't know what else to say. It really is a shame the WW ocean does nothing for you. Thankfully, Wind Waker has other strong points.


By the way, is your signature referring to Wind Waker? :heh:


We just have different tastes i guess. Don't get me wrong, there were a few moments in WW that really made me sit up and pay attention, but overall the game disappointed me.


Yeah, it was years ago on here a poster was going absolutely mental about all the sailing, he threw his dummy out the pram over it. It was so funny i quoted him in my sig. :laughing:

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This thread has made me want to play through all of Wind Waker again, then all of Twilight Princess again.


But oddly, I keep putting off going back to Majora's Mask. Had it for over a year now, spent about five hours on it and completed one dungeon. I think it strikes me as the sort of game I HAVE to put some significant time into with every time I boot it up. Thus I have to be in THE mood before I even consider going on it.


But yeah, I REALLY need to give it a proper play. Gone on it so little, I don't even know what I think of it yet.

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How far did you get when you first played the game? What was your opinion then? I mean I have great memories of this game, but to be frank, I probably wouldn't play it again. It's a massive game, and a product of its time. Thus both replays and time will inevitably knock some of the magic off...I'd rather explore some new adventures than plow the same waters over and over...


I bought it on release, and completed it. I'd never buy a Zelda game and not complete it. I remember not really knowing what to make of it the first time. But it wasn't too far off how i feel replaying it years later. I just leaves me a little cold. But there are some very beautiful moments to be fair, the one that sticks out for me is when that Zora sage is playing her instrument in the cave, such a haunting melody, and one of the few pieces of music in WW that matched up to the standards of OOT music.


I know what you mean about replaying, but surely after a few years you'd have forgotten exactly how the game flows, and it'd feel new to you again. That's how i usually feel, unless it's a game i've played to death.

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