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Resident Evil Revelations 3DS


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Just finished Episode 4, went back to menu still no Raid Mode appeared.


Weird.... then randomly thought to go to "Missions" first "objective" was "Clear Episodes 1 - 3" with the reward being "Raid Mode Stages 1 -7"..... ok that is weird... then randomly pressed "A" while highlighting that and there you go now I have Raid Mode :heh:


Nobody said anything about pressing buttons to confirm the unlocking of it :heh:


I've also unlocked a new handgun for campaigne use for defeating 150 enemies. I assume I'll have to find a gun box to get it though? And a herb for scanning one hidden hand.... I've found a few of those now, one on each episode 1, 2 and 3 and then found 3 in ep 4 :heh: Do you unlock more things for finding more/all of those?


Oh also I am loving the TV show like "previously on Resident Evil Revelations" recaps between episodes.... though I do find the "episodes" are breaking the game up a bit too much. I miss the likes of RE1 and 2 where it was just one big game, no marker on the map telling you where to go next either, just you, your brain, thirst for exploration and your guns.


Oh also a little annoyed that any files you find you don't take with you so you can't re-read stuff unless you actually go back to it :(


But still very much enjoying it :D

Tension is awesome in some places and playing in the dark with the volume on max is wicked.... headphones are broken but the audio from the 3DS is still amazing.


Anyway as I said I just finished Ep4...


I was actually very relieved that there was no flashback type 1st part to this episode. While I enjoyed the Chris and Parker bits in eps 2 and 3, especially the Parker one (killing Hunters brings back so many memories), I was worried the game might keep switching from "action" bits in flashbacks to the tense horror of the ship. So really glad this was all on the ship and all tension.


Did a quick bit of backtracking before going into the casino to open up some rooms from earlier in teh game that I now had the keys for. Aside from a file and an "Illegal Custom Parts" don't think I found anything major though.


The coin puzzle in the casino had me scratching my head for a bit... mainly cause I didn't spot the file telling you to what the weight was meant to be.... I randomly tried 100, 200 and 300 was getting pissed off when neither worked :heh:


The boss Rebecca then was awesome and scared the shit out of me too, haha.

I knew when I got back there she would have mutated though I wasn't really expecting a boss, was thinking more like Forest from RE1. When you first hear her talk on your way to the room I stopped and turned around and waited for a bit... thought she was gonna appear then, haha.


Then I got real nervous when I got to her room and she wasn't on the floor as expected, haha. Didn't think I'd have to go chasing her either. Going back through the ship not knowing when or where she'd appear from...damn.


She actually then killed me in the toilets then but I got the bitch on my 2nd go, phew



Oh and @RedShell damn beat the game already... guess RE games have never been the longest I do remember speeding through RE2 in 2 hours (not first time, after multiple times) though I thought the games might get a bit longer over time... RE4 I think took me 12 - 14 hours first time? Never played RE5 (as don't have PS3 or 360) anyone know what the averge 1st time playtime was like on that?

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Just finished chapter 1, at first the CPP controls felt weird. slowly im starting to get the feel for it. but I've reached that time where im stuck between standard controls or to stick with the CPP this is mainly because my accuracy has fallen from 98% (without CPP) to 78% with it. but my chapter 1 ovr accuracy was 86%.


that aside im really enjoying this, my brand new earphones came in today aswell, awesome!


@Dcubed that's probably why they said it's better to play this without subs...:laughing:

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Still not sure what to make of this. It feels weird going back to the old skool style of Resident Evil after having 2 fantastic installments that were more action based.


I despise the whole previously thing after each chapter. It feels like i'm playing some kind of soap opera and everytime I finish a chapter i'm expecting to hear this.


Broadcast Yourself


The CPP isn't as comfortable as I thought. After an hour of non stop playing it started to hurt my right hand as it kinda has to be in a claw position.


So far, very disappointed with the whole thing. Raid mode won't be a saviour either as I very rarely play online.

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Really... I guess that was a different H-o-T that hunted for hours on end in Monster Hunter 3 then? :wink:


MH is the exception because you pretty much have to play online and it demands teamwork. Hell, I buy Live for my 360 every year and the only time I actually play online is if i'm after achievements. Alos, the 3DS is a hassle for me as I don't have a wireless router so I have to bring my laptop upstairs and plug in the Nintendo dongle.

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MH is the exception because you pretty much have to play online and it demands teamwork. Hell, I buy Live for my 360 every year and the only time I actually play online is if i'm after achievements. Alos, the 3DS is a hassle for me as I don't have a wireless router so I have to bring my laptop upstairs and plug in the Nintendo dongle.


Raid mode requires team work too... though yeah I guess not as much as MH :D



... Get yourself a wireless router HoT :heh:

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Completed the 2nd Chapter, I'm getting into the groove now, CPP is feeling much better, my accuracy has also improved a bit more, but I'm calling it a day, too tired to continue. I am enjoying the game a lot aswell, honestly I can't wait till I try Raid tomorrow!


BTW, who is using the CPP to play?

Edited by -Dem0-
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I feel sorry for you all who don't have it from Zavii as I feel like I dodged a bullet there, I was one click away from ordering that bundle but I stopped when I read that their delivery is awful!



I only ordered from them so I'd get the control pad thing for free.

And being a lefty I think I'm gonna be needing that for Kid Icarus... :hehe:


I was contemplating not getting the CCP now as I played the demo without it fine but I knew I'd need it in the future anyway especially for Kid Icarus. (fellow lefty) So got it anyway. :D

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Do you have to save the women on the cruise ship?


If your talking about that woman in Episode 1 I don't think it's possible.... if your talking about further in the game then I'm not there yet :D




Also I didn't get the CCP and am having no issues with playing it :D

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Do you have to save the women on the cruise ship?

You can't save the blonde woman at the beginning, remember to scan her for items!


I just finished Episode 4, that was certainly a lot easier than Episode 3. I got 4 deaths in that chapter lol.


Had a quick go on Raid mode, it's really good! I wonder what Chris's alternate costume is, he's my favourite RE character.

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Played it for just under 3 hours yesterday, stopped after completing Episode 3.


Really enjoying it, graphics are stunning and the CCP didn't take long to get used to, usually after more than an hour of playing the 3DS, my right hand is killing me, not with the CCP.

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Resident Evil: Revelations Gets A Surprising Pre-launch Price Drop


Resident Evil for the Nintendo 3DS just got a lot cheaper. Capcom says today that it has slashed the price of the forthcoming Resident Evil: Revelations from $49.99 to $39.99 after "after weeks of effort" to drop costs. That's a much more attractive price point for the most horrifying cruise adventure since Speed 2.


Capcom explains on its official blog that the previously announced higher cost of Revelations was, in part, due to the 4GB cartridge on which the game will ship, but it sounds like they've done some creative finagling with costs.

But I'm guessing we won't see that translated over here to £24.99 or something.


But seeing as we've all bought it already! :p

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I doubt we'd see a price below £30 so soon Retro, but I do remember reading through quite a lot of forums & threads from other sites where some NA gamers were complaining about a $50 tag, thats roughly £30 over here?


anyway did you guy's no that you can power up your melee attack by holding down the button for longer? I didn't know until I saw a random performing it. it's nice!

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My order from Zavvi turned up friday, i was pleasantly surprised with that.


Just about to try the game now (been playing tales of the abyss) the CPP seems really comfortable, surprisingly so! i may just keep it on all the time for the comfort, i have no problems reaching buttons with it either and i was a little worried about that

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It feels weird going back to the old skool style of Resident Evil


I despise the whole previously thing after each chapter


The CPP isn't as comfortable as I thought


So far, very disappointed with the whole thing. Raid mode won't be a saviour either as I very rarely play online.

That's too bad, H-o-T. :(

To be honest though, all of those issues seem pretty minimal.


The game mixes both styles of Resi, Horror and Action, so it's not like going back to the old skool style completely. :blank:


The recaps at the start of each chapter, if you don't like 'em, just push start to skip. ::shrug:


And if the CPP isn't comfortable, stop using it. And throw it in the bin. :heh:


anyway did you guy's no that you can power up your melee attack by holding down the button for longer? I didn't know until I saw a random performing it. it's nice!
Yeah, it's one of the accomplishments/missions for campaign mode (hit 10 enemies with it).

Something else cool about that which I discovered today, is if you hit the badge at the end of a Raid Mode game with a fully charged attack, you get a free green herb! :awesome:


I've completed all Raid Mode stages on the initial difficulty setting now, and my character is currently at Lv. 25.

Had a go on the first stage, on the next difficulty setting to see what it was like. It totally messes with you as there are enemies in different places (more of 'em too and tougher obviously) including spots that were nice and safe before, :laughing: there's also much less ammo scattered around.


Looks like there's a further difficulty setting to unlock afterwards as well!

I imagine that one is going to have zero ammo to pick up and rock hard monsters. Can't wait! :hehe:


You know what? I'd seriously have bought Revelations just for Raid Mode! It's that good.

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I have ditched the CPP and went with the normal controls, which despite being a little fiddly feel alot better on my hands. I'm now starting to enjoy the game alot more because of this. Hooray! :bouncy:


Does this control the same as Mercenaries? Seems weird that I picked it up quite quickly on this but gave up instantly on that. If they do control the same I may have to pick that back up.

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