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Resident Evil Revelations 3DS


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You're gonna dislike us both even more now then because I just had a rather awesome session on Raid Mode with @RedShell :heh: thanks for showing me the ropes btw as that was my first time playing it, I thought we did pretty well and it was great fun too, will definitely be playing the game online more regularly now. : peace:
Yeah man, that was great fun! :)

Genuine LOL moment when I shot that exploding enemy just as you were coming through the door and we both got knocked down by the explosion. :laughing:

My bad. :heh:


Sorry if I was taking a while to start each mission BTW, it kept telling me that my inventory was full, so I needed to go through and discard some weapons.


It seems that you can pick up duplicate weapons, but that they're not identical in stats. Some can have more upgrade slots than others, better firepower, capacity, etc... It appears to be random, which is pretty cool. :awesome: Gonna make acquiring and putting together a good set even more addictive. :hehe:


Can't wait to try taking on some bosses in Raid Mode!

Anyway, thanks for playing, I'm looking forward to our next game.

: peace:

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I had a blast on this last night using the CPP, just did a couple of chapters.


It controls very smoothly but it still takes a little time getting used to it. When using the right stick and i'm wanting to press a button, I keep moving my thumb instinctively to the right. This is probably due to using a 360 pad so often. The gap between the buttons and stick seems to be a little wide aswell, but as I said, it could just be me being used to something else.


The game itself has failed to grip me so far, hence me only doing couple of chapters.

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Had another quick go on Raid Mode yesterday (on solo play, to sort out my weapon collection) and I noticed a message from Sam (@S\.C\.G) saying something about hoping that I was still alive, and that he was in one of the stages. :wtf:


So I checked out that stage, and sure enough I ran into Sam... As a zombie! :o

Yep, a monster with Sam written above his head was trying to kill me. :heh:

So I put you out of your misery, Sam. :D


I checked for more of those messages and there were also ones from other people that I've played with online, and zombie versions of them too.

How cool is that? Anyone that you've played Raid Mode with (and I'm assuming StreetPassed too) becomes a zombie in your Raid Mode game! Genius. :hehe:


S.C.G, have a look next time you play. There should be a zombie RedShell out there! :laughing:

Be sure to make it quick and painless, yeah? :heh:


This game is sounding great. Is raid mode pretty awesome then, quite a lot to it? How's it compare to mercenaries?!
Raid Mode is indeed awesome, and yes there's a lot to it. :awesome:

As for how it compares to mercenaries (the Resi 4 version anyway, not played mercenaries 3D), it feels much less like a mini-game. There's no time limit, and firearms are the same regardless of which character you use.

It's basically the single player campaign mode (sections of it at least), but with more enemies, none of the story, and optional co-op awesomeness! :smile:

Edited by RedShell
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Had another quick go on Raid Mode yesterday (on solo play, to sort out my weapon collection) and I noticed a message from Sam (@S\.C\.G) saying something about hoping that I was still alive, and that he was in one of the stages. :wtf:


So I checked out that stage, and sure enough I ran into Sam... As a zombie! :o

Yep, a monster with Sam written above his head was trying to kill me. :heh:

So I put you out of your misery, Sam. :D


I checked for more of those messages and there were also ones from other people that I've played with online, and zombie versions of them too.

How cool is that? Anyone that you've played Raid Mode with (and I'm assuming StreetPassed too) becomes a zombie in your Raid Mode game! Genius. :hehe:


S.C.G, have a look next time you play. There should be a zombie RedShell out there! :laughing:

Be sure to make it quick and painless, yeah? :heh:



OMG that sounds so awesome and a wicked little bonus. How did Capcom keep that feature under wraps, haha.


Will likely start off mostly on teh Story mode when I pick up the game (and get home) but looking forward to trying out Raid mode even more now:bouncy:

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Had another quick go on Raid Mode yesterday (on solo play, to sort out my weapon collection) and I noticed a message from Sam (@S\.C\.G) saying something about hoping that I was still alive, and that he was in one of the stages. :wtf:


So I checked out that stage, and sure enough I ran into Sam... As a zombie! :o

Yep, a monster with Sam written above his head was trying to kill me. :heh:

So I put you out of your misery, Sam. :D


I checked for more of those messages and there were also ones from other people that I've played with online, and zombie versions of them too.

How cool is that? Anyone that you've played Raid Mode with (and I'm assuming StreetPassed too) becomes a zombie in your Raid Mode game! Genius. :hehe:


S.C.G, have a look next time you play. There should be a zombie RedShell out there! :laughing:

Be sure to make it quick and painless, yeah? :heh:


That is pure awesomeness! :D I'll be sure to hunt down your zombie-self later RedShell :heh: this is definitely going in the review, speaking of which...


*gets back to writing*

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I left the house, walked past my mailman and he told me that I've got a package, so I grabbed it off him ran back home, opened door placed it on my bed...


just opened it, didn't know there was a wrist-strap included. anywho I'll be playing this at around 6pm.

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I went out and bought this this morning from Gamestation (since Game closed down near me) alongside the Circle Pad Pro. :yay: Probably the only one on here who purchases it from a shop these days. :p


I also got given two boxes for some reason. One was the normal game and the other is like a holographic cover of the eye and it has a poster inside.


The Circle Pad Pro is...win! :D It took me like a few minutes to orientate myself to the new controls as I'd obviously played the demo with out the CPP so I had to learn the new set up but it works perfectly for me, it is all re-mapped very well and definitely adds to the experience, I don't find the buttons to be too far away as you don't constantly need them and I'm used to playing on my 3DS compare to any other console. I actually really love the design of the CPP. :) It's like it's own cradle again which is cool as I accidently left that at home. It sits nicely on my shelf when not playing it!


As for the game itself, it is excellent, I'm part way through Chapter 2. I love the variety on offer so far and the fact that the story isn't just linear, I'm finding it hard to put down but I really must to get on with some work but I'll be playing it again later on. :grin: It feels like a console experience whilst retaining that handheld feel.


Oh and it sounds awesome through my headphones! :heart:

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Picked this up earlier and it is bloody AWESOME.


Just finished episode 1... these new enemies scare the bejesus out of me... though I killed everyone I came to, except one which I managed to run past.... oh god do I miss the regular Zombies now.


Question, how far into the story do I have to get for when will Raid Mode be unlocked?


I'm itching to try this online

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I went out and bought this this morning from Gamestation (since Game closed down near me) alongside the Circle Pad Pro. :yay: Probably the only one on here who purchases it from a shop these days. :p


I just bought it in a shop too...I'm must be an old fuddy duddy!

Got a copy for my brother as well (he's heading off to Canada for a few months tomorrow morning) and having thought that the CPP itself was a xavi exclusive, was pleasently surprised to see them in the shop.


So I came out with 2 games and 2 CPPs....a good days shopping if you ask me!


Stuck in work now and won't get to play it much when I get home but tomorrow...oh tomorrow!

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I went out and bought this this morning from Gamestation (since Game closed down near me) alongside the Circle Pad Pro. :yay: Probably the only one on here who purchases it from a shop these days. :p


I just bought it in a shop too...I'm must be an old fuddy duddy!


I always pre-order and buy my games in store, specificly the GameStop in Waterford... it's either there or Smyths Toystore and I much prefer dealing with an actual games store.


Though there isn't much point in me ordering online anyway as I'd likely never get the games till the Monday after release at the earliest. Whenever I order from Play or Amazon or whatever if for example it dispatched on the Monday I'd get the order on either the Friday sometimes the next Monday.


Ye guys in England always seem to get stuff shipped/dispatched on the Tuesday or Wednesday before release so there'd be no hope in me ever getting an online pre-order on time never mind early :heh:



Raid Mode will appear when you finish episode 3. :smile:


@RedShell You LIED.... I just finished Episide 3 and there is NO RAID MODE :mad: I am DISAPPOINT


Unless there's something else I have to do.... or is it hidden somewhere? I was expecting a message saying "Raid Mode Unlocked" or something?


Anyway as I said I just finished Episode 3 loving the game so far....


When ep2 started and you were controlling Chris I was well confused, was wondering if this took place before ep 1 and explained how Chris got on the boat as even though Jill found a decoy Chris I still expected he was there.


Also what was the point if Veltro wanted to catch Jill and Parker why lock the door with Chris in it? They obviously wanted them alive for whatever reason as they didn't kill them after catching them so why risk them getting killed by a BOW looking for a key :heh:


Also why no guards watching there rooms, they just woke up and walked out pretty much.


Though I did love it when you got control of Jill again (damn do I love looking at that ass...*cough*) and I was expecting to play the exact same thing as the demo and they went and flipped things around and even changed somethings... like where the elevator was.


I also had my first 2 deaths of the game during this part.... before getting your weapons back, right after meeting up with Parker. 1st I tried to get run past the "Things" (do they have a name?) to save the BOW Gernades... though with jam all over screen obviously not a good idea.... dead :(


Then again I used 1 BOWG, alls fine run round a corner and another "thing" appears :heh:


Managed to get past them fine 3rd time though and once I got my weapons back and some herbs I was fine.


Ep3 was cool getting to take on Hunters in Parkers flashback.... wonder if Terrigrigia (sp?) will feature in other games... like maybe in new RE:Outbreak games? Was funny though dazing a Hunter and then killing it with Parkers punch :heh: Though disappointed there doesn't seem to be any headshots.... I kept hitting the head expecting it to blow up :heh:


Suffered my 3rd death then on the Comms Officer Boss, he wasn't that hard I just didn't know where to run and wasn't paying much attention and kept running into "things", then was caught and eaten by Comms Guy. :heh:



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@RedShell You LIED.... I just finished Episide 3 and there is NO RAID MODE :mad: I am DISAPPOINT


Unless there's something else I have to do.... or is it hidden somewhere? I was expecting a message saying "Raid Mode Unlocked" or something?



You've probably figured it out by now, but if you go back to the title screen and then open your save file again, Raid mode will be accessible. I was DISAPPOINT for a second too :heh:

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Holy crap! Did anybody proof read the English text in this game!? I've played for about 5 minutes and I've already noticed 3 gramatical errors in the text! "Jill, give me hand here!" - LOL!


Now I can see how Reveliations slipped through the net :laughing: Other than that, it's all good so far :D

Edited by Dcubed
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You've probably figured it out by now, but if you go back to the title screen and then open your save file again, Raid mode will be accessible. I was DISAPPOINT for a second too :heh:


Nope not there, even turned off the game and started it up again an still nothing.


Only options I have after picking me save file is still Campaigne, Missions, Options no Raid :mad:


Maybe I should play episode 4


Holy crap! Did anybody proof read the English text in this game!? I've played for about 5 minutes and I've already noticed 3 gramatical errors in the text! "Jill, give me hand here!" - LOL!


Now I can see how Reveliations slipped through the net :laughing: Other than that, it's all good so far :D


Nope, I turned off the subs ;)

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My Zavvi bundle got dispatched yesterday so it'll probably arrive on Monday, definitely wouldn't argue with a delivery tomorrow though.


I think Capcom, despite the huge loss that was Legends 3, is the third party developer that has the most confidence in the system and that's pretty massive considering the IP's they have. I'm looking forward to playing this.

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Campaign Mode complete! :yay:

On Normal difficulty, with 9 hours on the clock.


The penultimate boss fight was A M A Z I N G ! :o...


Fighting a giant mutated zombie whale/octopus (or whatever the hell that thing was

:heh:), from a fast moving helicopter, armed with miniguns and rocket launchers = ridiculously awesome! :cool:

Really enjoyed it. :hehe:

The final boss was slightly disappointing after that though, but still cool.


Now then... Did the ending hint at what I think it hinted at!? :o :o :o...


A new Resi set in a mansion with Jill & Chris again!? :eek:

e.g. Resident Evil 1: Revelations 2 3D edition!? :laughing:

Because that would be superb! :love: *drool*

Seriously Capcom... I'll buy it at a high price! :D


Nope not there, even turned off the game and started it up again an still nothing.


Only options I have after picking me save file is still Campaigne, Missions, Options no Raid :mad:


Maybe I should play episode 4

That's weird man, I definitely got Raid Mode after episode 3. :hmm:


Speaking of Raid Mode, I'm at Lv14 now and putting together a pretty decent selection of weapons. Got a handgun that can drop the enemies in stage 1 with a single shot. :heh:


Will be online again in a sec, if anyone's up for a few missions.

: peace:

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