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PilotWings Resort


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Well done, Retro Link. I think I've only managed to perfect up to Silver. Have you 3-starred all of Platinum yet and seen the credits?
Not yet, so far I've only attempted the plane and jet pack platinum missions... I've only got a 2 star on the chasing boat/plane/balloon one atm. Maybe 3 starred the others, but I'm yet to do a complete run on the giant balloon breaking one as I was trying to get a decent run and not succeeding! :p
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Finally after 7hrs 2mins of Mission Mode... :D




Perfect on all Missions!


The Jet Pack Diamond Mission was a bitch!!

Alternate Credits were nice.


Now I can just chill out with the game and start Free Flight mode!


Great game!! :D

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  • 2 months later...

I've been playing this a lot again recently.. and it's still fantastic :yay: There's still plenty of life in it despite the Activity Log on the 3DS saying that I've invested more than 20 hours into it :eek: Around 13 of those hours have been spent 'in flight' :hehe:


I originally had 3 stars in all missions with Novice and Bronze perfected but I'm now going back in an attempt to perfect the rest. It won't be easy :heh: Silver has been taken care of and I'm half way through Gold now!


As Retro_Link said, Great Game!! :D

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Great Game!! indeed! :p


It's a bit of a shame that I completed it 100% pretty quickly (being my only 3DS game at the time), because Mission Mode was really enjoyable!... and that's not to say it wasn't difficult too, because it was! This game has a great level of challenge, but one that keeps you playing!


Once again it's a dissapointing showing from Nintendo, because really how difficult would it be to have a new mission(s) available to download once every so often... not very!!

Stupid lazy, behind the time Nintendo!


btw, cheers Nando for keeping some of these older threads updated with your impressions!

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btw, cheers Nando for keeping some of these older threads updated with your impressions!


Hopefully it will help encourage some 3DS owners that haven't picked up Pilotwings Resort yet to maybe give it a go :hehe: It can be interesting to hear impressions of games further down the line, though, after the initial explosion of views upon the games release. Not everyone purchases these games right away, either..


In recent weeks I have cleared Driver 2 (PS1), Last Window: The Secret of Cape West (DS), The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (DS), DK: King of Swing (GBA), Call of Duty: Black Ops (Wii), Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (VC) and Ridge Racer 3D (3DS) so I'm certainly experiencing a nice mix of gaming at the moment :grin:


My favourite console, the N64, has been a little neglected in the last few months but I put that right last night when I played some Yoshi's Story and then again today with a blast through Lylat Wars! Playing that again has almost put me off getting it on 3DS because it is still so good on the N64 :yay:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last night I joined @Retro_Link in the Pilotwings Resort 'elite'.. :heh:




It's a bit of a shame that it's now over but I got so many hours out of it and every one of them was fantastic :hehe: I'm sure I'll still dip into it now and again anyway as you can still improve your scores after you perfect them all as you get further bonus points for time :smile:

Edited by nekunando
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  • 11 months later...

Sorry for bumping an old thread, hope you don't mind.


I got Pilotwings Resort a few days ago and I simply adore the game. It feels so relaxing in free fly mode just flying around doing nothing but take in all the places and details and occasionally find new items too. I'm not sure if I've ever experienced something quite like this before in a game. I like the missions as well, of course, but it's that great sense of relaxation gliding or flying through the air that really makes me enjoy this game whilst listening to some of the most wonderful VG tunes I've heard in a while - the music is simply brilliant, I love it, it's very soothing. I especially like the track when using the hand glider and I would be very interested in listening to more of the artist's work. Anyone know who wrote that piece?


Edit: I found out the composer's name is Asuka Ito. I can't seem to find much info on his other work so if anybody knows more about him and his work I would be most interested, thanks.

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I'd personally have preferred if they'd gone the route of updating the N64 game, like OoT and Starfox, but with Wuhu included as an added extra. But yeah, I still found it a relaxing game, even if I'd already explored every inch of Wuhu before.


If you haven't already, check out the Birdman music from the N64 game. It's the most relaxing piece of music in any game ever! I used to leave the N64 game on in the background while I was studying for my GCSEs :)

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Fantastic game!


So many people still overlook it or dismiss it I feel... or at least not many people bothered to go the distance with it judging by this thread.


Just wish it had had even more to unlock, or Nintendo had offered some DLC!

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Just wish it had had even more to unlock, or Nintendo had offered some DLC!


I would have loved DLC for Pilotwings Resort, particularly if they gave us something like an 'Autumn/Halloween' download or a 'Winter/Christmas' pack that let us fly around the island in these different conditions and see what sort of decorations were present on Wuhu :hehe:


I feel a little sad that you're selling it as you seem to be one of the few who appreciated it as much as I do..

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I would have loved DLC for Pilotwings Resort, particularly if they gave us something like an 'Autumn/Halloween' download or a 'Winter/Christmas' pack that let us fly around the island in these different conditions and see what sort of decorations were present on Wuhu :hehe:


I feel a little sad that you're selling it as you seem to be one of the few who appreciated it as much as I do..

Yeah just that would have been awesome! I'd have loved 3 new levels or something for it though. The wingsuit was very overlooked!


I don't really want to sell it either, but there's just nothing to do on it anymore... having 100%'d it I've had no reason to go back to it in a whole year! Do you still play yours?


I guess at least this way I can maybe re-buy it again at some point in the future and enjoy it again!?

But again, this should have been resolved through DLC!

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If you haven't already, check out the Birdman music from the N64 game. It's the most relaxing piece of music in any game ever! I used to leave the N64 game on in the background while I was studying for my GCSEs :)

Cheers, mate, I will try to track it down, pardon the pun haha.


It's great that someone else is enjoying Pilotwings Resort after all this time, cvl :hehe:

Yes, man, what can I say, I'm a slow starter hehe. I wonder why it took me this long to add more 1-party titles to my 3DS collection considering the games (OOT 3D, Pilotwings Resort, Mario Tennis I recently purchased) are all really enjoyable and put a smile on my face at the same time - I'm having fun you know. :)

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I don't really want to sell it either, but there's just nothing to do on it anymore... having 100%'d it I've had no reason to go back to it in a whole year! Do you still play yours?


I've only dipped back into it occasionally for a quick blast or to see if I can improve my scores with things like shooting the balloons around the island. I've even tried going back to the 'Flyover' in Wii Sports Resort to look for the 'i' points just for an excuse to have a look around Wuhu again and see how it compared to Pilotwings Resort but it just didn't feel the same :indeed:


It is definitely a shame that it is 'finished' but I can see myself returning in a couple of years to remember why I loved it so much in the first place :smile:

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Nice game, but nowhere near the quality of say Pilotwings on the SNES. This one just felt very barebones in comparison, typical Nintendo of the last few years I suppose.


This is how I felt about the game. I didn't have the urge to get gold on everything so the game felt very short to me. I did enjoy flying around the island again though and visually it was very pleasing. I suppose it was a case of being short and sweet for me.

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If you haven't already, check out the Birdman music from the N64 game. It's the most relaxing piece of music in any game ever! I used to leave the N64 game on in the background while I was studying for my GCSEs :)


I did the same for my GCSE's! Adored the music, so much so that I learnt to play it on the organ a few years ago. It's a wonderful piece of music and was added by a programmer from Paradigm who played the Keyboard. The staff (including Nintendo) loved the music and kept it in. The N64 version was immense. So much to do and see, and 'feel'. It was a truly involving game and alongside Mario64, made 3D Nintendo gaming, just, wow...incredible. I guess it was that moment in time so Pilotwings 64 will stick with me forever.


Pilotwings on the 3DS felt like a tech demo. I loved the 3D (arguably the best on the system) and perhaps the 3D was the most depth the title had... (couldn't resist!)


Things like the wing suit and the chance to get to know Wuhu a little more were neat touches yet under-stated. As others have said, more was needed. Nintendo's key franchises demand more - and Pilotwings was always a real 'hardcore' game. More would be good yet looking at how Wii Sports Resort had the Pilotwings intro and Nintendo have their upcoming WiiU panorama game to launch, it seems that Pilotwings has been shelved for now...

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If you haven't already, check out the Birdman music from the N64 game. It's the most relaxing piece of music in any game ever! I used to leave the N64 game on in the background while I was studying for my GCSEs :)

Listened to the birdman theme yesterday and again today - it's goooood. :)


The tune actually made me look up the price of a used N64 system in case I wanted to get the game hehe. Thanks for the recommendation, daftada, I really like this kind of music.


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