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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS


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You can get two right away...


One from the grave digging tour and one in a grave - kill the undead.



I guess there is actually a third in the graveyard, but that one can't be got until you're an adult.


Hmm... I did this but I don't think I got a heart piece... you mean the solitary one yeah?... I went back to check and there's not an empty chest there... but what you're saying rings a bell, and I got all the heart pieces in the N64 original.


What do u have to do, just down it?

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Well, steady on. :heh:




I remember I had a small guidebook that came free with a Nintendo magazine. I must admit, I doubt I could have worked out everything on my own.


The first one I sought advice on the internet for was Majora's Mask in 2000, whereas the first one I completed without looking at a guide at all was Twilight Princess. Took me about 55 hours, now I can cut it down to 14 or so.



woah thats the same as me! i only got it for MM because those damn side quests were so complex...well back then they seemed to be, then again even know learning the times for events is hard going

i hope we get a MM 3DS

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I just got the Big Goron Sword and decided to go back to the finshing pond for the Gold Scale before going for the water temple... took me awhile to get the big fish that would get me a scale but I got it.


That was 30mins ago... I'm still in the pond... just as I reeled in the big fish I spotted something I'd never seen before... not even on my N64 game.


The HYLIAN LOACH.... I am now not leaving the pond till I catch him :heh:


So far have managed to get him to follow my lure once, but he didnt bite :(






After about an hour of trying I finally caught the Hylian Loach :yay: :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:


Not only is that in itself something I've never even done on the N64 original (never even saw it there) but I also for the very very first time found the sinking lure, again never found that on the N64 game either.


I wasn't even looking for the lure, I was just running around repositioning myself as the loach had moved so I was trying to get a better angle for tossing my line. Walked into the fountain and got the lure, couldn't believe it. Since I never saw either on the N64 I used to think they were both myths.


Lucky I did remember though from random wiki reading long ago that any fish caught with the sinking lure doesn't actually count... unless you talk to the Fisherman after finding it and he then allows you to use the lure when he sees it. Did that, he allowed the lure... prolly took another 20mins before I finally got the loach to bite (other fish kept going after the bloody lure getting in my way :mad:) when he did bite I prolly took 5 mins or more (or maybe just felt like it, but it did take a long time) to reel him in, my thumb was getting all sweaty and nervous thinking I'd lose him and then never be able to catch him again. I was going mad on the circle pad doing full circle motions (this always seemed to help me reel fish in even on the N64), amazed my thumb didn't slip off.


Oh and here's some photographic proof that I Mokong caught the Legendary, Mythical Hyrule Loach :D




And again with my name and N-E on a piece of paper so you know it's me



And again after getting the reward (50 rupees woopdie fraking do :heh:) from the Fisherman


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All hearts found, all sidequests beaten, all gold skulls slain, Ganon has been defeated and the kingdom is saved!


I could have finished it at work yesterday but I decided to wait til I got back home so I could sit in the dark with my headphones on so I could take it all in. I wasn't disappointed.


I forgot how epic the final boss music is.


Broadcast Yourself


It was great sitting though the end cutscene ( still not as good as ALTTP ) but when the credits started rolling and that new piece of orchestrated music hit I went nuts.


Finally after all these years the original Zelda overworld music is in this game!



I had such a cheesy grin on my face when it started playing. :D

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Gotten to Ganon's Tower. Can I be bothered to hunt for Skulltula's? Doubtful. I've gotten over 50 so all the kids are fine. The Dad only gives you money, and I'm full of it.

Lens of Truth, and yet I don't think it's possible to get that before the Forest Temple.

Tis possible. If you get the Song of Storms of the Windmill guy then go back as a kid.


Or does Shiek still be an annoying git and stand in the way of the pedastal?

new piece of orchestrated music hit I went nuts.

Should be interesting. To be honest after all this ejaculation about fully orchestral soundtrack I haven't noticed any difference. Or is this just on the CD?

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Gotten to Ganon's Tower. Can I be bothered to hunt for Skulltula's? Doubtful. I've gotten over 50 so all the kids are fine. The Dad only gives you money, and I'm full of it.


Tis possible. If you get the Song of Storms of the Windmill guy then go back as a kid.


Or does Shiek still be an annoying git and stand in the way of the pedastal?


Should be interesting. To be honest after all this ejaculation about fully orchestral soundtrack I haven't noticed any difference. Or is this just on the CD?

Yeah you can't go back to being a kid until you clear the Forest Temple.

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All hearts found, all sidequests beaten, all gold skulls slain, Ganon has been defeated and the kingdom is saved!



Ah but did you get the Hyrule Loach :wink:


I was so burnt out after spending so long trying to catch that damned thing last night I couldn't do anymore, haha. Will get back to saving the world today. Looking forward to the Water Temple and seeing how different it plays on the 3DS with all the hype it changes were given using it as an example..... actually need to get the iron boots first :heh:


Onward and Upward :D

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I received the pre-order box from GAME in the post today. The shiny reflective gold cover is far far nicer than the regular artwork. Plus it's traditional Zelda cover art, all gold, as it should be. :)


The rupee design is quite cool and the poster is heavily folded as discussed previously. But who really sticks Zelda posters on their bedroom wall anyway? And this coming from a massive fan.

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My gold case arrived too. Really nice. Also registered for the soundtrack because it's a nice freebie.


Seems we got the best of both worlds with our packaging. Lovely art on one box and super shiny gold on another. The Americas didn't even get shiny gold on their one box, so that really sucks for them.


I'm milling about in the fishing area as young Link in the game at the moment, having only cleared the Forest Temple in the adult segment thus far. Caught the 10lb fish and laid down some Scarecrow's Song love for later. Truly stunning update to an already legendary game. 3D is flakey as hell, but it's more for showcase then regular play. Playing it with 3D on ruins my eyes and gyro fun.


Interestingly, the game has some updated visuals from the screens released. The fenceposts in Lon Lon Ranch are fully modelled planks rather than a flat 2D texture. Wonder where else the game got tweaked.

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I am liking it at the moment. Not in love yet. But yeah. Can someone give like...a one word clue of what to do next cos' I have no idea. Just got the bomb pouch. Don't know where bombs are though/how to put bomb plants in it (assume you can't) :p


Now, if it's anything like the N64 original... The bombs are already inside the pouch.


...You did get the pouch at the dodongo caverns, right? The bombs you put inside are found randomly like rupees, etc.

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Should be interesting. To be honest after all this ejaculation about fully orchestral soundtrack I haven't noticed any difference. Or is this just on the CD?


Eh... It's not fully orchestral. That's Skyward Sword. This only has one orchestral song.

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Yeah. Okay cool. I swear I checked but thought it was empty - however I was in a sleep deprived state and soon turned it off as couldn't stay awake. Cheers. :)


It's just a standard item, like slingshot etc, so you get more bombs from killing enemies or from inside pots, plants etc!

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Should be interesting. To be honest after all this ejaculation about fully orchestral soundtrack I haven't noticed any difference. Or is this just on the CD?


Only one track has been orchestrated (the one Hero of Time spoiler-tagged), but it seems it doesn't play in-game. The rest of the music is the original MIDI (which I suspect the CD is too). Whether it's higher-resolution than the N64 game, I can't tell.


Apparently a glitch has been found; you can get the graveyard heart piece (the grave with the redead in) as many times as you want.


Do you know if these can be accumulated, so four of them would make one full heart? If so, that's quite unwelcome in case someone accidentally gets it twice, then can't tell which legitimate heart piece they've missed. Good job I can't work out how to get it yet.


Personally, I've just done the Fire Temple without getting the Compass. No idea where it is! Will head back in there later.

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