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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS


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Arrived home to find my copy of Ocarina of Time


Issue of Retro Gamer



had arrived.


Oh well, back to DQIX.


Just received this :o


Dear Christopher, Thanks for Pre-Ordering The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time from Game.co.uk. Unfortunately there has been a mix up in our distribution centre and your order has not been shipped in time for delivery on launch day. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused and can confirm that your order will be despatched tomorrow and we hope for it to arrive over the weekend. The Game Customer Service Team


LOL that explains all


Wait what? Did you get an e-mail saying your order shipped? I just assumed they told Royal Mail not to delivery it until Friday.

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So, who is else panicking everytime they see a new post incase someone else got an e-mail?


Thankfully, now I have seen evidence that I shall get a time machine at some point in the next 5 years, I shall be able to skew the timeline so I definitely get it tomorrow. Me not getting it before launch day is clearly a fixed point in time for some reason so I'll try and fix it for you too :)

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Glad i'm not the only one! Though now i'm thinking i'd rather just know what's going on so I know whether to go out tonight or not. Though i'm refreshing my e-mail page every 2 minutes.


Thankfully, now I have seen evidence that I shall get a time machine at some point in the next 5 years, I shall be able to skew the timeline so I definitely get it tomorrow. Me not getting it before launch day is clearly a fixed point in time for some reason so I'll try and fix it for you too :)


Best reason for time travel i've ever heard! I'd would be nice of you to leave a copy for you for when you wake up!

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yeh my i had an email on tuesday saying it was shipped, and money was taken from my card so i dont know what the hell is going on. Oh well will just go down to the local supermarket tomorrow morning, sigh


just proves the shipping emails they send out are not always true mate. they processed the money early to stop people going elsewhere.


If I get that e-mail i'm going straight up to my ASDA for midnight. I shall be joining in the hell breaking!


Will Asda 100% be selling at midnight. My Asda is open 24 hour but they normally shut off the game/dvd section at 22:00. Open it up for midnight launches but I have not heard Asda are doing this tonight.

Edited by khilafah
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Will Asda 100% be selling at midnight. My Asda is open 24 hour but they normally shut off the game/dvd section at 22:00. Open it up for midnight launches but I have not heard Asda are doing this tonight.


No idea, never really been to ASDA that late though. There's a Tesco a few minutes away too, so I don't really see a reason why there wouldn't be, but i'm unfamiliar with how they work.

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Ask Iwata OoT edition.


- Aonuma didn't come into Ocarina of Time until later in development

- Ocarina of Time originally had a jump button

- original development on Ocarina of Time started with 3 people

- Nintendo was, at one time, creating Zelda II: The Adventure of Link with polygons on the Super Famicom

- Miyamoto wanted Ocarina of Time to display from a first-person perspective, and then switch to a side perspective during fights

- A visit to Toei Kyoto Studio Park where the team saw a ninja stage show lead to the development of Z-Targeting

- Z-Targeting discussion actually began during Super Mario 64

- the idea for Navi came from the development team wanting to place a marker above the enemy you were targeting, but didn't want it to be a simple triangle marker

- this was originally called the Fairy Navigation System, but was changed to Navi, which is short for navigate

- the creation of Navi lead to other design choices, like Navi's hints, color changes for characters and even the main storyline

- with Zelda titles, game mechanics come first and the script later

- Ocarina of Time originally featured only an adult Link

- the desire for a young Link came from Miyamoto and other dev team members

- talk of Young Link didn't come into play until the second year of development

- the time-traveling mechanic came into play thanks to young Link, and caused a bunch of problems with the dev team

- Link has roughly 500 basic motions

- Ocarina of Time was originally developed with the N64 DD in mind

- Discussion of Epona arose during Super Mario 64 development

- Epona is the goddess of horses and fertility in Celtic mythology

- Miyamoto requested specific camera angles for when Epona jumped

- The reason the horse jumps automatically is Miyamoto-san said that a Zelda game doesn't need any difficult actions.

- Miyamoto added the carrot system, and also wanted archery and horse battles

- Horse battles didn't get included in the series until Twilight Princess

- Miyamoto also wanted Link to raise his sword above his head, which has only now been accomplished in Skyward Sword

- the number of items in Ocarina of Time was decided from the start, and this caused problems later

- items would be made, and then devs had to go back and make sure those items didn't cause problems in earlier parts of the game

- Aonuma says that development on OoT 'was a mess right up to the end'

- Miyamoto isn't a fan of cinematic elements

- he thinks including cut-scenes are okay, but they need to have the option of being changed multiple times during development

- the developers would actually fly the camera around in-game to find good locations for cut-scenes

- the dev team was really impressed really impressed when the sword was able to cut a sign

- When Miyamoto saw a cut sign float in a pond, he said "Now that's The Legend of Zelda!"

- The development period was two and a half years

- Link originally had a button nose in OoT

- Koizumi changed the design of Link based on what his wife said, as she requested a handsome character

- Koizumi gave Link a pierced ear to make him cooler, but also gave him long underwear to keep him from being overly cool

- Aonuma is asked if he wants to work on Mario games from here on out, and he strongly states that he wants to stay with Zelda


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Interesting stuff, thanks for posting, H-O-T.


I'm dipping in and out of this now I've finished the main quest. I've still got about 16 heart pieces to find, though, but I can't remember where most of them are. I need a guide, I think! I also can't remember how to get that giant Goron at the top of Death Mountain to make me a sword. I'm sure that the broken sword became an item in the original OOT, so you can present it to him, but it doesn't become an item in OOT3D...

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Ok I have phoned Asda and got answers for those wondering.


I phoned and he said that if they have the game ( he didnt check for me ) they would probably just unpack it at 7am as it's not a big release.


Im on hold at the moment with the larger superstore Asda so their answer maybe different.


EDIT: The second store said that they have no new releases down for tomorrow. Basically I don't think any of them have a freaking clue.

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Ok I have phoned Asda and got answers for those wondering.


I phoned and he said that if they have the game ( he didnt check for me ) they would probably just unpack it at 7am as it's not a big release.


Im on hold at the moment with the larger superstore Asda so their answer maybe different.


EDIT: The second store said that they have no new releases down for tomorrow. Basically I don't think any of them have a freaking clue.


Well that's odd/surprising/confusing.


How can they not even know OoT is out tomorrow :angry:

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This is just wank.

Utter wank.


I had to lol at this from one of my emails off LAME...



"By using the GAME 1st To Play Preorder Service you have ensured that you will be among the first people to receive The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time 3D , and we are confident that you will be happy with the order, our service and our speedy delivery!"


aaaahhhhahahahahahahaha. :angry:

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Ok I have phoned Asda and got answers for those wondering.


I phoned and he said that if they have the game ( he didnt check for me ) they would probably just unpack it at 7am as it's not a big release.


Im on hold at the moment with the larger superstore Asda so their answer maybe different.


EDIT: The second store said that they have no new releases down for tomorrow. Basically I don't think any of them have a freaking clue.


I used to work at asda part time while at university and he stupidity of the staff is unbelievable, they shove anyone on the electric counter! i even requested to go on it as i had a clue unlike the middle aged woman on the counter ( a non gamer and way before the wii and casual gamers existed)


they don't care, they don't research release info and you'll be lucky to get a straight answer! management seem to avoid putting younger people on the counter in favour of older staff or disinterested staff, as they think anyone who likes games will somehow get distracted or something, i don't know but it certainly seems like a policy to put people who have no idea on them


the email came through about 7pm,


This might be related , Gamestation.co.uk allegedly did not got any stock from Nintendo and cannot fulfill online orders today :S


do Game and gamestation use the same warehouse?


As far as i'm aware being the same company they should use the same

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Have to say I am slightly concerned now in case my game doesn't turn up tomorrow.

Its a bit crap if they have some sort of stock shortage or whatever and they haven't bothered to tell all of the people who have ordered.


It does seem a little strange that the game hasn't arrived a day early? It always has for me when I have preordered with LAME in the past.


Dont get me wrong, i'm not overly bothered it isn't here, but will be if its not here tomorrow as it really should be. :hmm:

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