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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS


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I never supported minigame collections. I've always been of the belief that they're the reason core games never do will on the Wii, they drown it out. However, Apple have been destroying things by releasing shit at low prices causing people such as yourself to bitch when a proper game is out at a proper price.


Yes, this is a remake. So what? It's a remake, not a port. It has extras, some of which we don't know about (why on earth would they reveal everything before launch? Seriously). Just because you have played it before does not mean it's suddenly not worth the money.


Remake. Not port.


I'm not bitching, I'm stating my opinion on the matter. I'm not making a judgement for everyone else here, it's just how I feel about how I want to spend my money.


As for industry, things need to change again, such as finally stepping on the digital train and stop making excuses for why games should be so expensive. For example Nintendo's business model for the DS required publishers to front well over £1.5m minimum for manufacturing costs which is one of the reasons why the games are so expensive. Console game budgets have exploded but they have found a way to make the model work and keep the prices down.


Hell retailers were listing DS games for £35 even well after release, which is a joke frankly.


And you regard this as a remake? I think again that is a matter of opinion as it means different things to everyone. And why should they reveal features of the game before release? I dunno... publicity maybe? Giving people a reason to buy it on release before it goes pre-owned? Take your pic.

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Things don't need to change. The prices are that low for the varios IOS games because of low development costs, no marketing and no production.


If you want high quality full games on handhelds or consoles, you pay for it. If you want generic dross made by a greasey guy in an attic, then you pay less for it

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Things don't need to change. The prices are that low for the varios IOS games because of low development costs, no marketing and no production.


BINGO... what's the problem with that? Cut out the crap.


If I want quality games on an iOS device I just wait for them, just like I would have to on 3DS. And I would still pay less.


At least on the App store there is a spectrum of prices not just £30 or £40 for everything.

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You're still forgetting factors such as manufacturing, marketing and so forth. With the IOS games, you can see that it's low tech.


Why should we sacrifice game quality just to save money


You must also remember that not everyone has played the game. It's a 13 year old game afterall.

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Do not compare games to app store games. 90% of app store games are just small minigames to kill time. They aren't full-fledged games.


Apple is destroying the games industry.


QFT, the most popular game on the app store consists of several levels where the sole purpose is to pull your finger back on a bird with the intention of destroying obstacles.


Even though I like it, I'd never partition time to play it at home, smartphone games are meant to satisfy that boredom you have in public places or away from the console. Phone games are a quick boredom fix and don't compare to console games.


And I'd say OoT 3DS is a remake if they remade the actual graphic content rather than just changed some of it and sharpened here and there.

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QFT, the most popular game on the app store consists of several levels where the sole purpose is to pull your finger back on a bird with the intention of destroying obstacles.


For a free game, it isn't too bad. It's like saying that flash games are destroying the game industry.

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For a free game, it isn't too bad. It's like saying that flash games are destroying the game industry.


I thought Angry birds was only free (supported by ads) on Android? Correct me if I'm wrong here.


If the cheap flash-like games, cheap ports of older full-priced handheld games, spin-offs like Dead Space and cheap versions of existing game concept (with accordingly lesser scope, e.g. "Real" Racing) manage to create the kind of customer expectation, where anything beyond 30 bucks for a game is considered a rip-off, they might as well change the industry profoundly. And not for the better...


On the other hand, selling incompetent ports for full price (looking at you, Ubisoft!) isn't going to do the industry much good either.


With OoT, I'm a bit torn between calling it too expensive and justified. With Master Quest as an addition and the complete overhaul of the textures and some models, I tend to say that something around 30€ is actually justified.


With Starfox, that's another thing. Only borrowed it from a friend at the time and blasted through the single player once. I can remember cheating my way through Wing Commander 3 (was too young to play it properly) possibly a bit earlier. Going from a full blown space opera on the PC to Starfox, you're bound to be rather underwhelmed. ;)

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Enhanced Port. In my opinion a proper remake would involve a new/update game engine and lots of other changes.


I agree with this part...


It's still well worth the money, though.


But not with this.


If I'd never played it, then it would be easy for me to put the money down but frankly, I'm bored of playing this game.


And if there are a bunch of things about the game yet to be revealed, until they actually get round to telling me what this new stuff is, there is no way I could ever justify owning this game.


Even if I paid just £5 for it, if the basic game is the same, and right now, there is absolutely nothing to suggest otherwise, I'd end up giving up long before I got to the end - slightly newer graphics or not.


Master Quest wasn't as much fun as the original and only saw it's play through out of curiosity rather than it's gameplay.


And I really don't care for Boss Rush mode.



I wonder how many people reviewing this game will be playing it for the first time and giving a completely unbiased opinion on the thing. I think there are too many people out there who know this game so well and have such fond memories that they couldn't criticize it if they tried. And it's going to make for a boat load of reviews that are pretty much worthless.

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For a free game, it isn't too bad. It's like saying that flash games are destroying the game industry.



It wasn't free. Admittedly, for 69p you get what you pay for, but the fact that this game is the number one seller on mobiles, ie a game with no real substance, shows that proper, deep games simply don't work on most smartphones. Look at Resi 4.


For this reason it's a joke to comare mobile games to handheld titles.

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Totally. It's a piss take and would take less than a day of 1 programmer's time make it happen.


Indeed. And I bet it won't even have an online leader boards for uploading times.


They could have different modes for how many hearts or what items you have going into battle but I bet it's going to be fairly rigid in terms of options.


As you say, it's a tea boy's errand at most.


Plus, there is no reward they can give you to influence the main game because of the way the game works. I liked the Boss Rush modes in the Castlevania games as there are legitimate gameplay rewards like special armour and weapons and in game music. But there isn't anything they can really offer here that will feed back into the main game aside from a bigger bomb bag/quiver and that's hardly a reason to play the mode.

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Indeed. And I bet it won't even have an online leader boards for uploading times.


They could have different modes for how many hearts or what items you have going into battle but I bet it's going to be fairly rigid in terms of options.


As you say, it's a tea boy's errand at most.


Plus, there is no reward they can give you to influence the main game because of the way the game works. I liked the Boss Rush modes in the Castlevania games as there are legitimate gameplay rewards like special armour and weapons and in game music. But there isn't anything they can really offer here that will feed back into the main game aside from a bigger bomb bag/quiver and that's hardly a reason to play the mode.


See I don't understand, why does the best game of all time need so much more additional content? It doesn't, it is a masterpiece that stands alone, the fact that the developers did such a brilliant job the first time round means they could release it 10 times and it would still sell. Buy it for what it is, and if you want it. If you're complaining that it doesn't have extra modes X and Y then likely you've overplayed the game beyond enjoyment so it's probably time to move on.

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Temple of time is looking like the Zelda: TP one and the water is light blue to what the screenshots showed.

Errr.... does anyone else think his hands and wrist look really weird when he pulls the sword out?? 6:20

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This is totally getting a free pass in reviews anyway. It has been proclaimed the best game ever for many years now, so reviewers are going to chicken out a bit here. It should of course get good reviews, but the review a page back had no negatives..... I mean seriously? Right off the bat, and without even playing it there are noticeable problems..


Like the sound for one... it's a problem. Yes it gets points for having wonderful compositions... but for a game that focuses on an instrument to have weak sound, is a negative that should take at least 10 percent off of the final score.


I don't meant to bitch, but I can't stand remakes.. I complained about this game on page 2 probably.. Its just OBVIOUS they don't have the proper games made yet.. and frankly on the graphical front it could be better..


See I don't understand, why does the best game of all time need so much more additional content? It doesn't, it is a masterpiece that stands alone, the fact that the developers did such a brilliant job the first time round means they could release it 10 times and it would still sell. Buy it for what it is, and if you want it. If you're complaining that it doesn't have extra modes X and Y then likely you've overplayed the game beyond enjoyment so it's probably time to move on.


Because we have played this game before and even if you hadn't it's on the VC for about 1/4 of the price... I also don't accept the portable argument.

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Wow, certainly a lot of bickering going on over this and Starfox!


I'm kinda glad I haven't overplayed this game... never was a fan of the re-releases over the years and haven't really ever played any of them.

I've probably played through the game maybe twice all the way through?... though I've played the final boss countless times (not in recent years), just to watch the incredible ending and listen to that music.


I'm looking forward to this, I'm more apprehensive about how this new look to the game will sit with me... which I'll only know when I play it.


Let's not forget this is regarded as one of the greatest ever games, and one that a new generation of gamers wont have played. It's a great way for Nintendo to get a Zelda game out their relatively early on and introduce people to the series... whilst pleasing some older fans too!


Also with Starfox, I never owned it... so all is good, plus no doubt the 3D will look great!


There's just the matter of that tilt control mechanic that Nintendo seem overly keen to put into all their games, including Ocarina.

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Because we have played this game before and even if you hadn't it's on the VC for about 1/4 of the price... I also don't accept the portable argument.


Then don't buy it, it's as simple as that. It's obvious that much more effort has gone into this than simply putting the original game on the VC. This version has clearly had a major overhaul, graphically at least, and for me the cost of the game is worth it.


Again, if anyone thinks the price is not worth it then simply don't buy it!

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Wow, the last vid posted looks great.


I seriously cannot wait. And graphically I think it looks really really nice too.


For those kicking off about it being a remake, just don't buy it (as said above).


Dont think I seen this much negativity about Rayman and that is just a straight port (and for the billionth time).

At least this has been majorly overhauled, includes 3d, even more content AND is going to introduce a new generation to one of the greatest games ever.

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Then don't buy it, it's as simple as that.


Then why discuss any game... period...


Look if it's good enough for you.. then that's good enough.. Don't let me convince you otherwise but it is NOT a perfect remake. More could have been done with this and it certainly doesn't deserve the perfect scores it'll probably get.


Brilliant game BUT an old game non-the less.

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Then why discuss any game...


By all means discuss it, but if the main content of the game no longer is entertaining you, you'd have to be stupid to go and buy this. No sidequests are going to rescue this if you've overplayed it.


A score of 10 is to be expected. It's the same game that is commonly scored 10, but improved. I'm against downgrading a game simply because someone may have played it before, that's not really an aspect of the game and rather a subjective motivation of the reviewer.

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I dont see why this remake shouldnt get 9's I still think think the overworld and dungeon design of OOT is the best there has ever been along with the games perfect pace and excellent settings. All of that plus a visual and animation upgrade all with a new and more flowing inventory helping to make the game feel even better.


Yes OOT is my fave game ever but take into consideration I dont rate Majoras Mask and Wind Waker barely registers as 7/10 for me. Infact TP and LTTP are the only other games I rate highly. Damn you eshop hurry up so I can play Links Awakening for the first time.

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I'd expect this to get 8's in reviews... the gameplay and structure to the game is gonna feel a bit dated for a start, and there are some questionable textures etc... in there, plus no updates to the music right?


An 8 would be perfectly fine. The gameplay and level design hold up extremely well of course!


Interesting points. If this remake is done well without any major issues, it should deserve a 9/10 on account of being a great game design. Anything less wouldn't recognise it as the top class handheld game it'll probably be.


10/10 would be too high, because the whole game system and overworld aren't really impressive enough compared to newer games, even if it had perfect graphics and sound.


If there is no option of an improved soundtrack, that is definitely a massive flaw, but I think 8/10 would be too low, as that score suits something that is very good, but fundamentally messy and flawed, like Twilight Princess.


And I'm sure it'll be worth £30 (after all, if you don't believe your new Zelda's worth that, what's the point?), it's just that some retailers are trying to get £40, which is too much.

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