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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS


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Presumably the game doesn't run at 60fps with stereoscopy turned off as it would've created extra workload in terms of animation.


I'm not an animator but I imagine you can interpolate animations designed for 20fps to 30fps relatively easily, whereas upping things to 60 would require a more hands-on approach and likely also have implications in terms of memory usage and the like. Of course you could update the refresh rate to 60 whilst having the animations run at half that, but it would probably look rather odd.


Anyway, the thought of stereoscopic ReDead humping is terrifying. Albeit not as bad as Unagi the Eel; Nintendo are the secret masters of horror.

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After exams, yes. I still have link cables and GBAs from when me and my brothers played through Crystal Chronicles.


Have you completed the GC version before? I found my US copy of it and freeloader today, got me really hyped to play it again.


They should bundle it in with OoT 3D tbh, spectacular game.

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I have to admit that just seeing the OoT 3D intro by itself, I wasn't very impressed, but then seeing both playing side-by-side was a very different story. Somehow when I think of the N64 version in my head, I improve the graphics and everything, thinking that that's what it really looked like. In fact, the way the 3DS version looks like is what I see when I think of the N64 version in my head :heh:


So, yeah, seeing them next to each other has certainly kept me excited about this remake.

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I have to admit that just seeing the OoT 3D intro by itself, I wasn't very impressed, but then seeing both playing side-by-side was a very different story. Somehow when I think of the N64 version in my head, I improve the graphics and everything, thinking that that's what it really looked like. In fact, the way the 3DS version looks like is what I see when I think of the N64 version in my head :heh:


So, yeah, seeing them next to each other has certainly kept me excited about this remake.


It has very strong yellow filler on the 3ds version and I notice that can see death mountain more than the n64 version.


More videos:

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More radioactive green water!!


Nice opening, shame about that. Definitely not a fan of that strong yellow filter they've added.


If you're thinking about ever playing the game in daylight, you'll be glad about it.


Edit: To expand: The 3DS can not do dark. The screen is too reflective in sunlight.

Edited by Cube
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The second video in particular looks great!


Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.


Go on let's hear that line for the twelve time. Yes it is, but that doesn't mean people aren't allowed to criticise poor lighting and green water. It has nothing to do with nostalgia.

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I don't see the downside of the water being slightly opaque and green. Ocarina is the game of my dreams, Mountain Dew lakes also prominently feature in my dreams. I see no problem in combining the two at all.

Edited by Guy
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The second video in particular looks great!




Go on let's hear that line for the twelve time. Yes it is, but that doesn't mean people aren't allowed to criticise poor lighting and green water. It has nothing to do with nostalgia.


Yeah, the nostalgia line is old. But then, so is this one about the lighting and water. It's been mentioned for the twelfth time, too. ;)


There's being critical and there's being over the top.

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Could not agree with the above post more. This thread is becoming a battle between people like me moaning about nostalgia and people moaning about the game-destroying issue that is slightly green water.


Ocarina of Whine. Please edit the thread title.

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Go on let's hear that line for the twelve time.



Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, no matter how much people deny it.



u mad? :awesome:

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Honestly that new version looks beautiful. A lot more to it than the original, which is pretty bland if you look at it now.


Of course back then it seemed wonderful, but comparing the two now, you can see just how it has aged and how the new version improves on it. Looks great I think.

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Bless how you try and find whining where none exists. How very predictable. The game looks amazing, the visuals look excellent for the most part and I love how they're using the second screen. Can't wait to play it.


There's being critical and there's being over the top.


I've said countless times how beautiful the new graphics look in general, and how much I'm looking forward to the game. But the fact remains the game is practically identical to the N64 version, the only thing we can discuss about it is the updated visuals. I have a problem with a couple of elements of this and am sharing those concerns whilst I wait to play the game. That's not being over the top. It's the purpose of a discussion board. Never said it was a game-destroying issue, just that a couple of the updated visuals are fugly.


Or we could all wank each other off about all things Zelda and never utter a negative word, like Scoop and killer_kirby would have us do.

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Presumably the game doesn't run at 60fps with stereoscopy turned off as it would've created extra workload in terms of animation.


I'm not an animator but I imagine you can interpolate animations designed for 20fps to 30fps relatively easily, whereas upping things to 60 would require a more hands-on approach and likely also have implications in terms of memory usage and the like. Of course you could update the refresh rate to 60 whilst having the animations run at half that, but it would probably look rather odd.


The interpolation between keyframes would take very little extra calculations. We are talking about models that are sub 500 polys so the engine actually has very little to do.


As far as adding extra information, animations use keyframe poses and then the engine interprets where the vertices should be between those poses. Because of this, no changes will need to be made to the animations themselves.

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Have you completed the GC version before? I found my US copy of it and freeloader today, got me really hyped to play it again.


They should bundle it in with OoT 3D tbh, spectacular game.


Nope, haven't completed it before, I think I got up to the 5th level?


Anyway, I'll probably buy a 3DS when this comes out. Ocarina of Time in your pocket is just too good of a proposition to pass up.

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Well as I mentioned before I never played this during my youth (shame on me I know) - so I have nothing to compare to.


It just has a 'greatest game of all time' accolade to live up to whilst I play it haha.


I think it looks great. It looks like it will be a pleasure to play with the 3DS's circle slide pad and I cant wait to finally experience this game in all of its new yellowish tinged glory.


Bring it the fuck on!!! : peace:

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