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Starfox 64 3D


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I wonder how many ships in a multiplayer battle this game could handle though Flink? Imagine the team based strategy you could have for almost fleet based warfare.


Might be more suited to a home console, in that case.


But even something like 4 vs. 4 would be amazing. Or even 4 vs. 4 vs. 4 with different teams and stuff. I'm sure it would be incredible on the 3DS, the bottom screen could have the map, stats, maybe touch-screen weapons like bombs, etc (although its probably better to use buttons).


Maybe you could even have the option for each human player to control an AI Arwing/ship. Like in Rogue Leader on the GameCube, where using the D-pad gave you options, such as protect, attack, flee, etc. If that were the case, if every player had, say, an option to use 2 AI, you could triple the number of ships on screen. Would love amazing.


Yeah...we're never getting this. :weep:


Edit: Oh my, even better. What if you had a single player game and in that game you controlled what the other Arwings did. So, like Rogue Leader, giving options to the other ships. You could use the touch-screen for that. So, you'd be in charge of the other 3 arwings and you could select each ship individually and quickly by taking an icon. (I'm imagining 3 arwing icons on the touchscreen, then when it gets taped, it "zooms" in to give you more options, such as defend, attack, flee, guard, etc.)


THAT'S what StarFox Command should've been!

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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How else can we explain the terrible Starfox Command?
Gonna pretend I didn't see that, Flinky. :shakehead

Never understood the hate for that game, sure it wasn't as good as the SNES or N64 game, but it certainly wasn't terrible. :blank:


And it did have online multi-player, which was actually pretty good fun. ;)





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Gonna pretend I didn't see that, Flinky. :shakehead

Never understood the hate for that game, sure it wasn't as good as the SNES or N64 game, but it certainly wasn't terrible. :blank:


And it did have online multi-player, which was actually pretty good fun. ;)






It was the game nobody really wanted. It's like...giving us Links Crossbow Training when what we really want is Majora's Mask.


The multiplayer was decent but it's still so, so far away from what could be achieved if Nintendo put more effect into it.


The game itself is just wrong. I remember playing the very first "mission" and thinking...what is this?! I wanted more Starfox and less Command. At least, their definition of Command. :heh:

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Gonna pretend I didn't see that, Flinky. :shakehead

Never understood the hate for that game, sure it wasn't as good as the SNES or N64 game, but it certainly wasn't terrible. :blank:


Yeah, it was brilliant, my favourite Star Fox. It taught you how to play it every step of the way. With Lylat Wars, I'm embarrassed to say I didn't know what was going on at all, despite doing the training mission. Actually, it's putting me off buying this, although I am tempted as it looks great. I have a funny feeling I'll put more effort into learning how to play this than I did with the Virtual Console version.

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It was the game nobody really wanted. It's like...giving us Links Crossbow Training when what we really want is Majora's Mask.


Exactly...Command had potential, but the outcome was total ASS! Multiple routes and interesting plot points? Good. Stylus controls for flying AND barrell rolls? Repetitive, bland environments and enemies? Just no... :(

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Anyone who love the starfox series needs to listen to the latest Retronauts, was such a fun episode to listen to. Really makes you miss the franchise and wish they would something new with the franchise.

They have said that if this sells well, we will get more new stuff :)

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They have said that if this sells well, we will get more new stuff :)


Yeah I know that. BUT what would they do with the franchise? I think Nintendo have always been grasping with what to do with the franchise in terms of its new features/catch/gimmick. People didn't like Adventures, Assault or Command for a variety of reasons. So what do they need to do with the series to bring it up to modern standards and not just be constantly retreading the same ground? For me Starfox 64/Lylat Wars is the pinnacle of the series. I'd love to see them expand upon this and give us a Rogue Squadron-esque experience.


I think it's good that Nintendo has re-released this on 3DS to sort of test the waters and reintroduce the franchise and I really hope this is the start of something new. I just wish I had 3DS to buy it to show my support...as it goes I replayed the original the other day on my N64 and still had as good a time as ever, playing through a couple of times taking different routes.

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Is this definitely being called Starfox 64 3D over here and not Lylat Wars 3D?


Funny that Slippy's engagement should be posted about - I listened to the latest Retronauts in the car over the weekend, and only just learned about Slippy's womanising! Sounds hilarious. The podcast made me wanna replay every Starfox game. :p I need to replay Dinosaur Planet to get 100% and I need to finish the last level in Armada/ Assault which apparently has a pretty epic finish.


I feel like I should have played Starwing the other night instead of trying out the single player mode in ISS 2000. :heh:

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Is this definitely being called Starfox 64 3D over here and not Lylat Wars 3D?


Funny that Slippy's engagement should be posted about - I listened to the latest Retronauts in the car over the weekend, and only just learned about Slippy's womanising! Sounds hilarious. The podcast made me wanna replay every Starfox game. :p I need to replay Dinosaur Planet to get 100% and I need to finish the last level in Armada/ Assault which apparently has a pretty epic finish.


I feel like I should have played Starwing the other night instead of trying out the single player mode in ISS 2000. :heh:


Same here....currenrtly bidding for a copy of Assault on ebay! I only ever rented it back in the day.

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The podcast made me wanna replay every Starfox game. :p I need to replay Dinosaur Planet to get 100% and I need to finish the last level in Armada/ Assault which apparently has a pretty epic finish.


I love both of them games, easily two of the most underrated titles on the Cube. Sure, they aren't traditional Starfox games but they sure are a helluva lot of fun.

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I can't actually remember the ending of Starfox Assault but I definitely enjoyed most of the game :hehe: The on-foot sections aren't anywhere near as bad as everyone made them out to be, either.. though the Arwing is still by far the best :heh:


Starfox Assault and Starfox Adventures would both be great to play through again :yay:


As for the mention of the ISS 2000 'Career', it wasn't good back then and it certainly isn't good now :indeed: A classic style ISS 3D would be great, though :grin: I kinda always fancied a handheld version of one of the N64 games as I feel they may be better suited to the 3DS than something like Pro Evolution Soccer..

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Still yet to play Assault, but have been looking for it! Stumbled upon the soundtrack on youtube, and it sounds friggin' epic! :o This and the fact that it's the closest thing to a proper LW sequel definitely make me wanna play it!


Adventures was a pretty nice Zelda-esque game, but the combat was very repetitive and the whole Star Fox thing felt too tacked on at times. For example, the final boss was totally out of place! Man...makes you wonder how much better the game would've been if Rare could've just done their own thing from start to finish...

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I can't actually remember the ending of Starfox Assault but I definitely enjoyed most of the game :hehe: The on-foot sections aren't anywhere near as bad as everyone made them out to be, either.. though the Arwing is still by far the best :heh:


Starfox Assault and Starfox Adventures would both be great to play through again :yay:


Starfox adventures was one of the most boring games I have ever played. Playing through that was torture!


Would rather watch paint dry then play through that game again:)

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Man...makes you wonder how much better the game would've been if Rare could've just done their own thing from start to finish...


As much as I enjoyed it, I kinda agree with you :smile: I looked at some pictures of Dinosaur Planet on the N64 recently and would have loved for that original game to be released on that hardware :hmm:


I won't complain too much, though, as Starfox Adventures is one of my favourite GC games :hehe:

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Here is the Metro/Gamecentral/Digitiser review. Gets a solid 8. They have some issues with the 3D not working too well and as they say, it sounds strange given the relatively fixed camera aspect of the game.


I'm still really tempted to pick this up... despite it not offering anything new - I certainly dont know anyone else with a 3DS to play the mutliplayer with and nor would I want to anyway.


I always meant to pick up Assault when I saw it going cheap but then I never really saw it going cheap. Maybe it will have to be a Wii U VC purchase if they do put GC games up... but then it certainly won't be cheap.

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On the subject of Assault/Adventures, I never got the former just because I thought it looked awful. As for Adventures, it was fun at the time but go back and play it now..... to say it's a chore would be putting it lightly. Not something that's going to stand the test of time well, unlike Lylat Wars (I refuse to call it Starfox 64).


As for this game itself, I'm leaning towards not buying. Bought Lylat Wars so many times in the past and I've played it to death that there's no point in myself getting it as there's nothing new that's worthwhile. OoT 3D got a purchase because I knew I'd get some substantial play out of it and had never actually finished it. With this, though, I doubt I'll get more than a couple of goes out of it, such is the joy of having played this to death before.

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Looks like this is going to sell by the bucketload, it's now unavailable for pre-order on Shop-To which implies that they've sold through their initial stock allocation... I don't know if anyone elses order is the same but my status currently says 'N/A' I'm still fully expecting them to get copies posted out today though due to their pre-order promise. ;)

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I ordered mine from GAME and still haven't heard anything from them. I tried cancelling it last week but you can't even cancel your orders on their new website yet.


With the amount of time the website has been down, the new website must be a seriously expensive downgrade.

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