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Bloody Sunday findings


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Well that was a shocking outcome, the shootings were found to be completely unjust. Will this reignite the troubles or settle this dispute? But how dare can Gerry adams speak on the issue, HOW DARE HE SPEAK ABOUT THIS. HE CAUSED THE TROUBLES, THE BLOOD IS ON HIS HANDS. HE DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE ALIVE, YET ALONE HAVE POLITICAL POWER.

Edited by stuwii
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Stuwii, I suggest you go read some history on Northern Ireland before making shouty comments. A few centuries worth of history may give you a better understanding of the country and an insight into the troubles.


The findings are good for the families and I'm glad they now have some sort of closure, although some will now probably want to go down the route of trying to get prosecutions against the soldiers.


I think the majority of the people knew that this would be the outcome of the findings and it's what people have been saying for years. It's a shame it took an enquiry this long which cost a hell of a lot of money to confirm what the majority of people knew to be the truth.


I don't think it will have much of an impact on the peace process in Northern Ireland as it's a good outcome. There are still idiots who think violence is the only way to a unified Ireland rather than going down the political route. They'll never go away, you just need to glance over the news in NI to see this. They are violent thugs who still have the mindset of the 70's and don't care who they hurt in a time when most people regardless of religion or belief want to live without fear or persecution and get on. Well, most people.


I think marching season this year will probably cause more problems.

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I think marching season this year will probably cause more problems.


I think many problems in Northern Ireland could be helped by both sides growing up and taking responsibility for their actions - yes, you have the right to march, but you also have the responsibility to not be a massive douche. It's a similar situation to the anti-solider Muslim protesters in Luton - you have every right to do it, but please, for the love of all that's holy, stop and think for a second about what problems you might be igniting.

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Awk stuwii for the love of god stop!! I hope you're not actually from around here or i'll come give you a beatin =P


I found it odd that David Cameron apologised about the whole thing, when he was a mere child when it happened. I know its his duty etc, but just very strange =P


And why o why o why could they not have come to this conclusion 30 years ago.


fish - marching is for a lot of people, all about being a douche. Most of the pacifists in this country aren't interested in stupid marches. The protestants want to go down the catholic roads marchin, and vice versa. It's all about rubbing it in peoples faces.

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Awk stuwii for the love of god stop!! I hope you're not actually from around here or i'll come give you a beatin =P


I found it odd that David Cameron apologised about the whole thing, when he was a mere child when it happened. I know its his duty etc, but just very strange =P


And why o why o why could they not have come to this conclusion 30 years ago.


fish - marching is for a lot of people, all about being a douche. Most of the pacifists in this country aren't interested in stupid marches. The protestants want to go down the catholic roads marchin, and vice versa. It's all about rubbing it in peoples faces.


I remember about 5/6 years ago when the orange order tried to do a march in Dublin city and a riot broke out. I was in O'Connell street when it started. Scary stuff, even before hand when the crowd gathered and the Gardi trying to keep people back. You could feel something was going to happen. Though in the end I'm sure the people that did start the whole riot off were likely some organsied jackasses who just used it as an oportunity to break a few windows. Oddly this was a year before Youtube started, I can't help but sometimes think if only Youtube were around then and I had a proper camera with me, I could have made a pretty good eyewitness vid. :heh:

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New Update:


Soldiers from back then who did not take part in the shooting but were at the march have criticised the report saying the Colonel who was blamed shouldn't have been and instead was a scapegoat.


Personally I'm not knowledgeable enough to know about it but from the tiny bit of information I do know that was given by the BBC page, sounds like he did go against orders and was pretty much the reason those soldiers were there in the first place so blame must be placed onto him not higher ups who didn't request what that Colonel told the soldiers to do.

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It's a shame that such a serious topic was made by stuwii (and in SUCH A STUPID WAY TOO).


Because it was actually very moving and something which I'm sure (for anyone who watched it live) people will remember for quite a while.


Anyway, it was very moving watching relatives of those shot making speeches.

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