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Kid Icarus Uprising


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That's a shame as surely this game would be perfectly suited to dual analogue controls? ::shrug:


Still buying it regardless.


Having played an early version of it, no it really wouldn't. It's way too fast paced. It's like playing Meteos with a d-pad or Sin & Punishment 2 with a CC/GCN controller.

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I don't understand that?... Couldn't they just make the sensitivity of the second analogue stick fully adjustable i.e. very high. I'm sure I could slide that around faster than aiming with the stylus... no?


I've tried aiming with the face buttons, and the speed turned up high, and really, it's still much easier to aim with the stylus.

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Scanning AR cards adds 'idols' (like the trophies in Smash Bros) to your vault, where you can read information about them. You can also take photos of the characters that pop out of AR cards, for use in e.g. Letterbox. They don't do anything deeper than that, though.

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@Hero\-of\-Time I haven't heard anything on extra AR cards when you preorder. The only thing I know about the AR cards is that you get 6 cards when you purchase Uprising as standard.


Well that sucks. I heard that the US get 24 extra cards from certain retailers.


Are the KI anime episodes on the eshop yet? I've just had a look but couldn't find them....no surprise given the shoddy layout. :)

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Well that sucks. I heard that the US get 24 extra cards from certain retailers.


Are the KI anime episodes on the eshop yet? I've just had a look but couldn't find them....no surprise given the shoddy layout. :)


It's on NINTENDO Video app

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@bryanee Use spoiler tags! ;)


Another video posted on neogaf and another spoiler:



The music....


Edit: This has to be one of the Nintendo games with the most voice acting, if those two videos are representative of the game. It might be even heavier on voice acting than Xenoblade. And contrary to my initial impressions of the voice acting from earlier trailers, I think I'm going to like it. :)

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The 5.0 from Destructoid is a joke. Yes, the controls are pretty terrible, but you do get used to them. They never stop being an issue, it's true, but only enough to dock a few points off a review score, not 5. The rest of the game is superb.

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The 5.0 from Destructoid is a joke. Yes, the controls are pretty terrible, but you do get used to them. They never stop being an issue, it's true, but only enough to dock a few points off a review score, not 5. The rest of the game is superb.


Yeah, many on Gaf seem to be kicking off with it. Apparently he gave Mario Kart 7 the same score. ::shrug:


My preorder is in now. I'm just a little worried that the box will get crushed when getting shipped out, especially as Shopto seem to just use the normal postal sleeves.

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Honestly, I expected worse from these reviewers. Given that the game uses a non standard control scheme and the typical anti Nintendo bias that you see from these sites, I expected them to completely crucify the game no matter how good it was.


I wonder if Nintendo paid some of these sites to hold back their typical bile? (Though they obviously forgot to send a check to Destructoid! :laughing:)

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Looks like more Japanese gamers are getting their hands on this - I just had my first online against real people rather than bots, and came a pretty respectable second then first place! :)




Good. Good. Here's hoping there are plenty of foes for me to fight!


BTW, what kind of online options are there? Does it have the Communities feature from Mario Kart 7?

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oooo, sounds nice! :) BTW how many people were in the matches you've played?


I think the first one had one person and four bots, and the second had four people and one bot.


BTW, what kind of online options are there? Does it have the Communities feature from Mario Kart 7?


No community options, I'm afraid. Nintendo needs to pull their finger out and make it system-wide, IMO. They'd better do it with the Wii at least. As for other options, there's very little you can change when playing against strangers - obviously you can choose your weapon and powers, but not round length, rules or even stage. However, if you opt to play against friends, you can choose number of human player slots, stage, time limit, item drop frequency, cpu difficulty, and handicap.

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No community options, I'm afraid. Nintendo needs to pull their finger out and make it system-wide, IMO. They'd better do it with the Wii at least. As for other options, there's very little you can change when playing against strangers - obviously you can choose your weapon and powers, but not round length, rules or even stage. However, if you opt to play against friends, you can choose number of human player slots, stage, time limit, item drop frequency, cpu difficulty, and handicap.


So it's just like SSBB then? No options unless you're playing with friends? Ugh!


How is it connection wise? Lag free or a lag fest like Brawl? (Or indeed somewhere in between perhaps? :indeed:)

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I watched a couple of videos of this over the weekend and the flying sections have an unexpected Star Fox vibe about them. K.I Uprising* wasn't on my radar but since watching that footage, I admit that it did look good.


The IGN review showing NES graphics is a joke. :laughing:


*Thats Kid Icarus Uprising... I'd be all over Killer Instinct Uprising!

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