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GoldenEye 007

Ren of Heavens

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...I like how you can hold A to stop the camera from moving and just use the pointer almost light gun-esque...


This is what I hate most about this game! I wish I could turn it off. Sometimes I'll set off to sprint but I'll want to turn as I do, if you press A as you turn and move forward at the same time this stops you from continuing your turn... it's awful!

Also, the rumble needs to be turned off as the pad rumbles like crazy over the slightest of things!

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Been really getting into this game the ast couple of days. Initially i was using the Gamecube controller but the wii remote and nunchuck is soo much better, it makes for a much more precise, enjoyable shooter i think. Just completed the severnya level which was awesome, probably my favourite level so far....hopefully now im using the wii remote/nunchuck my online skills will improve. I think it would have been good if theyd have included what control options you are using like Mario Kart Wii did.

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  • 1 month later...

Picked this up yesterday, completed the first two levels and I must say I didn't expect it to be so good. The menu presentation, graphics, music, cut scenes, atmosphere are all great.


Which levels should I be looking forward to playing? I really enjoyed the second level.

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There's a good deal for this at TheHut today. The game is £13.85 but if you use the voucher '10WII' you can get an extra 10% off, making it £12.45.




Thats a great deal. Nice find!


Picked this up yesterday, completed the first two levels and I must say I didn't expect it to be so good. The menu presentation, graphics, music, cut scenes, atmosphere are all great.


Which levels should I be looking forward to playing? I really enjoyed the second level.


I've not completed the one player campaign... really should get back to that.


Let us know what you think of the Streets level in this version of GoldenEye. It seems a bit marmite.


Severnaya, or however it's spelt, is awesome!



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Thats a great deal. Nice find!




I've not completed the one player campaign... really should get back to that.


Let us know what you think of the Streets level in this version of GoldenEye. It seems a bit marmite.





Except some people like Marmite! ;)


Yeah I haven't completed it yet either, I'm staying off the Wii until I'm done with Uni. I'm up to Statue Park.


Amazing levels I've played include Dam, Facility, Severnaya, Bunker and Archives. Good levels include Frigate and Station. And so far only two rubbish levels of Nightclub and Streets/Tank. Oh and Runway was a bit meh!


It's a great game!

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Runway was ok, but really it was just one long chaotic firefight.


My first play through is on the second difficulty, then yeah I'm gonna do a second playthrough on hardest. I did complete Statue Park, but couldn't find one of the photo objectives.

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  • 1 month later...

So I fired up Goldeneye again yesterday, after a couple of months break due to Uni work... and I sucked! :p


So I re-did Dam and Facility to try and get a bit of a feel back before starting back into the Campaign... with Jungle.


Jungle was pretty fun actually.

Nice scenery and graphics, quite a bit of variety in terms of level design... I thought 9 gun turrets was a little much... especially leading on to the start of the next level.

And I enjoyed the end to the level, running full pelt between cover and the QTE section, good fun!


Solar next.

The beginning to the level with more gun turrets to disarm... but at least I could effectively stealth my way through it,. Then at the end of the tunnel, I seemed to come across a bit where I had to choice but to engage in a fire fight... fare enough.

The outside section of Solar was stunning! Such fantastic design! And enjoyed the sniper section.

Then a seriously tricky indoor stealth section! Before activating the lift and a firefight.

The end to the level was decent too... pesky rocket launcher fuckers!... Got them back!!

Good level.


Then on to Cradle and... wtf!

Maybe I'm just not up to scratch yet, but how hard is protect Natalia!?

The room seems to be set out in a really awkward way, to make it as difficult as possible. I've been most successful staying at the top of the ramp on the left of her, but stay put too long and you take SO much damage, but run around too much and it can be easy to miss someone, and it's takes a bit of navigating to get back to her!

Twice I've completed the first section, and I thought I'd completed the second section, but Natalia just stayed at the console and the fire killed her, so I guess the console had maybe been destroyed.


It just seems rediculously difficult, and I'm on difficulty level 2.

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Congrats on making it to the Cradle. :grin:


I've still not completed GoldenEye either. Can't remember the last thing I did but I've often thought about sticking it on and doing a level. To be honest its the length of the levels - I've found it a blessing and a curse.


Skimming this page to refresh my memory, I think the last level I did was Statue Park. I tried to stealth it, really I did, but the game was having none of it. I died far too many times and ended up just sprinting through the level, hoping to hit check points. :(

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Then on to Cradle and... wtf!

Maybe I'm just not up to scratch yet, but how hard is protect Natalia!?

The room seems to be set out in a really awkward way, to make it as difficult as possible. I've been most successful staying at the top of the ramp on the left of her, but stay put too long and you take SO much damage, but run around too much and it can be easy to miss someone, and it's takes a bit of navigating to get back to her!

Twice I've completed the first section, and I thought I'd completed the second section, but Natalia just stayed at the console and the fire killed her, so I guess the console had maybe been destroyed.


It just seems rediculously difficult, and I'm on difficulty level 2.


That first part of Cradle is a pain in the arse. Even if you keep Natalya alive, if she takes took many hits, it interrupts her computer stuff and she still wont disable the satellite in time despite you kill all the guards.


Whilst the computers do have an energy bar, I think you've pretty much got to be shooting at them on purpose to destroy them and it would never happen under a normal play through.


After my first run through (which was the third setting) I'm working my way through it on Classic and am up to the Depot level having recently done the Archives and Street levels the last time I played.

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To be honest its the length of the levels..


It has been a while since I played it but does the checkpoint system not mean that you can simply quit any time you want and you'll resume from your last one..? Therefore, long levels shouldn't be that much of an issue ::shrug:

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It has been a while since I played it but does the checkpoint system not mean that you can simply quit any time you want and you'll resume from your last one..? Therefore, long levels shouldn't be that much of an issue ::shrug:


Never turned it off mid level to see. I always thought check points were only good as long you have the game on. Besides, I want to blast through several levels at once, not several checkpoints. :heh:

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Like me! :heh: The phrase "it's a bit marmite" tends to mean just that - some love it, some hate it.
Yes but I'm saying, Tank can't really be like Marmite, because how anyone could like it I don't know.
Congrats on making it to the Cradle. :grin:


I've still not completed GoldenEye either. Can't remember the last thing I did but I've often thought about sticking it on and doing a level. To be honest its the length of the levels - I've found it a blessing and a curse.


Skimming this page to refresh my memory, I think the last level I did was Statue Park. I tried to stealth it, really I did, but the game was having none of it. I died far too many times and ended up just sprinting through the level, hoping to hit check points. :(

Oh really, Statue Park was alright I thought. The thing I struggled with was finding the first thing to photograph... I kinda new where it should be, but just took me ages to find it!


Yeah the levels can take a long time. I find that first playthroughs... trying to be as stealth as possible i.e. watching guard patterns etc... often take as much as 1hr. But can't complain because I'd much rather have that, than a short game.


That first part of Cradle is a pain in the arse. Even if you keep Natalya alive, if she takes took many hits, it interrupts her computer stuff and she still wont disable the satellite in time despite you kill all the guards.


Whilst the computers do have an energy bar, I think you've pretty much got to be shooting at them on purpose to destroy them and it would never happen under a normal play through.


After my first run through (which was the third setting) I'm working my way through it on Classic and am up to the Depot level having recently done the Archives and Street levels the last time I played.

Ah right ok, she must have just taken too much damage then. The second wave of guards were long gone, and I was just stood there watching her as the laser got closer and closer and killed her.


I turned it off in the end after about 15/20 tries and only twice getting to stage 2 (the first time lasted about 10secs). There had better not be third stage to it!

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Yes but I'm saying, Tank can't really be like Marmite, because how anyone coule like it I don't know.Oh really, Statue Park was alright I thought. The thing I struggled with was finding the first thing to photograph... I kinda new where it should be, but just took me ages to find it!


Yeah the levels can take a long time. I find that first playthroughs... trying to be as stealth as possible i.e. watching guard patterns etc... often take as much as 1hr. But can't complain because I'd much rather have that, than a short game.


Absolutely! Even with your phone beeping to say it's in a certain area, how tricky was it to find. So annoying.


My timings are the same, first play trying to be sneaky was taking about an hour a level. Playing it on Classic is just as bad because you know you can't cover and just get all your energy back. You'll try to avoid getting hit for anything instead of thinking, "I'll take a couple of hits but I can take them all out so then I can recover and carry on".


But they you look at the time trial times and realise all can be done reasonably quickly. The only one I've actually managed to beat so far is the Dam level but then I've not really tried the others yet.

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Absolutely! Even with your phone beeping to say it's in a certain area, how tricky was it to find. So annoying.


My timings are the same, first play trying to be sneaky was taking about an hour a level. Playing it on Classic is just as bad because you know you can't cover and just get all your energy back. You'll try to avoid getting hit for anything instead of thinking, "I'll take a couple of hits but I can take them all out so then I can recover and carry on".


But they you look at the time trial times and realise all can be done reasonably quickly. The only one I've actually managed to beat so far is the Dam level but then I've not really tried the others yet.

I know! It's because you get no other indication as to where it is unless you're right on top of it, which was the case as I just resorted to explorting that whole area as thoroughly as possible in the end.


I'm quite looking forward to playing it on classic and complete stealth, but I can imagine it must get frustrating because I try and do as much stealth as I can now... but sometimes it seems you have to go into fire fights. Solar must be pretty tricky, because there's a firefight at the edn of the first tunnel of turrets (the enemies seem already alerted to you)... then there's the firefight after you call the left... where the guards have seriously heavy weaponry!... and then the entry to the cradle section!!

In Clasic, do you find you have to restart from last checkpoint if you get detected, otherwise it's almost too difficult to go on?


I couldn't believe some of the Time Trial times!

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I know! It's because you get no other indication as to where it is unless you're right on top of it, which was the case as I just resorted to explorting that whole area as thoroughly as possible in the end.


I'm quite looking forward to playing it on classic and complete stealth, but I can imagine it must get frustrating because I try and do as much stealth as I can now... but sometimes it seems you have to go into fire fights. Solar must be pretty tricky, because there's a firefight at the edn of the first tunnel of turrets (the enemies seem already alerted to you)... then there's the firefight after you call the left... where the guards have seriously heavy weaponry!... and then the entry to the cradle section!!

In Clasic, do you find you have to restart from last checkpoint if you get detected, otherwise it's almost too difficult to go on?


I couldn't believe some of the Time Trial times!


I think the thing with that level is the item is inside a case and don't you have to open the case first or something before your phone will detect it as being able to take a pic of it. There is definitely something strange about that one that makes it fair trickier than it should be.


I didn't have to rely on too much check point restarting unless I took an absolute beating right after one. And checkpoints restart you with the health you had when you hit them too. Unlike the nomral setting though, I'm not too sure it saves your check point if you turn the mahine off - either I restarted a level just before I quit it, or it doesn't.


There is body armour placed through out levels and my general rule is, as long as it's only body armour damage, keep on going. Even when things get a bit hectic, you aren't in a rush, so take your time and stick to cover. That's what drags it out so much.


I think the Tank level reverts back to the regenerating style though or whatever system it is that's in place for that level.


I'm not looking to the next couple of levels though as I know there are some wide open areas and intense, unavoidable, fire fights to get through.

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I think the thing with that level is the item is inside a case and don't you have to open the case first or something before your phone will detect it as being able to take a pic of it. There is definitely something strange about that one that makes it fair trickier than it should be.


I didn't have to rely on too much check point restarting unless I took an absolute beating right after one. And checkpoints restart you with the health you had when you hit them too. Unlike the nomral setting though, I'm not too sure it saves your check point if you turn the mahine off - either I restarted a level just before I quit it, or it doesn't.


There is body armour placed through out levels and my general rule is, as long as it's only body armour damage, keep on going. Even when things get a bit hectic, you aren't in a rush, so take your time and stick to cover. That's what drags it out so much.


I think the Tank level reverts back to the regenerating style though or whatever system it is that's in place for that level.


I'm not looking to the next couple of levels though as I know there are some wide open areas and intense, unavoidable, fire fights to get through.

The phone flashes, but yeah it's just realising you actually can open one of the crates, as you just presume you can't. Therefore you point your phone at all the weapons crates and get nothing... so just presume it must be something else instead. Until you realise one of them opens. That's how it was for me.


I didn't realise you restart from checkpoints if you turn the game off, but I like to play through a few levels at a time anyway.


Runway must have been a bit of a pain! Plenty of firefights there! Station aswell maybe?... and then yeah, the last few. How on earth are you supposed to do 'protect Natalia' I wonder!

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The phone flashes, but yeah it's just realising you actually can open one of the crates, as you just presume you can't. Therefore you point your phone at all the weapons crates and get nothing... so just presume it must be something else instead. Until you realise one of them opens. That's how it was for me.


I didn't realise you restart from checkpoints if you turn the game off, but I like to play through a few levels at a time anyway.


Runway must have been a bit of a pain! Plenty of firefights there! Station aswell maybe?... and then yeah, the last few. How on earth are you supposed to do 'protect Natalia' I wonder!


I normally don't stop until I've finished a level too but it was pretty late and I needed to go bed.


Runway was pretty tough. The middle part was the worst - where you can choose to go through the garage or under the collapsing tunnel. I went though the garage and yeah, from there until I got to the point where you take out the chopper was a bit nasty. That large open area though wasn't too bad once you work out where all the enemies were. The problem was that I was trying to do that and then the control tower bit with less than a third of my energy.


Probably would have been easier to restart the level to try and get back to the same check point but in a healthier state.


As for the Cradle level... I'll let you know once I manage it :p

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Mission Completed!! :D


Finally managed to do 'Protect Natalia' after maybe 10 or so goes today!

I wanted to cry when I saw her running to a third computer!... but I actually reached the third stage a couple of times... and in the end it was done!


Wasn't a massive fan of Cradle if I'm honest... it felt a bit cheap... you seemed seriously underpowered all of a sudden compared to the guards.

The design of the Cradle itself looked interesting, but you didn't really get to appreciate it all that much due to how the level was set out. Seriously what was with that falling bridge section... what was that lazer supposed to be/be coming from?

QTE battles were pretty decent.

But that firefight at the end of the level was a joke! After dealing 006 some damage I then ended up having to pretty much hide in a relatively safe spot I found on the lower balcony... just out of sight of the helecopter gunships... and wait for him to occaionally come to me for the last part. Again everyone seemed so overpowered!

Ending was decent enough.


Really was a fantastic game overall though! :D


And Dam and Facility have now been completed on Classic.

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Mission Completed!! :D


Finally managed to do 'Protect Natalia' after maybe 10 or so goes today!

I wanted to cry when I saw her running to a third computer!... but I actually reached the third stage a couple of times... and in the end it was done!


Wasn't a massive fan of Cradle if I'm honest... it felt a bit cheap... you seemed seriously underpowered all of a sudden compared to the guards.

The design of the Cradle itself looked interesting, but you didn't really get to appreciate it all that much due to how the level was set out. Seriously what was with that falling bridge section... what was that lazer supposed to be/be coming from?

QTE battles were pretty decent.

But that firefight at the end of the level was a joke! After dealing 006 some damage I then ended up having to pretty much hide in a relatively safe spot I found on the lower balcony... just out of sight of the helecopter gunships... and wait for him to occaionally come to me for the last part. Again everyone seemed so overpowered!

Ending was decent enough.


Really was a fantastic game overall though! :D


And Dam and Facility have now been completed on Classic.


I never understood the laser myself. It can't be the GoldenEye Satellite because although there are two of them, they aren't lasers. That thing looked like the effort out of Die Another Day and the less appearances regarding DAD that feature in anything bond related, the better. If it is explained, I must have missed it.


I also thought the last boss was a bit... well... boring. You chase him around that control center shooting at him and it takes FOREVER. And it's not like he even fights back, it's the guards/Helicopters you have to watch out for. But that part felt like it was never going to end.


I think whilst big on spectacle, the cradle was a bit of a dud of a level compared to a lot of the others.

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Yeah it's a shame because Cradle on the N64 game was a great level.

The design seemed to be there on this one... not quite as good... but you just weren't given a chance to explore it, what with that 'laser', the countdown clock, and the subsequent fights all being confined to rooms.


Was that meant to be fire in the Protect Natalia section... a result of the bombs set off... or was that supposed to be the laser aswell?

I presume the lasers you face on the bridges were harnessing the solar energy into a beam... like the one you fight 006 next to... but yeah, where it was coming from and why it wasn't explained I have no idea.


Yeah chasing 006 round that room wasn't anywhere near as good as chasing him round the Cradle on the N64.

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Yeah it's a shame because Cradle on the N64 game was a great level.

The design seemed to be there on this one... not quite as good... but you just weren't given a chance to explore it, what with that 'laser', the countdown clock, and the subsequent fights all being confined to rooms.


Was that meant to be fire in the Protect Natalia section... a result of the bombs set off... or was that supposed to be the laser aswell?

I presume the lasers you face on the bridges were harnessing the solar energy into a beam... like the one you fight 006 next to... but yeah, where it was coming from and why it wasn't explained I have no idea.


Yeah chasing 006 round that room wasn't anywhere near as good as chasing him round the Cradle on the N64.


Cradle on 64 had a real sense of tension that felt lacking in this version.


I'm positive it was the laser at the start because it slowly makes its way across the room and no explosive set could be triggered to achieve that. I just don't get how they are angling this thing if it was coming down vertically and the start and then seems to be firing horizontally later on. It seemed like they wanted to have a big laser in there somewhere and no one was going to stop them.


The next time I go Uni, I'll stop by the Eurocom office and ask them what was going on :p

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