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My screen has had a slight wobble ever since I played the fishing game and was a bit too enthusiastic when reeling in my catch :indeed:


It doesn't really bother me though, since it isn't noticeable unless you move the 3DS around, which you don't do that much while playing anyway.

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So Nintendo acknowledge the screen wobble as a fault and repaired it? That's pretty interesting.


This is a email i got when i asked about the wobble:


The hinges on your 3DS should have a certain amount of "give" in order to minimise the chances of the console incurring any damage by accident. However, we would not expect this to detract from your experience in any significant way.

We can certainly arrange for your 3DS to be returned to our Service Centre so that this can be checked for you. If we are able to confirm that your hinges are too loose, for example, we would certainly be able to repair or replace your 3DS.

Unfortunately, we are unable to guarantee that your 3DS saved data (including game saves, Miis, StreetPass and SpotPass data) can be retained, although we always endeavour to retain this on your console wherever possible.

If you would like to provide us with your full name and address details, along with a contact telephone number, we would send you a pre-paid postage label so that you do not incur any postal charges when returning it. Please could you also tell us whether you have the Aqua Blue or Cosmos Black 3DS, and also provide the serial number on the reverse of the console?


I wasn't sure if mine was too loose or not so i sent it anyways for it to be checked. It must of been a fault i guess since it got replaced.

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The late may update, equally (if not more) exciting as the shop is the MESSAGING. Nintendo, don't be gormless and miss it out, put it in like it should have launched with and we'll forget it ever happened.


Also in-game invites would be nice, especially if it's a hardware thing rather than software (of that's even possible!)

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I wasn't sure if mine was too loose or not so i sent it anyways for it to be checked. It must of been a fault i guess since it got replaced.


so did you lose all your data then?


If it was just hinges can't see why they couldn't just tighten them up and send back you own one.

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Okay you lot, if you would suggest a game, PilotWings Or Nintendogs? I'll likely be picking up one of these but no idea what one to go for.


Never played Pilotwings, I know its short but I don't mind trying to get perfects etc, or go with Nintendogs even though I had it on the DS, does it still take you in, any new differences that makes it worth playing over Pilotwings?

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Just managed to grab a Brand new 3DS from Playtrade with Nintendogs + Cats 3D for £165! Can't wait to play it, I haven't owned a handheld since the GBA first came out.


Be wary... that's very cheap for a 3DS, it could be someone who bought one and found out that it has a dead pixel and so a re-selling it in order to buy a new one, or it could just be a very good deal, I hope it's the latter for you. : peace:

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Okay you lot, if you would suggest a game, PilotWings Or Nintendogs? I'll likely be picking up one of these but no idea what one to go for.


Never played Pilotwings, I know its short but I don't mind trying to get perfects etc, or go with Nintendogs even though I had it on the DS, does it still take you in, any new differences that makes it worth playing over Pilotwings?


My choice would be Pilotwings. I still go back to it occasionally, it's one of them games you can just jump into for a few minutes.

I bought Nintendogs and it just didn't grab me as much as the DS title and has been sitting unplayed after only a few weeks worth of playtime.

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Seems they conveniently ignored the part in the consumer information leaflet that recommends the user to "take a 15 minute break every half an hour..."


Or the fact that handheld gaming or reading in a car is enough to enduce nausea in many people after 2 minutes let alone 2 hours.


LOL, 'journalism'

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In their PSN article they included this at the end:


NINTENDO has admitted its new 3D games console has flopped. It has sold 3.6 million - 400,000 below target.


Totally unrelated to the article.


(Pretty sure no one has urged us to cancel credit cards yet either)



I had a sandwich for lunch.

Edited by Ike
typo :)
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Trying to buy a 3DS is like playing the stock market; the prices keep yo-yoing.


The best deal I can currently see is Amazon: £180 for the machine, but you can get Ridge Racer or Ghost Recon with it for an extra £10. A few days ago they were at £175, though, and yesterday they had Like New machines being sold via their warehouse for just under £150...

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There was a small article in the paper in the Metro up here about the console not reacing the 4 million mark and spoke about how about dizzyness, vomiting and 'black screens of death' was the/part of the cause.

See, journalism sucks these days. They take two things and make a very specious argument

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Journalism in sensationalist shocker.


Come on guys, you know how it is. Look how the British media practically killed a member of the royal family and then are all over celebrating today. The mainstream media is completely messed up and isn't about truth or honesty. It is about selling. Unfortunately many of us have become conditioned to accept what we read and not question things and thus become suckered in by what we term 'lazy' journalism.


(Back on topic, I had a banana and a bacon sandwich (separately)).

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The 3DS i got from Nintendo has a dead pixel which i spotted yesterday, and now that i've seen it i can't keep my eyes of it :( grrr

I sent them a email to see what can be done.


This is exactly why I won't send in my 3DS which has a very slight screen wobble, because I know something like this will happen.


screen wobble > dead pixel


still... I hope they fix it for you, again... properly this time.

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THQ cancels Saints Row 3DS


The once much discussed 3DS debut for gangsta series Saints Row has been cancelled.


THQ confirmed the news to Joystiq, saying: "We are not developing Saints Row: Drive By." No reasons were given for the decision.


The news will also be a big blow for Nintendo. It was reported last June that the platform holder had pushed THQ to make the title as it was keen to try and shake the kid-orientated reputation that surrounds its portable machines.


“Nintendo really wants to launch with a very balanced portfolio. They really don’t want it to feel like a kiddie platform. They were very clear: they really wanted Saints Row on it," THQ's core games boss Danny Bilson said at the time.


“I believe it will do great, especially if Nintendo is going to go mature and really do a big mature campaign on it. It’s a killer game.”

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